About us

Our reputation as a leading University for sustainability depends upon strong organisational commitment to improving our sustainability, and reducing our negative environmental impacts.

It’s essential that a wide range of staff support, enable and are motivated to progress sustainability on campus, in our teaching, research, and through our partnerships.

On this page we have included staff and groups who are integral to decision-making, leadership and delivery of sustainable development related work (including strategy, environmental management, operations and services, teaching and research)- we recognise there are many more staff across Manchester Met whose work is related to these issues.

  • Sustainability Strategy Group

    The Sustainability Strategy Group (SSG) advises the University Executive Group on the strategic direction of the Leadership in Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy (2022-2026) and its implementation.

    The group is led by the University’s Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor Steve Rothberg, and it’s membership includes senior leaders from academic and professional services directorates, the Students’ Union, a recognised Trade Union representative, and three co-opted staff and student members. Find out more about the Sustainability Strategy Group purpose and Terms of Reference.  

    Group members 2024/25

    • Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Chair), Professor Steve Rothberg
    • Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor Sustainability, Professor Liz Price
    • Head of Environment and Sustainability, Lachlan Fulton 
    • Assistant Director FM and Sustainability, Damion Shaw
    • Faculty Director of Education (nominated by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor  Education), Peter Wolstencroft
    • Faculty Director of Research and 
    • Innovation (nominated by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research), Professor Paul Dewick
    • Faculty Head of International (nominated  by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor International), Dr Rachelle Viader-Knowles
    • Chief Financial Officer, Andrew Hewitt
    • Chief People Officer nominee, Heather Adkins-Whitehead
    • Director of External Relations nominee, Ian Christon 
    • Students’ Union President, Leila Enoki 
    • Co-opted  professional services staff member, Laura Stoker 
    • Co-opted academic staff member, Sophie Bessant  
    • Co-opted student member, Eva Nikolova
    • Trade Union member, Dr Lucy Burke
  • Board of Governors: People, Finance and Resource Committee

    The People, Finance and Resources Committee is one of four Board of Governors Committee groups. Its purpose is to consider, advise on or determine, as appropriate, the strategies and policies for the effective and efficient use of the University’s financial, physical and human resources.

    One of the primary functions of the group is to consider, advise the Board of Governors or determine, as appropriate, the University’s strategies relating to a range of issues, including the environmental sustainability strategy. The Board of Governors membership consists of 13 independent members, 1 academic board nominee, 2 student nominees, 7 co-opted members, and the Vice-Chancellor.

  • Responsible Futures Group

    The Responsible Futures (RF) Group lead on a range of activities to embed environmental sustainability and social responsibility into formal and informal learning and research across the University, and are responsible for maintaining and improving our Responsible Futures Accreditation.

    The Responsible Futures working group is led by Professor Liz Price, the Institutional Academic Lead for the Environment and its membership consists of staff from the University and the Students’ Union working in partnership, and two current Manchester Met student representatives. 

    Group members 2023/24

    • Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor Sustainability and Chair, Professor Liz Price
    • RF Lead and Research Associate ESD, Valeria Vargas
    • Student RF Project Assistant, Portia Flynn
    • Faculty of Arts and Humanities representatives, Clare McTurk and Keith Crome
    • Faculty of Business and Law representative, Roz Marron
    • Faculty of Health and Education representative, Maz Erskine-Shaw
    • Faculty of Science and Engineering representatives,  Kosta Tzoulas and Rachel Dunk
    • Sustainability Team representative, Sophie Leigh 
    • Community Engagement Manager, Josie Sykes 
    • Technical Services representative, Lindsay Smith
    • University Teaching Academy representative, Nicola Grayson
    • Rise representative, Matt Carney 
    • Campus Trade Union representative, Lucy Burke
    • Students’ Union President, Ethan Romer and Lesley Edwards
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy Group

    This group coordinates and has oversight of the University’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy (MHWS) and action plan, and works to ensure that mental health and wellbeing is embedded in other University strategies and activities that may impact positively or negatively on mental health and wellbeing.

    The group also advises the People Strategy Board on the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy, in consideration of the overall strategic direction of the University and links to UUK Healthy Universities Guide and Suicide-Safer Universities, Student Minds, Mental Health at Work Commitment and other relevant guidance and best practice.

    The group is led by the University’s Director of Human Resources and its membership is made of senior leaders from a wide range of academic and professional services departments, the Students’ Union, and two co-opted staff members. 

  • Staff Equality Forums

    Our staff forums are sub-committees of the Diversity and Equal Opportunities Committee (DEOC) and provide a vehicle through which staff engage with and consult on equality and diversity-related matters. Forum members have an opportunity to put forward their views, at a time and in a way that influences the process of making decisions and help develop effective solutions.

    The University has five forums covering disability, gender, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, allies+ (LGBTA+), race and working parents and carers.

  • Student Representation

    It’s imperative that we create opportunities to engage our students in strategic decision-making across the University, and particularly in relation to sustainable development issues. Our students are represented at a wide range executive, governing body level,  and committee group meetings, including the Environment Strategy Group, Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy Group, Diversity and Equal Opportunities Committee, Responsible Futures Group, Academic Board, Education Committee and Board of Governors.

    The Environment Strategy Group is an example of this, advising the University Executive Group on the strategic direction for the new 2030 University sustainability strategy and its membership is made of senior leaders from a wide range of academic and professional services departments, the Students’ Union, and has three co-opted staff and student member positions.

    Find out more about student representation on University committees.

  • Trade Union Representation

    The Environment Strategy Group (ESG) advises the University Executive Group on the strategic direction for the new Leadership in Sustainability Strategy (2022-2026), and its implementation encompassing education and Education for Sustainable Development, research, internationalisation, professional services and campus and working practices, aligned to the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

    The group is led by the University’s Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor Steve Rothberg, and it’s membership is made of senior leaders from a wide range of academic and professional services departments, the Students’ Union, a recognised Trade Union representative, and has three co-opted staff and student member positions

    To find out more about the ESG, terms of reference and its members by visiting the University Committees webpages or access the University’s Boards and Committees Terms of Reference.

  • Student Internships

    The Sustainability Team has made strides to provide paid student opportunities with our engagement programme. Working with students, we have created 20 student ambassador roles to help facilitate and develop our engagement activities that include our workshops, campaigns and Climate Action Week.

    We’ve also created 4 paid internship opportunities for students to develop sustainable communications across our internal and external channels. We’re improving our efforts to create interactive videos, polls and training in the latest formats.

Leadership for sustainability

Dedicated Sustainability staff

Staff with key responsibilities for sustainability