Being a leader of sustainability in higher education demands effective leadership, robust governance and a range of policies and strategies which are both challenging and achievable.

We have set ambitious targets for meaningful change, charting a path towards global leadership in sustainable development in both our Leadership in Sustainability (2022 - 2026) strategy and our Sustainability Policy.

Leadership in Sustainability Strategy 

A set of enabling strategies underpin the delivery of our core goals of excellent education and research with impact helping us to realise our 2030 ambition, including investment in our people, campus and technology, commitment to sustainability, inclusion, and our local communities.

Our Leadership in Sustainability and Climate Change  (2022-2026) sets out how we will remain a leading, sustainable University and play our part in tackling the environmental and societal challenges facing our world. We involved students, employees and the local community in helping to develop our Leadership in Sustainability strategy, read about how we did this. 

  • Resourcing the Leadership in Sustainability Strategy

    Resourcing the leadership in sustainability strategy  

    The University commits to support its sustainability ambitions with appropriate levels of financial investment, and other resources, such as investment in our people, our facilities, and our services and systems.

    A budget to resource staff and their professional development, and to undertake a range of projects and activities that are integral to the delivery of this policy and the Leadership for Sustainability Strategy will be reviewed, allocated, and published annually on the University webpages, and the financial support identified for some activities will be progressed on a case-by-case basis. 

    The budget allocation for the year 2023/24  is outlined below:

    Mainstream staffing: £294,000

    • Dedicated sustainability roles in the Sustainability Team 

    Non-pay related activities and projects: £3,581,000

    This funds the delivery of projects and activities listed below:

    • Biodiversity management and enhancement
    • Carbon and energy management
    • Carbon Literacy training
    • Policy and strategy implementation
    • Staff and student engagement, development and informal learning for sustainability
    • Sustainable buildings, food, travel
    • Recycling and reuse
    • Water management 

Engage and contribute

It is vital that staff, students and a range of partners can play a part in realising our vision to be a leading sustainable University. We involve our staff and student community and Trade Union representatives  in the development, implementation and review of a range of sustainability strategies and policies, and in key decision-making.

Our Sustainability Strategy Group membership consists of leaders throughout the university, co-opted staff and student members and Trade Union representatives who advise the University Executive Group on the strategic direction for the Leadership and Sustainability Strategy 2022-26, including the Carbon Management Plan and other relevant strategic areas of sustainable development.

If you have any questions or comments, or you would like to get involved in developing our policies or plans, please get in touch with our Sustainability Team.