
Meet our Donors – Supporting the next generation with Mark Jarvis

Date published:
27 Jun 2024
Reading time:
3 minutes
In this interview, Manchester Met Visiting Professor, Business School Strategic Advisor and alumnus Mark Jarvis shares how “focusing on the important things” guides the difference he seeks to make through his philanthropic support. Mark is a Trustee, non-executive director and Board Advisor with more than 40 years of experience in the broad banking and professional services market.
Manchester Met Donor and Alumnus Mark Jarvis has grey hair and is standing in a navy suit and white shirt smiling to the camera.
Manchester Met Donor and Alumnus Mark Jarvis

Manchester Met gave me the chance to succeed

When reflecting on the key moments in his education and career, Mark jokingly shared: “If it wasn’t for my high school careers advisor telling me, ‘If you’ve no idea what you want to do, you should do Business Studies,’ I might not be where I am today.

“When I look back, I can see how Manchester Met or Manchester Polytechnic as it was at the time, changed my life and career. I had a lot of fun studying at Manchester Met. My lecturers and the fantastic careers department gave me all the opportunities I needed to set off in my career. That’s why I decided that I wanted to give something back however I could.”

Connections and cultural capital

“In 2016 Vice-Chancellor Malcolm Press was reconnecting with Manchester Met alumni and he came to my office in London and we talked about the University. Our conversations eventually led to me giving lectures and in 2020 Pro-Vice-Chancellor Christine Horrocks suggested making it official and I became a Visiting Professor.

“I really enjoy lecturing. I would say after each seminar, “Connect with me on LinkedIn. Having a network is important, you don’t know where it might lead you in the future”. After one lecture one lady did connect with me and I helped her with her professional development. She was the first in her family to go to university and to enter the corporate sector. It was working with her that reminded me how important cultural capital is for an individual, especially when starting a career.”

Focusing on the important things

“When I started supporting charities and causes philanthropically, I was at a point in my career and life when I thought I had better do something to give back and to focus on the things that are important to me. For example, I work with the Royal Institute of British Architects because my dad was an architect and I have been involved with Breast Cancer UK in memory of my mum.

“Some years back, I was invited to an event. Vice-Chancellor Malcolm Press was speaking about the First Generation Scholarship Programme and I was sitting at a really nice table alongside impressive people, such as the High Sheriff of Greater Manchester. It made me reflect on how lucky I had been, though my parents weren’t particularly well off, I was lucky to get a grant to go to a Grammar School and my university fees were paid by the Government and I was a British Aerospace sponsored student in my final year. I never thought about how difficult it could be if you’re the first person in your family to go to university.”

Why the First Generation Scholarship Programme

“To me, supporting the First Generation Programme is about making a difference to the lives and career prospects of students who really need it. I think everything the programme does to support its students is hugely impactful.

“I think Manchester Met is an exciting university to be involved with and if you give to the First Generation Programme, you know exactly how you’re making a difference and what it means to the young people who are a part of the programme.”

On behalf of our Scholarship recipients, we would like to thank Mark for sharing his story with us and why he chooses to support students at Manchester Met. If you would like to find out more about how you can make a difference at Manchester Met, please visit:  or if you are a Donor of Manchester Met and would like to share your story, please get in touch: