What is the Lived Experience Network?

What is the Lived Experience Network?

The Lived Experience Network (LEN) connects members of the public and Manchester Met staff and students who have lived experiences of health and social care with the School of Nursing and Public Health.  

We want to build on our track record of empowering individuals to share their lived experiences and support the development of our future nursing workforce. 

There is huge value in exposing our students to real-life experiences from the people who matter the most. It has been proven to reduce stigma, develop clinical skills and enhance understanding in nursing students. 

What are we currently looking for?

We are seeking to hear from people who:

  • have experience of health or social care, including depression, HIV, cancer or abuse
  • have experience caring for someone, be it a friend or family member
  • feel ready to talk about their experiences

What will Lived Experience Network members do?


You could help design a session or even come in person to speak to our students. Past LEN members have shared experiences ranging from substance abuse, perinatal mental health and eating disorders.


We collaborate with members to develop teaching and assessment resources. This could include recording a video or writing about your experiences. 

Quarterly meetings

Members will be invited to share their experience supporting the nursing department, contribute ideas and recommend themes for each meeting. These meetings offer a peer-support value and lead to the development of how members can contribute to LEN. 


We currently have input from a LEN member in reviewing and supporting the development of our admission strategy, helping us to find the best applicants for our nursing courses. 

Stakeholder events

We host events to connect with members of the public with a lived experience. These events help us review any major changes we make to our courses. 


Meet some of our Lived Experience Network members

A key inspiration for my own journey of recovery was listening to others recounting their lived experience of going through similar struggles. Now that I am further on in my journey, being able to use my negative experiences in a positive way to try to help and inspire others helps me continue to grow and develop.
Nigel Wood
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Eating Disorders have the highest mortality rate of all Mental Health conditions’ and yet knowledge, awareness and treatment of Eating Disorders amongst health professionals can be staggeringly low. As a carer – My mission is to work with the LEN project to present guest lectures to MMU students to help increase knowledge and raise awareness.
Nicky Smith
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Membership information

  • Your membership

    The opportunity to engage with us at Manchester Met, share your own experiences, build your own skills and enrich nursing education. Have your voice heard in supporting nurse education for the future.

  • Getting started

    Successful applicants will be invited to an informal meeting to tell us a bit about themselves, ask any questions and help us identify any ongoing support. Following this there will be an induction, where we welcome you onto the scheme. We offer continued support with meetings before and after undertaking any work with us. 

  • Claiming expenses

    We can offer vouchers to reimburse you for your time and will cover your travel expenses. For some activities, refreshments and lunch will also be provided. Any payment you receive may affect any benefits you are in receipt of, but we’ll offer guidance on where to seek advice. 

Become a member

Become a member

We’re always looking for new members to join our Lived Experience Network. 

If you would like to join us or have any questions please contact at [email protected]