Accessing 24/7 support

Our 24/7 support service, in partnership with, is here to help you deal more effectively with personal problems. 

The service is available 24/7/365 days of the year and has a free helpline as well as hours of online content available through a web portal or app. 

Types of problems 

Our fully qualified team of counsellors and experts are highly experienced in dealing with personal issues including:

  • Depression, anxiety and stress
  • Grief and bereavement 
  • Addictions
  • Relationships
  • Stress and work life balance issues

24/7 helpline

Whether you’re struggling emotionally and want to speak to a counsellor, or you want to find out a bit more about the service on offer should you ever need it, the helpline is available 24 hours a day. 

All cases that come in by phone are managed by Case Managers,  who are all qualified and experienced counsellors.  They will work with you to understand your difficulty, assess your needs and ensure you receive the most appropriate help whatever issue you’re experiencing. 

When one of our Case Managers takes an initial call from you, they become your dedicated Case Manager. They will be your main point of contact for any queries and will oversee your case from start to finish. 

Web portal and app

Visit the web portal or download the app for over 250 hours worth of online content to support your wellbeing.  You’ll have access to discount codes, live fitness classes, recipes, and other online resources to help you navigate relationships, manage stress, get better sleep, improve your overall mental health and more.

Privacy notice

For information about how your personal data is used when you contact Spectrum.Life, please refer to the Spectrum.Life 24/7 helpline privacy notice.

Feeling in crisis? This service is not suitable for emergencies. If you need urgent help or are in serious distress, then visit our Help in a Crisis page

This service is not available if you are in the USA or Canada – if you are on a placement or exchange in these countries and need support, please contact the Counselling, Mental Health and Wellbeing Service

24/ 7 Student Support

24/7 support

Download the brochure and find out how you can benefit.