About the scheme

Applications for the 2024/25 round of National Teaching Fellowships are now open.

If you are interested in applying in 2024/25, please email Dr Chris Little.

The National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) awards were introduced by AdvanceHE in 2000.

NTF is a highly competitive scheme and a prestigious award recognised nationally and internationally. Up to 55 higher education practitioners receive this award annually for their excellent contributions to learning and teaching in higher education from across the UK. Today, there are over 900 national teaching fellows.

Beyond the recognition, the fellowship offers unique opportunities to collaborate with like-minded individuals in a growing community of passionate learning and teaching practitioners from a wide range of disciplines and professional areas. New NTFs join the Association for National Teaching Fellows.

This page offers guidance in the following sections: 

  • AdvanceHE Webinar Briefings - NTF 2023: View the recordings from AdvanceHE support provision here. These will be refreshed and repeated annually between November- January.
  • NTF Criteria: all nominee claims will be assessed on the evidence provided to each of the three NTF award criteria.
  • LEED Teaching Excellence Development Award: The 3 NTF applications put forward to AdvanceHE as Institutional Nominees will be awarded £500 each to continue their professional development (to fund a conference place for example).
  • Internal Selection Procedure: the three-stage internal process you need to follow to apply for NTF. 
  • National Teaching Fellows at Manchester Met.

NTF Criteria

  • NTF Criteria

    All nominee claims will be assessed on the evidence provided to each of the three NTFS award criteria:

    NTFS Criterion 1: Individual Excellence

    Evidence of enhancing and transforming student outcomes and/or the teaching profession; demonstrating impact commensurate with the individual’s context and the opportunities afforded by it.

    NTFS Criterion 2: Raising the Profile Of Excellence

    Evidence of supporting colleagues and influencing support for student learning and/or the teaching profession; demonstrating impact and engagement beyond the nominee’s immediate academic or professional role.

    NTFS Criterion 3: Developing Excellence

    Show the nominee’s commitment to and impact of ongoing professional development concerning teaching and learning and/or learning support. Reviewers will be looking for evidence of reach, value and impact to be demonstrated within the narrative presented in Section B. Please note that each of the three award criteria above is given equal consideration in the assessment process and weighted equally in the overall score.

  • Reach, Value and Impact

    Reviewers will be looking for evidence that demonstrates the reach, value and impact of the nominee’s practice. Nominees should be mindful of this requirement and aim to provide evidence that demonstrates a balance of these three qualities across the claim.


    The scale of influence.

    Though ‘geographic’ reach may be important for some nominees, it is useful to consider other ways that a nominee can demonstrate reach. Some nominees may demonstrate reach at a department/ faculty/ institution/ national/ global level, for example, but others might provide evidence of how their practice has reached different groups of students, individuals and/or organisations (e.g. postgraduates, commuter students, BAME students, online learners, etc.).s


    The benefit derived for students and staff (which may take different forms).

    Value may include qualitative evidence such as a change in approach to learning among students or staff. For example, evidence may be provided about how the work being described has added value to the student learning experience or teaching practice. Value may also relate to the quality of enhanced experiences and the meaningfulness of practices. Some nominees may also be working in settings where there are positive explicit ethical elements to their practice.


    The difference that has been made to policy, practice and/or student outcomes as the result of an activity.

    The focus here is on explicit evidence of positive change taking place. Impact evidence can be both quantitative and qualitative, but it is important to show how the activities described have changed teaching practice and/or learning outcomes.

Internal selection procedure

Applications for the 2024/25 round of NAtional Teaching Fellowship are now open.

If you are interested in applying in 2024/25, please email Dr Chris Little.

Colleagues putting together a draft claim, should have this document finished and uploaded to our portal by 12 midday on Thursday 26th September 2024. Applications received after this time and date will not be considered.

Colleagues should construct their draft claim using the form below, adhering strictly to the formatting and word count requirements stated within the accompanying guidance document. Documents that exceed the stated word counts by more than 10% per criterion will not be put forward to the internal selection panel.

Internal NTFS Claim Form.

2023 NTFS AdvanceHE Guidance for applicants

The Teaching Excellence Award Leads (TEALs) Dr Chris Little and Dr Gladson Chikwa can offer to review 1 draft and/or meet to discuss your ideas ahead of the internal deadline.

Once received, draft claims will be anonymised and sent to our internal selection panel for anonymous review and scoring using the AdvanceHE National Teaching Fellowship Schemes (NTFS) scoring guidance and systems.

Claims will then be reviewed, and all claimants will be informed of the outcome and receive feedback on their drafts week commencing 28th October 2024. 

AdvanceHE only allow a maximum of 3 institutional nominees per institution for NTF. The chosen institutional nominees will then be supported by colleagues in UTA to prepare their claim for submission in March 2025.

Those colleagues not selected to be institutional nominees will receive developmental feedback and a tailored support offer to help them work towards other recognitions of their teaching excellence.

Please direct any queries to Dr Chris Little c.little@mmu.ac.uk, Teaching Excellence Award Lead.

National Teaching Fellows at Manchester Met

Below are tabs that detail award winners and award dates, click through them to see examples of past winners at Manchester Metropolitan University. You can find a more extensive directory of National Teaching Fellows on the Advance HE website. 

All of the Manchester Met Fellows below are happy to mentor aspiring NTFs and offer support with applications. 

Dr Stephen Lynch | 2022


Dr Stephen Lynch

Date of award


Current role

Reader in Education, Pedagogy and Citizenship

Focus of NTF application

  • Programming in the Maths curriculum.
  • Widening Participation (WP).
  • Research feeding into teaching.


Email: s.lynch@mmu.ac.uk

Twitter: @DrStephenLynch

Dr Theresa Nicholson | 2020
Dr Theresa Nicholson


Dr Theresa Nicholson

Date of award


Current role

Reader (Education and Pedagogy), Department Education Lead

Focus of NTF application

  • Design and delivery of inclusive curricula.
  • Student engagement and belonging.
  • Innovation and technology-enhanced learning.


Email: d.nicholson@mmu.ac.uk 

Twitter: @ThezzaNicholson

Dr Chrissi Nerantzi | 2015
Dr Chrissi Nerantzi


Dr Chrissi Nerantzi

Date of Award


Current role

Reader in Academic CPD

Focus of NTF application

  • Creativity.
  • Open education.


Email: c.nerantzi@mmu.ac.uk 

Twitter:  @chrissinerantzi

Prof. Kevin Singh | 2015
Professor Kevin Singh


Professor Kevin Singh

Date of award


Current role

Head of Manchester School of Architecture


Email: k.singh@mmu.ac.uk

Prof. Kirsten Jack | 2014


Professor Kirsten Jack

Date of award


Current role

Reader (Learning & Teaching)

Focus of NTF application

A focus of my application was the use of innovative pedagogy to support health professionals to explore and manage their emotions. In the claim, I reflected on how I had used the arts, for example, poetry, to support emotional self-awareness development. 


Email: k.jack@mmu.ac.uk

Twitter: @Heijinxs

Prof. Mark Langan | 2013


Professor Mark Langan

Date of award


Current role

Professor of Higher Education

Focus of NTF application

  • HE metrics/student surveys.
  • Learner autonomy.
  • Peer and self-assessment.
  • Fieldwork.
  • Educational journal editorship.


Email: m.langan@mmu.ac.uk 

Twitter: @AMarkLangan

Darren Raven | 2013
Darren Raven


Darren Raven

Date of award


Current role

Senior Lecturer & Education Lead for the Department of Design.

Focus of NTF application

  • Creative curriculum development.
  • Design education as a liminal space.


Email: d.raven@mmu.ac.uk

Prof. Claire Hamshire | 2012
Professor Claire Hamshire


Professor Claire Hamshire

Date of award


Current role

Faculty Head of International


Email: c.hamshire@mmu.ac.uk

Twitter: @clairehamshire

Prof. (Emerita) Jo Verran | 2011
Professor (Emerita) Jo Verran


Prof. (Emerita) Jo Verran 

Date of award


Current role

Emeritus Professor

Focus of NTF application

The prime focus of my NTF application was the exploration of the use of the arts and humanities for teaching microbiology, and to enhance students’ science communication skills – as well as my own.


Twitter: @JoVerran

Prof. Tim Cable | 2007


Professor Tim Cable 

Date of award


Current role

Director of the Institute of Sport


Email: t.cable@mmu.ac.uk

Previous institutional nominees


  • Professor Mark Peace.
  • Dr Kai Syng Tan.
  • Dr Iwi Ugiagbe-Green.


  • Professor Mark Peace.
  • Dr Iwi Ugiagbe-Green.
  • Dr Carmen Hererro.