
This guidance outlines how to develop a module action plan (MAP). It is intended to be generic, offering support for faculties, programme and module leaders. It is not intended to be prescriptive, and faculties may adopt alternative approaches or use variations.


Module Action Planning offers module leaders a structured, evidence-based process to review, report on and plan annual enhancements to modules, including CPD resources and supporting activities.

Your  MAP should be strategically aligned to the University’s Education Strategy to help deliver:

  • a transformational, active learning community
  • an outstanding student experience
  • support that empowers staff

Module Action Plan guidance

  • Review and report on the module

    Within this step, module leaders are asked to consider, reflect, and comment on their module in relation to:

    • Module data: review data from PowerBi, which provides current module performance against previous years. This step considers statistical evidence including good honours; year-on-year average marks; pass rates; module attrition, and awarding gaps.
    • Student feedback: review end-of-module survey data and feedback from staff-student liaison committees. Speak to your programme leader and/or department education lead if you need help accessing this feedback.

    Staff are asked to add their reflections and comments in specified sections of the report, noting positive aspects of the module, any specific problems/issues, and aspects requiring further development.

  • Devise an action plan

    Based on module data, student feedback and their own insights, module leaders are asked to devise an action plan for developing the next iteration of the module. These action plans may be discussed at module and wider programme team meetings.

  • Identify Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

    The module leader may wish to reflect on the resources and activities needed to implement the plan outlined.

    This might include:

    • specific skills they wish to develop via a course/webinar
    • a specific technology they wish to explore
    • or resources to support thematic areas, such as inclusive teaching, digital accessibility, active learning, and authentic assessment

    These resources may serve as starting points to inform this step: