ELTAT introduction

This unit will enable participants to explore the opportunities offered by the wide range of technologies available, primarily as part of the MMU standard platform, to support learning, teaching and assessment. This will include technologies that can be used in the classroom and/or online environment. The participants will experience and assess the use of a range of technologies available to them at MMU and reflect on these in the context of their own practice. Over the course of the unit, they will construct a portfolio of evidence and reflections on their experiences with learning, teaching and assessment technologies.

The unit will encourage participants to adopt constructive alignment as a design framework for developing holistic learning teaching and assessment strategies supported by appropriate technology. Participants will explore the issues that exist or emerge in planning, developing and delivering courses using technology, and will consider factors affecting the success and effectiveness of such courses from both the lecturer and student perspective.

Ultimately, participants will develop skills in design, implementation and evaluation of technology enhanced learning, teaching and assessment in the context of their own practice.

  • Unit Learning Outcomes

    On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

    1. Evaluate the use of technology to enhance their current learning, teaching and assessment practice
    2. Design constructively aligned learning, teaching and assessment strategies that embed technology effectively in their practice.
    3. Develop an action plan to effectively embed technology within their practice.
  • Content

    Planning and development tools
    • ADDIE development model
    Models of online delivery
    • Web-enhanced, Web-focused, Web-delivered course designs.
    Constructive alignment of learning, teaching and assessment
    • Reviewing/writing learning outcomes.
    • Review and design tools.
      • Learning, teaching and assessment matrix.
      • Activity design and learning objectives approach.
    Interactive and collaborative classroom technologies
    • Linking face-to-face (f2f) to online provision.
    Range of learning technologies, primarily available on the MMU standard platform, available to support learning teaching and assessment
    • MMU Core+ Model technologies including: Institutional Virtual Learning Environment; Assessment and feedback tools; Content development tools, Audio/Video recording and management tools,  Classroom/Learner Response Systems; ePortfolio tools; Web 2.0 technologies.
    Inclusivity, Accessibility and Usability
    • Obligations under The Equality Act (2010) and the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) Accessibility Regulations (2018).
    • Man Met Moodle Area Checklist.
    Engaging and supporting students and staff with technology enhanced learning, teaching and assessment
    • Using student feedback (Man Met Internal Student Survey (ISS) to evaluate and inform technology provision and practice).
    • Staff experience and feedback on technology provision.
  • Unit Assessment


    Participants will produce a critical reflective portfolio which will be underpinned by a range of formative activities. 


    The following are examples of items of evidence that may be included in the portfolio.  Participants will be provided with regular, rapid feedback on these activities throughout the unit.

    • A critical review of their current learning, teaching and assessment practice.
    • A detailed pedagogic design proposal for modifications they would like to make to their learning, teaching or assessment practice.
    • A critical reflection on their experiences of utilising technology within the unit.
    • An action plan, including timescales, describing how the pedagogic design proposal could be implemented within their practice.
    • An evaluation strategy to assess the effectiveness of the proposed technology based intervention.
    • Critical reflections on the process of developing resources.


    A critically reflective portfolio that demonstrates students capabilities in design, implementation and evaluation of technology enhanced learning, teaching and assessment in the context of their own practice. (2500 words or equivalent (100% – Full and final element of assessment))

  • Unit Overview

    Number of credits
    • 15
    You will gain
    • Look at your role and identify where technology can enhance and add value.
    • Produce a tangible set of plans to enhance your current practice and develop new practices that incorporate technology into delivery.
    • A very practical unit - a lot of formative work done in class to support the assignment.
    • Teaches you about the use of technology available within the institutional core + technology platform in the context of your own teaching practice.
    Mode of study
    • Online
    Number of sessions
    • Welcome webinar plus 6 x 1.5 hours sessions
    Type of session
    • Workshop/discussion
    Assessment type and size
    • 2500 word reflective portfolio
    Prior knowledge/experience required
    • Only a basic understanding of MS Word/Moodle so you can be taught the tools within these systems. Suitable for anyone who is involved in a unit (not necessarily in its delivery) - you will be required to review a unit as part of the assessment
    When will it run:
    • Spring term
    Unit leader/contact

Delivery Dates and Registration

  • Spring - 2024: CLOSED

    ELTAT: Spring 2024 - CLOSED

    • Taught sessions on Tuesday 10.00am - 12.30pm.

    30 Jan 24Session 1 (Welcome Webinar) online
    6 Feb 24Session 2online
    13 Feb 24Session 3online
    20 Feb 24Session 4online
    27 Feb 24Session 5online
    05 March 24Session 6online

    12 Mar 24

    Session 7online
    7 May 24Final Submission DeadlineMoodle