Generative AI and Assessments key information and video

We’re sure you’ll have questions about emerging generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as ChatGPT.  

We’re exploring the many opportunities AI will bring and how we can use it to enhance your teaching and learning. We look forward to sharing our plans over the coming months.  

Right now, it is important you understand that most of our current assessments are not designed to allow you to use generative AI tools. Using them could put the integrity of your work and the value of your degree at risk.  

Follow these simple FAQs below to help you avoid committing academic misconduct and watch this video from our PVC for Education.

  • What is generative AI?

    Generative AI describes tools that can create online content. ChatGPT is an example that creates text, others produce images, computer code and even music. This is a rapidly evolving technology and new options emerge almost daily. 

  • When can I use it?

    Generative AI will no doubt offer exciting opportunities, but it will also bring risks. As it will take time to explore all its uses and their implications, our position will evolve over time. We will keep you posted. 

    Generative AI tools can be useful for developing your subject knowledge and engaging with information presented as fact. However, use comes with risks (see ‘What are the dangers of using AI in my work?’) and we want to make sure that you understand them.  

    For students on certain courses, understanding and engaging with AI is essential. For others, tutors may encourage a critical engagement with generative AI in certain settings. In either case, you should only use it as directed. Never be afraid to ask your tutor if you aren’t clear. 

    If you choose to use generative AI to help with an assessment, for example, to create initial ideas, help with a high-level essay plan or to inspire further research, you should be open to acknowledging this and explaining how you used it.  

    It’s critical you don’t try to pass off material produced with the help of generative AI as your own work. This will be classed as academic misconduct. 

  • What are the pitfalls of using generative AI?

    Generative AI can identify information and present it in a very convincing way, but remember, it doesn’t know if its sources are correct or not. This means output might be biased, misleading or wrong. Information could also be out-of-date (ChatGPT data cuts off at 2021) and accuracy will vary from subject to subject, depending on how much has been written already. 

    As generative AI does not critically evaluate the content it produces or its information sources, it’s important to be wary of any secondary sources cited. They may be fictitious, unreliable or completely unrelated to the subject area. You should use the same caution with a generative AI that you would with non-academic sources, such as Wikipedia, and always verify information and sources independently.  

    If unsure if it’s appropriate to use generative AI for your academic work, discuss it with your tutor before submitting it. Unless you are advised it is acceptable, don’t use it.  

    If you’re permitted to use generative AI, you must fully acknowledge and reference it (see ‘How do I reference that I’ve used AI?’ below). You must receive consent before entering work created by others into the AI tool as a prompt. 

    It’s never acceptable to present something produced by a generative AI tool as your own work (see ‘What’s the penalty for unacknowledged use of AI?’).  

  • How do I reference that I have used AI?

    If an assessment permits generative AI use, or if your tutor has said it’s okay, you must reference it clearly each time you’ve used it. The Cite Them Right website provides guidance.

  • What’s the penalty for unacknowledged use of AI?

    This will be investigated on a case-by-case basis under the Academic Misconduct Policy, and the penalty will depend on the severity of the case.

    If you are suspected of using generative AI, you will be invited to attend an academic misconduct investigation meeting.

  • Is it possible my tutors could mistake my work for that of an AI?

    AI detection is evolving almost as rapidly as the technology itself. Some indicators wouldn’t appear in an assessment written by a human. Wherever the use of generative AI is suspected, we will investigate this fully in line with our Academic Misconduct Policy

  • I’m struggling with my work, what can I do?

    If you’re struggling with your work, we can support you.  

    Specialist tutors provide help with academic writing, numeracy, specific learning difficulties, study skills and assistive technologies. You can access it through one-to-one appointments, live webinars or by using our online resources. Our study skills webpage shares more information. 

    If you need more time to complete a piece of work due to events outside your control, you may apply for an extension. This can usually be done quickly and easily via Moodle. Our assessments webpage provides guidance. 

    For details of further support, check out the FAQs on the Digital Student Hub or contact the Student Hub team by emailing [email protected] or calling 0161 247 1000. 
    For specialist and independent advice, you can also contact the Students’ Union Advice Centre at [email protected] or by calling 0161 247 6533. 
    For questions about marks, feedback or wider academic topics, contact the relevant tutor (contact information is on the unit Moodle page).