Dr Ismail Adeniran
Dr Ismail Adeniran
Senior Lecturer
My profile
I have an undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering and an MSc in Computation from UMIST (University of Manchester). My PhD is in Biological Physics from the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Manchester and involved the application of Physics to the understanding of the fundamental mechanisms underlying irregular heart rhythms particularly in the Short QT Syndrome.
Interests and expertise
My research is focused on the application of the combination of Physics, computational Science and Scientific (Physics-informed) Machine Learning to:
- understanding the fundamental mechanisms underlying neurological, musculo-skeletal and cardiovascular diseases and disorders
- discovering and developing therapeutic approaches and rehabilitation for these diseases and disorders.
Research outputs
Research expertise
The application of scientific machine learning (computational science and machine learning) to solve complex, real-world problems at all levels of scale.
- Computational Physiology: The use of novel and innovative physiologically based scientific machine learning to:
- understand the functional consequences of sarcomeric protein mutations in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy and Dilated Cardiomyopathy, linking genotype to phenotype and possible novel therapeutic interventions.
- understand the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying co-existent Atrial Fibrillation and Heart Failure and possible novel therapeutic interventions.
- understand the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction and possible novel therapeutic interventions.
- understand the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying neuromusculo-skeletal diseases and possible novel therapeutic interventions.
- understand the common pathways between neuromusculo-skeletal diseases and cardiomyopathies.
- Scientific software development
- Optimal Control, Deep Reinforcement Learning, PDE-Constrained Optimisation, Operations Research, Mathematical Optimisation/Mathematical Programming
- Quantum Computing
- Grassmann Algebra and its derivatives including Clifford/Geometric Algebra.
- Cryptoassets: Specifically, the development of novel classical and quantum algorithms for fundamental analysis of the Cryptoasset class. The primary objective is to adress the central problems of volatility, instability and uncertainty, which presently plague cryptoassets by providing a valuation and regulatory framework that imbues cryptoassets with intrinsic value.
Books (authored/edited/special issues)
Adeniran, I. (2014) Modelling the Short QT Syndrome Gene Mutations. Springer International Publishing.
Chapters in books
Adeniran, I. (2023) 'The Short QT Syndrome.' Heart Rate and Rhythm Molecular Basis, Pharmacological Modulation and Clinical Implications. Springer,
Hancox, J.C., McPate, M.J., El Harchi, A., Duncan, R.S., Dempsey, C.E., Witchel, H.J., Adeniran, I., Zhang, H. (2011) 'The Short QT Syndrome.' Heart Rate and Rhythm. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 431-449.
Journal articles
Adeniran, I., Wadee, H., Degens, H. (2024) 'An in silico cardiomyocyte reveals the impact of changes in CaMKII signalling on cardiomyocyte contraction kinetics in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.' BioMed Research International, 2024
Adeniran, I., Whittaker, D.G., El Harchi, A., Hancox, J.C., Zhang, H. (2017) 'In silico investigation of a KCNQ1 mutation associated with short QT syndrome.' Scientific Reports, 7(1)
Ni, H., Adeniran, I., Zhang, H. (2017) 'In-silico investigations of the functional impact of KCNA5 mutations on atrial mechanical dynamics.' Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 111pp. 86-95.
MacIver, D.H., Adeniran, I., MacIver, I.R., Revell, A., Zhang, H. (2016) 'Physiological mechanisms of pulmonary hypertension..' Am Heart J, 180pp. 1-11.
Adeniran, I., MacIver, D.H., Garratt, C.J., Ye, J., Hancox, J.C., Zhang, H. (2015) 'Effects of Persistent Atrial Fibrillation-Induced Electrical Remodeling on Atrial Electro-Mechanics - Insights from a 3D Model of the Human Atria.' PLOS ONE, 10(11)
Hancox, J.C., Adeniran, I., Whittaker, D.G., Zhang, H. (2015) 'To the Editor-Altered in vivo systolic function in the short QT syndrome anticipated in silico.' Heart Rhythm, 12(9)
MacIver, D.H., Adeniran, I., Zhang, H. (2015) 'Left ventricular ejection fraction is determined by both global myocardial strain and wall thickness.' IJC HEART & VASCULATURE, 7pp. 113-118.
Adeniran, I., MacIver, D.H., Hancox, J.C., Zhang, H. (2015) 'Abnormal calcium homeostasis in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction is related to both reduced contractile function and incomplete relaxation: an electromechanically detailed biophysical modeling study.' FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY, 6
Brocklehurst, P., Adeniran, I., Yang, D., Sheng, Y., Zhang, H., Ye, J. (2015) 'A 2D Electromechanical Model of Human Atrial Tissue Using the Discrete Element Method.' BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, 2015
Adeniran, I., Hancox, J.C.H., Zhang, H. (2013) 'In silico investigation of the electromechanical consequences of the short QT syndrome.' Journal of Electrocardiology, 46(4) pp. e16-e16.
Adeniran, I., Hancox, J.C., Zhang, H. (2013) 'In silico investigation of the short QT syndrome, using human ventricle models incorporating electromechanical coupling.' FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY, 4
Adeniran, I., Hancox, J.C., Zhang, H. (2013) 'Effect of cardiac ventricular mechanical contraction on the characteristics of the ECG: A simulation study.' Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 06(12) pp. 47-60.
Gaunt, T.R., Shah, S., Nelson, C.P., Drenos, F., Braund, P.S., Adeniran, I., Folkersen, L., Lawlor, D.A., Casas, J.P., Amuzu, A., Kivimaki, M., Whittaker, J., Eriksson, P., Zhang, H., Hancox, J.C., Tomaszewski, M., Burton, P.R., Tobin, M.D., Humphries, S.E., Talmud, P.J., Macfarlane, P.W., Hingorani, A.D., Samani, N.J., Kumari, M., Day, I.N.M. (2012) 'Integration of Genetics into a Systems Model of Electrocardiographic Traits Using HumanCVD BeadChip.' CIRCULATION-CARDIOVASCULAR GENETICS, 5(6) pp. 630-638.
Kharche, S., Adeniran, I., Stott, J., Law, P., Boyett, M.R., Hancox, J.C., Zhang, H. (2012) 'Pro-arrhythmogenic effects of the S140G KCNQ1 mutation in human atrial fibrillation - insights from modelling.' JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON, 590(18) pp. 4501-4514.
Adeniran, I., El Harchi, A., Hancox, J.C., Zhang, H. (2012) 'Proarrhythmia in KCNJ2-linked short QT syndrome: insights from modelling.' CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH, 94(1) pp. 66-76.
Zhang, H., Butters, T., Adeniran, I., Higham, J., Holden, A.V., Boyett, M.R., Hancox, J.C. (2012) 'Modeling the chronotropic effect of isoprenaline on rabbit sinoatrial node.' FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY, 3
Adeniran, I., McPate, M.J., Witchel, H.J., Hancox, J.C., Zhang, H. (2011) 'Increased Vulnerability of Human Ventricle to Re-entrant Excitation in hERG-linked Variant 1 Short QT Syndrome.' PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY, 7(12)
Du, C.Y., Adeniran, I., Cheng, H., Zhang, Y.H., El Harchi, A., McPate, M.J., Zhang, H., Orchard, C.H., Hancox, J.C. (2010) 'Acidosis Impairs the Protective Role of hERG K plus Channels Against Premature Stimulation.' JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY, 21(10) pp. 1160-1169.
Conference papers
Adeniran, I., MaIver, D.H., Zhang, H. (2014) 'Myocardial Electrophysiological, Contractile and Metabolic Properties of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Insights from Modelling.' In 41st Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC). 41. Cambridge, MA, 7/9/2014 - 10/9/2014. Murray, A. (ed.) IEEE, pp. 1037-1040.
Jones, G., Spencer, B.D., Adeniran, I., Zhang, H. (2012) 'Development of Biophysically Detailed Electrophysiological Models for Pacemaking and Non-Pacemaking Human Pulmonary Vein Cardiomyocytes.' In 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society (EMBS). San Diego, CA, 28/8/2012 - 1/9/2012. IEEE, pp. 199-202.
Theses and dissertations
Adeniran, I. (2001) The Rijndael Cryptographic Algorithm Demystified.