About leading in HE contexts

This unit considers theories, approaches and techniques of leadership appropriate for Higher Education. Participants will apply these theories to inform a critical reflection on how they lead in their own HE context and how they motivate and encourage followship.

  • Unit learning outcomes

    On successful completion of this unit students will be able to:

    1. Critically evaluate their leadership approaches reflecting on how they relate to relevant theories and ongoing plans for development.
    2. Construct an evidential record of leadership in action relevant to their HE context.
  • Content

    • Strategic leadership drawing on the external and internal drives that impact on the participant’s’practice.
    • Distributed leadership in the context of leading in interprofessional/ interdisciplinary HE contexts.
    • Transactional approaches linked to organisational structures and management.
    • Transformation leadership to encourage innovation, creativity and wellbeing.
    • Ethical leadership to include consideration of teleological and deontological approaches in a HE context.
    • Exploration of followship in the contexts of the participant’s practice.
    • Observing leadership in action, peer review activity.
    • The practice of leadership including coaching, difficult conversations, communities of practice and mentorship.
    • Reflective practice, self-awareness, and self-management of the participant’s leadership development and capacity.
    • Leading and managing specific HE activities relevant to the participant.
  • Unit assessment

    1. Oral Assessment: 10-15 minute oral assessment relating to the leadership portfolio (50%).
    2. Portfolio: Evidential record of leadership relevant to the participant’s HE context (2500-3000 words or equivalent)(50%).
  • Unit overview

    Number of credits30
    Mode of studyonline
    Number of sessions5
    Type of sessionworkshops
    Assessment type and size10-15 minute oral assessment (50%),
    2500-3000 word or equivalent portfolio (50%)
    When will it runSpring
    Unit leader/contactLinda Matthews

Delivery Dates and Registration

In addition to the webinar session, you will be asked to complete tasks between the sessions which involve meeting your peers on the course, for example working together to develop a presentation.

  • Spring 2023

    Leading in HE Contexts

    • Taught sessions on Thursday 1pm - 3pm.

    Closed: Unit full

    2 Feb 2023Session 1online
    16 FebSession 2online
    9 MarSession 3online
    30 MarSession 4online
    27 AprSession 5online
    5 June 2023SubmissionMoodle
    16 June 2023Presentations