The University’s requirements in relation to programme design, approval and review can be found on these intranet pages:
Programme Approval, Review and Amendment - Curriculum Services
The University’s policy for programme approval, review and amendments sets out the process for the proposal and review of new provision.
Curriculum Frameworks
Manchester Met’s Curriculum and Assessment Framework provides a set of definitive principles and structures that govern the design and approval of all taught programmes.
Learner Development Service have links to:
Supporting Students with Specific Learning Differences
Any student who identifies as having a specific learning difference can access support delivered by the SpLD tutors.
Inclusive Learning Communities Project
The Inclusive Learning Communities (ILC) project aims to address this disparity through our collaborative work with both staff and students to increase our BAME students’ sense of belonging to the University and to change the way they are included in our teaching practices.
Peer Assisted Learning Scheme (PAL)
PAL is group learning where students reflect on course content and share knowledge and skills with each other through activities run by a PAL leader. This creates both an academic support network with new students and a learning community for your students.
Inclusion and Disability Service
The Inclusion and Disability Service provides information, advice and guidance to staff, students and applicants who require additional support.