Advice for applicants

Where to find the application form

To apply, you must:

  1. Sign in to the Digital Student Hub
  2. Select My Support Requests, Day to Day Support
  3. Select ‘Create Day to Day Support Request’
  4. Complete the application form

If you cannot access the form, please check that you have signed into the Digital Student Hub first. You will be unable to access the form without signing in.

If you have already started a previous application, this will be saved as a draft. You can only start one application each year, so you will not be able to create a new Day to Day Support request. Instead, find your draft and submit that.

If you are struggling to find the form or get error messages after logging in, please call the Student Financial Support Helpline on 0161 247 1045.


Day to Day Support is an evidence-based fund. We require evidence ensure our funds are targeted to those most in need.

We use the evidence to verify the income/expenditure that you include in your application, or to confirm any personal circumstances that you declare.

The form will ask you to upload evidence based on the selections that you make. Most students will need to provide:

  • your Student Finance letter confirming your maintenance loan
  • your tenancy agreement
  • bank statements from the account that you use for your daily expenditure. The bank statements should show your income and expenditure for at least one month and must include your most recent rent payment.
  • a screenshot from online banking showing every account in your name. If you have accounts with more than one bank, you’ll need to upload screenshots for each account at each bank.

Depending on your circumstances, you may also be asked to provide further information. This may include:

  • evidence of your caring responsibilities
  • Universal Credit statements
  • childcare invoices
  • proof you are an estranged student or a care leaver
  • fit notes if you have been off work due to sickness 
  • proof of additional costs relating to your health
  • evidence of debts

If you are unsure what evidence to provide, please include what you can. If anything is missing, or if your evidence is not sufficient, we will write to ask for further information. If we need to ask for additional information, this will slow down your assessment.

Reason for applying

The final section of the form is where you tell us why you need financial support.

Please complete this section in as much detail as possible. If you do not write anything in this section, we will still be able to process your application, but we will only be able to apply our standard assessment formula.

If there is anything specific we need to know about your finances, please let us know in this section so we can consider it.

We have strict rules about what we can and cannot include in our assessments, so we may not be able to consider every cost that you include in this section.

When we send our decision, your assessment report will explain which events or costs we have been able to include.