A Personal Learning Plan (PLP) is a document that outlines the support or ‘reasonable adjustments’ that the University will put in place for you to support your study due to your disability-related needs. It also includes a list of your responsibilities.
Your PLP is sent to teaching staff and other relevant staff in your department. It advises them of any reasonable adjustments they may need to make. You should be given the opportunity to discuss your PLP with a tutor.
How to get a PLP
Once you have registered with the Disability Service and you have provided the required information and medical evidence confirming your disability, we will contact you to arrange an appointment with a Disability Adviser to create a PLP.
Your PLP appointment
In your PLP appointment, a Disability Adviser will meet with you to discuss how your disability affects your studies. We will use your medical evidence to help us decide what adjustments you might need to the way in which you are taught and assessed. We will also consider whether you have any difficulties accessing the buildings in the University. All the adjustments will be outlined in your PLP at the appointment, where you will be able to see what has been included and agree any changes.
You will also be given advice about support available at the University and about applying external support such as Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs) if you are eligible.