Our services

  • Professor Peter Kelly at work in a lab

    Build a sustainable business

    Get help to exploit the commercial potential of hydrogen as a fuel source, and play your part in the drive to Net Zero.

    Go to build a sustainable business
  • Two people at a desk, one wearing a virtual reality headset.

    Digital innovation support

    Find out if your business is eligible for free guidance and support from our digital technology experts.

    Find out more
  • Help to Grow: Management - header image

    Help to Grow: Management

    Find out how our management training can help your business to innovate, scale and strategise. Meet other growing firms and build your network.

    Find out more
  • A person working at a desk on a laptop.


    Develop your skills with our free online training for small to medium businesses. Fit your learning around your schedule, whenever and wherever suits you.

    Go to OPENSME
  • Two young women discussing a document sat at a table

    Innospace business start-up services and space

    Discover the funding, facilities and services available to help you get your new business growing and thriving.

    Find out more
  • Two digital and technology solutions degree apprentices sat chatting about a project at Cheshire Datasystems

    Degree apprenticeships

    Find out how you can partner with us to access new talent or upskill your existing workforce through degree apprenticeships.

    Find out more


Work with world-leading academics to find a competitive edge.

Go to Innovation

Talent, recruitment and development

Find out how we can connect you with our talented students.

Go to Talent and recruitment

Business Services Newsletter

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