3D printing

3D Print Services will add depth and new dimensions to your printing, prototyping and modelling needs.

How to print in 3D

  1. You’ll need to send 3D Print Services a .stl file (a file format native widely used for rapid prototyping, 3D printing and computer-aided manufacturing). Here at Manchester Met we use and offer Materialise Magics software, the industry standard for preparing 3D CAD files for printing. This software is available on workstations within Print Services as well as being accessible within some of the faculties.
  2. Got that STL file ready? Send it as an attachment from your University email address to [email protected]
  3. We’ll take a look at your designs and provide you not only with a cost based on volume assessment, but also file fixing, printing and finishing times.

How much does 3D printing cost?

  • While 3D printing is becoming more and more affordable and our prices are subsidised for staff and students, the costs do vary greatly.
  • Costs depend on the size and volume of the model. For example, a solid cube will cost more than a wireframe cube of the same size.
  • The volume of material used is multiplied against a fixed price point. Additional charges are applied for file fixing and finishing time.
  • It is in your interest to produce print ready models in order to keep the file fixing to a minimum reducing overall cost.
  • We’ll provide a quote after assessing the design. Payment can be made using your met card or a standard debit / credit card.

How long does it take?

A 3D printed model will usually take 24 to 48 hours from submission to completion.

You should always allow extra time if you are working to a deadline, particularly if it’s for a coursework assignment, as the service will be at its busiest.

How 3D printing works

Powder printing

Our 660 colour powder printers can provide full colour, high detail prototypes, ideal for architectural presentations and visual prototypes that require colour information and fine structures. The finished model is robust but not strong enough for real world applications.

Plastic extrusion printing

Our CubePro printers provide good rapid prototyping and can produce objects like toys and phone cases that can be used straight off the printer in material that are ready to use in real world applications.

Learn 3D printing

As you’d expect, it’s important to get to grips with printing in 3D before you use our 3D Print Services. That way you’ll save yourself a lot of time and money.

  • We offer hands-on support and a range of online resources to help you use this software and get your work production-ready. Online training resources showing you how to use Magics are accessible via Moodle areas in supporting faculties.
  • Watch some of the video courses on 3D printing from LinkedIn Learning.

All Manchester Met students and staff enjoy complimentary access to LinkedIn Learning.

How to get free access to LinkedIn Learning