Information sharing with consent
With the student’s consent, Student Services (including Safeguarding staff) will share information with external third parties (for example emergency or trusted contact(s); external professionals) in line with the student’s consent and wishes.
This may include, for example:
- instances where one-off consent has been given in the moment and for a specific purpose to share information
- advance agreements where the student has given prior or ‘blanket agreement’ for information to be shared with certain parties to support their ongoing needs.
Any such agreement will be regularly reviewed with the student and relevant parties informed. A record of such agreement will always be noted on the student record system of the relevant student service(s) teams. Consent can be withdrawn by a student at any time. When this consent is acted upon and information is shared with a third party, a record of this should be completed by the relevant member of staff in Student Services on the Trusted contact information sharing log (staff access only).
Information sharing without consent
Where there are concerns for a student’s welfare, personal information may be shared with parties outside the University in the absence of a student’s consent only in exceptional circumstances (for example to prevent serious or lasting harm to self or others, or where required by law). Such information sharing would only happen following an appropriate risk assessment and case review by senior Student Services staff.
Consideration will be given to:
- the level or risk identified and the ability to of the University to mitigate that risk itself with the student.
- who is best placed to receive this information to mitigate the identified risk most effectively.
- whether contact with a party other than, or in addition to, the trusted contact is the most appropriate risk mitigation (e.g. the student’s GP or statutory mental health services).
The final decision about sharing information in the absence of consent will be taken by either the Director of Student Services or designated authority; i.e Designated Safeguarding Leads and will be clearly recorded on the appropriate student record database and by completing the risk assessment process and the Trusted contact information sharing log (staff access only).
In these circumstances, Student Services staff will, wherever possible, make every effort to engage the student in a dialogue about how and when further information may be shared moving forward.
The University may need to share the details of a student’s trusted contact with an external agency at the request of the third party, where consent cannot be obtained, because the student cannot be contacted (for example in the event of a student being admitted to hospital, or being identified as a missing person). Such information sharing would only happen when evidence-based risks have been identified and disclosed by an external agency to the University. It would be noted to the emergency services that the trusted contact listed by the student may not be their legal next of kin.
Information sharing without consent in medical emergencies
In situations such as medical emergencies, all staff may share information with relevant third parties (for example emergency services staff) where this is deemed necessary for the immediate preservation of the student’s vital interests.
For example, if a student collapses and is unresponsive, staff must inform Campus Security and attending medical staff of a known medical condition and disclose relevant personal information (for example personal details stored on the student record system).
A record of this should be completed by the relevant member of staff in Student Services on the Trusted contact information sharing log (staff access only).