Student Voice Survey Page section

Student Voice Survey

Share your views and make a difference

To login to the survey, please enter your student email address (e.g. [email protected]) as your username and your student ID number as your password (e.g. 12345678).

This survey is open to all non-final year undergraduate students and taught postgraduate students until midnight on Sunday 25 February 2024.

As a thank you for taking part, you’ll be entered into a prize draw to win one of ten £50 Love2Shop vouchers. 

Please get in touch with [email protected] if you have any questions.

  • How can I access the survey?

    Non-final year undergraduate students and taught postgraduate students will be able to complete the survey in one of two ways:

    1. Use the unique link that will be sent to your student email address on Monday 5 February
    2. The link above will take you to the survey. Your username will be set as your student email address (e.g. [email protected]) and your password will be set as your student ID (e.g. 12345678).
  • What questions will I be asked?

    The questions in the Student Voice Survey relate to your course and university experience. Please see the full question list below.

    Those questions with an asterisk are free-text response questions, and the unmarked questions use a scale ranging from ‘definitely agree’ to ‘definitely disagree’.

    • The quality of teaching on my course is good. 
    • The feedback I receive helps me improve my work. 
    • I have access to good academic support and advice. 
    • I am satisfied with the advice and guidance that I am receiving from my personal tutor. 
    • I have sufficient access to the learning resources I need for my studies, such as books and journals, IT equipment and relevant software.  
    • The learning facilities provided for students are of a high standard. For example, lecture theatres, seminar rooms, laboratories and studio spaces. 
    • My course provides me with the opportunities to gain knowledge and skills relating to sustainable development. 
    • My course is well organised. 
    • Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of my course. 
    • I feel part of a community of students and staff. 
    • I feel like I belong at the University.
    • The University values students’ views and opinions. 
    • The University offers good support for my health and wellbeing. 
    • The University supports my personal and professional development to help me succeed in the future.
    • What are the best things about your student experience?*
    • How could your student experience be improved?*
  • When providing comments, is there anything I need to be mindful of?

    While the University will not identify you with any comments provided, you are strongly advised to avoid including comments that could identify you or any other individual (for example personal circumstances or details).

    When entering free text comments, please refrain from saying anything that may be considered offensive or breaches the University’s policy on acceptable use of IT.

    This survey should not be used to bring a grievance against a member of staff or another student. We have a specific complaints procedure and students are advised to use this to report any complaints.

  • How will my data be used?

    The University is the data controller of the personal data you submit in order to complete the survey, and we rely on your consent to use this data. You have a range of rights in relation to your personal data, including the right to access your data. You can read more about how to exercise these rights in our data protection policy.

    If you would like to speak to someone about the use of your personal data, please contact our data protection officer by email: [email protected]. We will retain your personal data for five years. You also have a right to raise complaints to the Information Commissioner’s Office

    Your collective responses from the survey will be made available to key university staff members (including your programme team), students/student representatives, external examiners, and external bodies that help us to enhance the quality of the student academic experience.

    Free text comments will also be made available. The comments will be categorised by course, ensuring individual students will not be identified.

  • How else can I provide feedback?

    Please visit our Student Voice page for more ways to provide feedback throughout the academic year.