Discover the coaching that's available

Learning a language never stops, and it’s often difficult to know how to use language appropriately in an academic setting. That’s why our current students can take part in our free coaching for academic English programme. It includes: 

  • language classes 
  • 1-2-1 writing consultations 
  • online independent study materials 

Language classes 

We offer many free, five-week classes throughout the year that can develop your academic literacy.  

Each class will have a different focus. Here’s a sample of what’s available: 

  • Writing: focus on structuring different types of academic writing assignments and the language you can use. 
  • Analysis: develop one of the most important skills in academic practice — critical thinking. 
  • Speaking: build your confidence in speaking and listening by interacting and giving presentations. 
  • Vocabulary: improve your academic vocabulary in terms of range and accuracy. 
  • Grammar: focus on some of the grammatical features used in academic practice. 
  • Dissertation: grow your confidence in your writing abilities. 

Each session is two hours long and at our All Saints campus. You’ll be taught by our team of highly qualified and experienced tutors in a maximum class size of thirty students. 

Find out which classes are available each term on Moodle. You’re welcome to attend any class that fits your timetable. 

1-2-1 writing consultations 

We offer 30-minute online writing consultations to suit your timetable, location, and learning preferences. Our consultations are designed to help improve your writing and can be booked through Moodle.

Once you’ve booked your consultation, you can submit up to 1,000 words of your writing, which will be reviewed by one of our highly qualified tutors. The tutor will provide personalised advice on how you can develop: 

  • your academic style 
  • language 
  • structure an organisation 
  • criticality and argumentation  

Online independent study materials 

Study what you want, when you want, wherever you are on Moodle

Our online study materials have been designed specifically for students with English as a second or additional language.  

The programme will enhance your language skills and help you to get the most out of your time here. Your academic English skills are central to your enjoyment of your course, as well as success in your assignments and exams, socialising and your future employability.