Professor David Raper

My profile


My international reputation arises from my work Professor of Environmental Science, Director of the Centre for Aviation, Transport and the Environment (CATE), Director of the Dalton Research Institute and Chief Scientific Advisor to Omega. I have secured in excess of £12m in funding for aviation related research from various funding sources. In 2006 I was awarded £5,000,00 from HEFCE to establish a consortium of Universities to address the impact of the air transport industry on the environment (Omega). As a result of my network of contacts and position within my academic field I was able to forge a partnership with UK Apex Universities including Oxford, Cambridge, Leeds and Sheffield and from the US MIT and Georgia Institute of Technology. Industry representatives including Rolls Royce, Airbus, British Airways and BAA. This four-year project had significant international and national profile and its outcomes have, and continue to inform, national and international policy. I was a lead author on an assessment report of United Nations and World Metrological Organisation ‘Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change- IPCC’ which considered the aviation impacts on the global environment. This report is recognised by the industry and legislators worldwide to be a seminal research output that will have a defining role on the shape of the industry during the 21st Century. The IPCC was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 and as a lead author I contributed to the award. In recognition of my work with the aviation industry and knowledge of urban air quality, I was elected a member of the US National Academy of Sciences Transportation Research Board Committee on Transportation and Air Quality (A1F03). I worked in close collaboration with the US FAA funded Centre of Excellence PARTNER co-ordinated by MIT. In 2005 I was appointed by the Department of Transport to chair a group of international and national academics and industry experts to develop a methodology to assess the air quality impacts of Heathrow Airport to support the policy decision on the construction of a third runway.  

External examiner roles

University of Leeds

Cranfiield University

City University


Subject areas

Aviation and Environmental Science


Supervised 15 PhDs to completion

Research outputs

  • Books (authored/edited/special issues)

    Kim, B.Y., Kazuni, N., Wayson, R., Christie, S., Paling, C., Bennett, M., Raper, D., Raps, V., Levy, J., Roof, C. (2015) Understanding Airport Air Quality and Public Health Studies Related to Airports.

    Lobo, P., Whitefield, P.D., Hagen, D.E., Rye, L.J., Blakey, S., Wilson, C.W., Williams, P.I., Christie, S.M., Raper, D., Uryga-Bugajska, I., Pourkashanian, M. (2011) SAE E31 Methodology Development and Associated PM Emissions Characteristics of Aircraft APUs burning Conventional and Alternative Aviation Fuels.. The Partnership for AIR Transortation Noise and Emissions Reduction.

  • Chapters in books

    Thomas, C.S., Upham, P., Maughan, J., Raper, D.W. (2012) 'Towards Sustainable Aviation.' In Upham, P., Maughan, J., Raper, D., Thomas, C. (ed.) Towards Sustainable Aviation. Routledge,

    Bennett, M., Raper, D. (2010) 'Impact of Airports on Local Air Quality.' Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering. Wiley,

  • Reports

    Petzold, , Ibrahim, , Mocnik, , Hitzenberger, , Christie, , Vishnyakov, , Dobrosz, , Raper, , Lottin, , Delhaye, , Sevenco, , Crayford, , Johnson, (2011) Closure study on optical microphysical and chemical properties of combustion aerosols from a gas turbine combustor and from a diffusion flame.

    Crayford, A., Johnson, M., Marsh, R., Sevcenco, Y., Walters, D., Williams, P., Christie, S., Petzold, A., Chung, S., Ibrahim, A., Delhaye, D., Quincey, P., Bowen, P., Coe, H., Raper, D., Wilson, C. (2011) Studying, sampling and measuring of aircraft particulate Emission III. Final Report.

    Marsh, R., Crayford, A., Petzold, A., Johnson, M., Williams, P., Ibrahim, A., Kay, P., Morris, S., Delhaye, D., Lottin, D., Vancassel, X., Raper, D., Christie, S.M., Bennett, M., Miller, M., Svencenco, Y., Rojo, C., Bowen, P. (2010) Studying, sampling and measurement of aircraft particulate emissions II (SAMPLE II).

  • Journal articles

    Christie, S.M., Lobo, P., Lee, D., Raper, D. (2017) 'Gas Turbine Engine Nonvolatile Particulate Matter Mass Emissions: Correlation with Smoke Number for Conventional and Alternative Fuel Blends.' Environmental Science and Technology, 51(2) pp. 988-996.

    Lobo, P., Condevaux, J., Yu, Z., Kuhlmann, J., Hagen, D.E., Miake-Lye, R.C., Whitefield, P.D., Raper, D.W. (2016) 'Demonstration of a Regulatory Method for Aircraft Engine Nonvolatile PM Emissions Measurements with Conventional and Isoparaffinic Kerosene fuels.' Energy and Fuels, 30(9) pp. 7770-7777.

    Lobo, P., Christie, S., Khandelwal, B., Blakey, S.G., Raper, D.W. (2015) 'Evaluation of Non-volatile Particulate Matter Emission Characteristics of an Aircraft Auxiliary Power Unit with Varying Alternative Jet Fuel Blend Ratios.' Energy and Fuels, 29(11) pp. 7705-7711.

    Lobo, P., Hagen, D.E., Whitefield, P.D., Raper, D. (2015) 'PM emissions measurements of in-service commercial aircraft engines during the Delta-Atlanta Hartsfield Study.' Atmospheric Environment, 104pp. 237-245.

    Lobo, P., Rye, L., Williams, P.I., Christie, S., Uryga-Bugajska, I., Wilson, C.W., Hagen, D.E., Whitefield, P.D., Blakey, S., Coe, H., Raper, D., Pourkashanian, M. (2012) 'Impact of alternative fuels on emissions characteristics of a gas turbine engine - Part 1: Gaseous and particulate matter emissions.' Environmental Science and Technology, 46(19) pp. 10805-10811.

    Williams, P.I., Allan, J.D., Lobo, P., Coe, H., Christie, S., Wilson, C., Hagen, D., Whitefield, P., Raper, D., Rye, L. (2012) 'Impact of alternative fuels on emissions characteristics of a gas turbine engine - Part 2: Volatile and semivolatile particulate matter emissions.' Environmental Science and Technology, 46(19) pp. 10812-10819.

    Christie, S., Raper, D., Lee, D.S., Williams, P.I., Rye, L., Blakey, S., Wilson, C.W., Lobo, P., Hagen, D., Whitefield, P.D. (2012) 'Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emissions from the combustion of alternative fuels in a gas turbine engine.' Environmental Science and Technology, 46(11) pp. 6393-6400.

    Rye, L., Lobo, P., Williams, P.I., Uryga-Bugajska, I., Christie, S., Wilson, C., Hagen, D., Whitefield, P., Blakey, S., Coe, H., Raper, D., Pourkashanian, M. (2012) 'Inadequacy of optical smoke measurements for characterization of non-light absorbing particulate matter emissions from gas turbine engines.' Combustion Science and Technology, 184(12) pp. 2068-2083.

    Lee, D., Raper, D. (2012) 'The global atmospheric impacts of aviation.' pp. 77-96.

    Petzold, A., Marsh, R., Johnson, M., Miller, M., Sevcenco, Y., Delhaye, D., Ibrahim, A., Williams, P., Bauer, H., Crayford, A., Bachalo, W.D., Raper, D. (2011) 'Evaluation of methods for measuring particulate matter emissions from gas turbines.' Environmental Science and Technology, 45(8) pp. 3562-3568.

    Bennett, M., Christie, S., Graham, A., Raper, D. (2010) 'Lidar observations of aircraft exhaust plumes.' Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 27(10) pp. 1638-1651.

    Matthes, S., Erhardt, G., Gierens, K., Petzold, A., Brok, P., Hagström, M., Helmis, C., Isaksen, I.S., Laroche, P., Vancassel, X., Lee, D., Raper, D., Panidis, T., Mathioudakis, K., Tsalavoutas, T., Kurtenbach, R., Wiesen, P., Wilson, C., Habisreuther, P., Schäfer, K., Zarzalis, N. (2010) 'ECATS - Mission of Association for an environmentally compatible air transport system.' DLR Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. - Forschungsberichte, (10) pp. 140-145.

    Graham, A., Raper, D.W. (2006) 'Transport to ground of emissions in aircraft wakes. Part I: Processes.' Atmospheric Environment, 40(29) pp. 5574-5585.

    Graham, A., Raper, D.W. (2006) 'Transport to ground of emissions in aircraft wakes. Part II: Effect on NOx concentrations in airport approaches.' Atmospheric Environment, 40(30) pp. 5824-5836.

    Peace, H., Maughan, J., Owen, B., Raper, D.W. (2006) 'Identifying the contribution of different airport related sources to local urban air quality.' Environmental modelling & software, 21(4) pp. 532-538.

    Peace, H., Owen, B., Raper, D.W. (2004) 'Identifying the contribution of different urban highway air pollution sources.' Science of the Total Environment, 334-335pp. 347-357.

    Peace, H., Owen, B., Raper, D.W. (2004) 'Comparison of road traffic emission factors and testing by comparison of modelled and measured ambient air quality data.' Science of the Total Environment, 334-335pp. 385-395.

    Upham, P., Raper, D., Thomas, C., McLellan, M., Lever, M., Lieuwen, A. (2004) 'Environmental capacity and European air transport: Stakeholder opinion and implications for modelling.' Journal of Air Transport Management, 10(3) pp. 199-205.

    Fuente, L.D.L., Ingram, D.M., Mingham, C.G. (2003) 'Towards simulating urban canyon circulations with a 2D lattice Boltzmann model.' Environmental modelling and software, 18(1) pp. 71-79.

    Upham, P., Thomas, C., Gillingwater, D., Raper, D. (2003) 'Environmental capacity and airport operations: Current issues and future prospects.' Journal of Air Transport Management, 9(3) pp. 145-151.

    Rogers, H.L., Lee, D.S., Raper, D.W., De Foster, P.M., Wilson, C.W., Newton, P.J. (2002) 'The impacts of aviation on the atmosphere.' Aeronautical Journal, 106(1064) pp. 521-546.

    Driejana, , Raper, D.W., Lee, D.S., Kingdon, R.D., Gee, I.L. (2001) 'Wet deposition to an upland area of England in 1988 and 1999: Measurements and modelling.' Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 130(1-4 III) pp. 1625-1630.

    Driejana, , Lee, D.S., Kingdon, R.D., Raper, D.W., Gee, I.L. (2001) 'Modelling acidic deposition in the United Kingdom at a scale of 5 KM by 5 KM.' Water, Air and Soil Pollution: an international journal of environmental pollution, 130(1-4) pp. 319-324.

    Thomas, C., Raper, D., Upham, P., Gillingwater, D., Yang, Y., Hinde, C. (2001) 'A strategic decision support tool for indicating airport sustainability.' Environmental Modelling and Software, 16(3) pp. 297-298.

    Thomas, C., Raper, D. (2000) 'Role of aero engineering in the sustainable development of the aviation industry.' Aeronautical Journal, 104(1037) pp. 331-333.

    Gee, I.L., Raper, D.W. (1999) 'Commuter exposure to respirable particles inside buses and by bicycle.' SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 235(1-3) pp. 403-405.

    Owen, B., Edmunds, H.A., Carruthers, D.J., Raper, D.W. (1999) 'Use of a new generation urban scale dispersion model to estimate the concentration of oxides of nitrogen and sulphur dioxide in a large urban area.' Science of the Total Environment, 235(1-3) pp. 277-291.

    Lindley, S.J., Conlan, D.E., Raper, D.W., Watson, A.F.R. (1999) 'Estimation of spatially resolved road transport emissions for air quality management applications in the North West region of England.' SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 235(1-3) pp. 119-132.

    Rayfield, D., Longhurst, J.W.S., Watson, A.F.R., Hewison, T., Raper, D.W., Conlan, D.E., Owen, B. (1998) 'A methodology for estimation of vehicle emissions in an urban environment: An example from Greater Manchester.' Environmentalist, 18(3) pp. 175-182.

    Buchdahl, J.M., Raper, D. (1998) 'Environmental ethics and sustainable development.' Sustainable Development, 6(2) pp. 92-98.

    Longhurst, J., Gibbs, D.C., Raper, D.W., Conlan, D.E. (1996) 'Towards sustainable airport development.' Environmentalist, 16(3) pp. 197-202.

    Longhurst, J.W.S., Raper, D.W., Conlan, D.E. (1996) 'Local and regional air quality impacts of airport operations.' Environmentalist, 16(2) pp. 83-90.

    Raper, D.W., Lee, D.S. (1996) 'Wet deposition at the sub-20 km scale in a rural upland area of England.' Atmospheric Environment, 30(8) pp. 1193-1207.

    Longhurst, J.W.S., Raper, D.W., Lee, D.S., Heath, B.A., Conlan, B., King, H.J. (1993) 'Acid deposition: a select review 1852-1990. 1. Emissions, transport, deposition, effects on freshwater systems and forests.' Fuel, 72(9) pp. 1261-1280.

    Longhurst, J.W.S., Raper, D.W., Lee, D.S., Heath, B.A., Conlan, B., King, H.J. (1993) 'Acid deposition: a select review 1852-1990. 2. Effects on materials and health; abatement strategies and programmes.' Fuel, 72(10) pp. 1363-1380.

  • Conference papers

    Raje, F., Raper, D. (2020) 'Health impacts of UFP.' In Ultrafine Particles Workshop. 15/9/2020 -

    Archilla, V., Hormigo, D., Sanchez-Valdepones, J., Sanchez-Gracia, M., Mareno, P., Crayford, A., Pujadas, M., Rodriguez-Maroto, J., Barra, I., Jojes, E., Raper, D., Johnson, M. (2020) 'Aviator Project: Aircraft engine exhaust stack PM characterisation at INTA test facility.' In ECATS. Gothenberg, 21/4/2020 - 21/5/2020.

    Archilla, V., Hormigo, D., Sánchez-García, M., Raper, D. (2019) 'Aviator - assessing aviation emissions impact on local air quality at airports towards regulation.' In 9th EASN International Conference on “Innovation in Aviation & Space" (MATEC Web Conference 304). MATEC Web Conference. Athens, Greece, 3/9/2019 - 6/9/2019.

    Christie, S.M., Lobo, P., Raper, D.W. (2016) 'The impact of HEFA fuel blend ratio on gaseous emissions, smoke number and nvPM emissions.' In EASN Conference. Porto, Portugal, 18/10/2016 - 21/10/2016.

    Christie, S.M., Lobo, P., Raper, D. (2016) 'The impact of HEFA fuel blend ratio on gaseous emissions and smoke number in a small gas turbine.' In ITAKA Final Workshop. Madid, Spain, 12/9/2016 - 13/9/2016.

    Lobo,, P., Christie, S.M., Kandelwal,, B., Blakey,, S., Hagen,, D., Whitefield,, P., Raper, D. (2015) 'Impact of alternative fuel blend ratios on the Non-volatile PM Emissions of an Aircraft Auxiliary Power Unit.' In European Aerosol Conference (EAC).. Milan, Italy., 6/9/2015 - 11/9/2015.

    Christie, S.M., Blakey,, S., Le Clercq,, P., Matthes,, S., Schlager,, H., Lee, D.S., Raper, D., Wiesen,, P., Zarzalis,, N., Panidis,, T., Brok,, P. (2015) 'Research strategies for developing alternative fuels in aviation.' In 4th Conference on Transport, Atmosphere and climate (TAC).. Bad Kohlgrub, Germany., 22/6/2015 - 25/6/2015.

    Christie, S.M., Raper, D., Lee, D.S. (2012) 'The atmospheric impacts of alternative fuels in aviation.' In 2nd EASN workshop on flight physics and propulsion. Prague, 31/10/2012 - 2/11/2012.

    Christie, S.M., Raper, D. (2011) 'Atmospheric impact of alternative fuels in aviation.' In ECATS Symposium. Valencia, Spain., 22/11/2011 - 24/11/2011.

    Petzold, A., Ibrahim, A., Dobovicnik, T., Mocnik, G., Hitzenberger, R., Vishnyakov, V., Dobrosz, P., Christie, S.M., Raper, D., Lottin, D., Delhaye, D., Marsh, R., Sevcenco, Y., Crayford, A., Johnson, M. (2011) 'Closure study on optical microphysical and chemical properties of combustion aerosols from a gas turbine combustor and from a diffusion flame.' In ICCPA. Vienna, 26/6/2011 - 29/6/2011.

    de la Fuente, L.F., Causon, D.M., Ingram, D.M., Mingham, C.G., Raper, D.W. (2002) 'Simulations of roof pitch and symmetry effects on urban canyon circulations using a 2D lattice boltzmann model.' In 2nd Conference on Air Pollution Modelling and Simulation (APMS 2001). CHAMPS SUR MARNE, FRANCE, 9/4/2001 - 12/4/2001. Sportisse, B. (ed.) SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, pp. 361-371.

    Driejana, , Raper, D.W., Lee, D.S., Kingdon, R.D., Gee, I.L. (2001) 'Wet deposition to an upland area of England in 1988 and 1999: Measurements and modelling.' In 6th International Conference on Acidic Deposition. 130. TSUKUBA, JAPAN, 10/12/2000 - 16/12/2000. SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG, pp. 1625-1630.

    Driejana, , Lee, D.S., Kingdon, R.D., Raper, D.W., Gee, I.L. (2001) 'Modelling acidic deposition in the United Kingdom at a scale of 5 km by 5 km.' In 6th International Conference on Acidic Deposition. 130. TSUKUBA, JAPAN, 10/12/2000 - 16/12/2000. SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG, pp. 319-324.

    Upham, P., Yang, Y., Gillingwater, D., Hinde, C., Raper, D., Thomas, C. (2001) 'A strategic decision support tool for indicating environmental and operational factors in Airport Development Scenarios.' In The Association For European Transport.

    Driejana, D., Raper, D.W., Gee, I.L., Watson, A.F.R. (2000) 'Spatial and temporal variations of the chemical composition in acid deposition in the Peak District, Northern England.' 8. pp. 655-665.

    Lindley, S.J., Conlan, D.E., Raper, D.W., Watson, A.F.R. (2000) 'Uncertainties in the compilation of spatially resolved emission inventories - evidence from a comparative study.' In 6th International Conference on Atmospheric Science and Applications to Air Quality. 34. BEIJING, PEOPLES R CHINA, 3/11/1998 - 5/11/1998. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, pp. 375-388.

    Conlan, D.E., Raper, D.W., Owen, B. (1997) 'Air Quality Management - a challenge for large international airports?.'

    Conlan, D.E., Crumbley, A., Raper, D.W., Owen, B. (1997) 'Role of local authorities in developing air quality management in the UK.'

    Owen, B., Raper, D.W., Longhurst, J.W.S., Conlan, D.E. (1996) 'Air quality management at European airports.' pp. 609-616.

    Raper, D.W., Lee, D.S., Longhurst, J.W.S. (1996) 'Spatial variability of wet deposition in a rural upland area of England.' pp. 385-394.

    Rayfield, D., Longhurst, J.W.S., Conlan, D.E., Watson, A.F.R., Raper, D.W. (1996) 'Spatially resolved estimates of future emissions from road transport.' pp. 601-608.

    Conlan, D.E., Raper, D.W., Longhurst, J.W.S. (1996) 'Concentrations of nitrogen dioxide in the suburban region in and around an international airport.' pp. 617-626.

    Conlan, D.E., Longhurst, J.W.S., Lindley, S., Raper, D.W. (1994) 'Spatial variability in precipitation chemistry in the urban area of Greater Manchester, United Kingdom.' 2. pp. 213-220.

    Raper, D.W., Longhurst, J.W.S., Conlan, D.E. (1994) 'Impact of airport operations on urban air quality.' 2. pp. 91-97.

    Conlan, D.E., Lindley, S.J., Raper, D.W., Longhurst, J.W.S. (1994) 'Temporal and spatial patterns of nitrogen dioxide concentration in the conurbation of Greater Manchester.' 2. pp. 221-228.