How to appeal

If you believe your performance in an assessment has been adversely affected by personal circumstances, you should submit an evidenced extension claim.

If you are unhappy with an evidenced extension decision and you have new supporting evidence, for example further medical evidence, you should submit another evidenced extension claim.

If you are not happy with the decision on your evidenced extension claim and do not have any further evidence, you can submit an academic appeal against this decision on either or both of these grounds:

  • That the decision of the evidenced extension claim was not reasonable
  • That the correct procedures were not followed in the consideration of your claim

You must submit an appeal within 14 days of receiving an evidenced extension decision.

For help with submitting an appeal, see our Step-by-Step Guide to Submitting an Appeal

Possible appeal remedies

Before deciding to submit an appeal, you should be aware that panels are not able to change marks and it is very rare for work to be re-marked following a panel decision.

If your appeal is upheld, you will usually still have to take a reassessment. The most common outcomes of successful appeals are:

  • Your reassessment status will change. For example, you might be given an uncapped assessment as if for the first time instead of a capped reassessment.

If you have exhausted all of your assessment opportunities, you might be granted one final further reassessment opportunity.

What if I need further information or help in submitting my appeal?

Your Advice Centre, at the Students’ Union can provide impartial advice on submitting an academic appeal.
Tel: 0161 247 6533

If you would like further information or have any questions about any stage of the Academic Appeals Procedure you can email the Student Case Management Team at