My profile



  • PhD 2008: University of East Anglia, thesis title: “Synergistic effects of forest disturbance and fragmentation on a species-rich Amazonian avifauna
  • BSc Biological Sciences First Class. 1998-2002 University of East Anglia, UK
  • PGCLTHE 2018 Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. Distinction.  


  • Oct 2015–Sep 2016, Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Cornell University, USA.
  • Oct 2012–Sep 2015, CNPq Postdoctoral Fellow, Goeldi Museum, Brazil.
  • May 2012–Oct 2012, Visiting Fellow, Cambridge University, UK.
  • Jun 2010–Apr 2012, CAPES Post-doctoral Scholar, Goeldi Museum, Brazil.


  • Conservation in human-modified tropical forest landscapes
  • Developing new tools to cost-effectively sample biodiversity in tropical forests
  • Quantifying the impact of trade on biodiversity and how to mitigate its impacts on wildlife
  • Providing an evidence-base for the conservation of threatened bird species
  • Avian migration and vagrancy

I have been working on Amazonian conservation issues for over 19 years and am one of the co-investigators of the Sustainable Amazon Network which attempts to understand the trade-offs between biodiversity value, ecosystem services and economic development along tropical agricultural frontiers. I spent five years (2010-2015) working at the Goeldi Museum in the Brazilian Amazon with which institution I still maintains close ties and a year at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Cornell University in 2015-2016. Beyond intensive field-work supported studies aiming to understand land-use change, and the drivers of past, current and future biodiversity loss I am involved in leading on several large-scale syntheses and meta-analyses addressing macro-ecological and phylogenetic work at large scales to understand the context and interplay of ecological and evolutionary factors.

Community, charity and NGO links

1. UNITED NATIONS Science Panel for the Amazon; I am one of 250 scientists (only 9 from the UK) who make up this international panel convened by the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network which released its inaugural report during COP-26 of which I was a co-author on four chapters.

2. IUCN Species Survival Commission Red List Authority; I am a member of this group which guides Red Listing efforts to rank bird conservation priority-setting, a key technique to securing the future of tropical wildlife by conferring protected status to threatened species (e.g. Lees 2015 Nature).

3. Senior evaluator for the Brazilian government’s Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation; participating in Red Listing exercises. I am a co-author on 23 species accounts in the Brazilian Red List book Livro Vermelho da Fauna Brasileira Ameaçada de Extinção Volume III – Aves.

4. British Ornithologists Union Records Committee; (2017-) the BOURC is formed of ten individuals responsible for maintaining the British List, the official list of birds recorded in Britain

5. Manchester Biodiversity Action Group (2019-) responsible for delivery of the Manchester Biodiversity Action Plan with representatives from other local universities, the city council and eNGOS.

6. Comitê Brasileiro de Registros Ornitológicos (2015 – 2021) I was the only member of this committee - responsible for maintaining the official list of birds recorded in Brazil - from outside of South America. 

7. Multi-regional reviewer for the eBird initiative, the largest global biodiversity citizen science project and review coordinator for the UK (July 2015 – present)

Expert reviewer for external funding bodies including Newton Fund, British Council, UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships, NERC Independent Research Fellowships, and Daphne Jackson Fellowships.

Publons reviewer profile:…

Editorial Board membership

  • Subject Editor Biotropica (August 2014 – October 2020) 
  • Section Editor Brazilian Journal of Ornithology (October 2011 – July 2017)
  • Associate Editor, Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi Ciências Naturais. (December 2011 – July 2015)
  • Associate Editor Biota Neotropica. (January 2012 – December 2015)
  • Editorial Committee member Neotropical Birding (July 2012 – present)

Membership of professional associations

Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation

British Ornithologist’s Union

American Ornithologist’s Union

BBC Breakfast

Interests and expertise

My current research portfolio can be separated into six main strands:

  1. Understanding the impacts of land-use change on biodiversity and ecosystem service provision in the Amazon basin. This work is largely within the auspices of my role as a steering committee member of the internationalSustainable Amazon Network. This explored for the first time for example: trade-offs in the conservation of freshwater and terrestrial biodiversity (Leal et al. 2020 Science), erosion of biodiversity services with land-use change (Hawes et al. 2020 Journal of Ecology), trade-offs between biodiversity conservation and ecosystem service provision (Ferreira et al. 2018 Nature Climate Change) and the value of regenerating secondary forests for biodiversity and carbon sequestration (Lennox et al. 2018 Global Change Biology). This work has also challenged claims that cattle ranching is not a driver of deforestation (França, et al. 2021 Land Use Policy), revealed the local ecological knowledge of Amazonian smallholders (Mikołajczak et al. 2021 People and Nature), explored the influence of edge effects on biodiversity (Hatfield et al. 2020 Conservation Biology) and summarised the synergisms between threats to tropical ecosystems (Barlow et al. 2018 Nature, França, et al. 2020 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B).
  2. Developing new tools to cost-effectively sample biodiversity in tropical forests. This work has been led by Dr Oliver Metcalf who undertook his PhD with me as DOS and continuing this work as an externally-funded PDRA using datacollected by the Sustainable Amazon Network. We have developed new methodologies for removing rain noise from large ecoacoustic datasets (Metcalf et al. 2020 Ecological Indicators), refining acoustic indices to better represent forest biodiversity (Metcalf et al. 2021 Methods in Ecology and Evolution) and optimising surveying of tropical birds using passive acoustic monitoring and high temporal resolution sampling (Metcalf et al. 2021 Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation). In addition, I have also highlighted the shortcomings of many attempts to survey tropical biodiversity (Robinson et al. 2018 Biotropica) and indicated pathways to better sample avian communities (Lees et al. 2020 Auk).
  3. Quantifying the impact of trade on biodiversity and how to mitigate its impacts on wildlife. Many species of tropical songbirds are threatened by unsustainable levels of trade precipitating an Asian Songbird Crisis, work led by Dr Harry Marshall has clarified the extent of the trade (Marshall et al. 2020 Biological Conservation), the role of different user groups in the trade (Marshall et al. 2020 People and Nature) and identified best approaches to demand reduction (Marshall et al. 2020 Conservation Science and Practice). I have also recently worked on the impacts on hunting on shorebirds in Asia (Gallo-Cajiao et al. 2020 Biological Conservation) and co-authored a landmark paper revealing how environmental liability litigation can remedy biodiversity loss, e.g., against illegal trappers (Phelps et al. 2021 Conservation Letters).
  4. Providing an evidence-base for the conservation of threatened bird species. My work for the past two decades has been intently focussed on the conservation of threatened tropical bird species. During the last four years I have worked on two species-specific papers that quantify change in conservation status of Neotropical species, one was focused on threatened Hyacinth Macaws (Devenish et al. 2020 Diversity and Distributions) and the other on the likely extinct Purple-winged Ground-Dove (Lees et al. 2021 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution) as well as co-authoring a benchmark study assessing the efficacy of conservation actions in preventing extinctions of birds and mammals (Bolam et al. 2020 Conservation Letters). I was also a co-author on a re-evaluation of the taxonomy of an extinct Palearctic bird (Senfield et al. 2019 Ibis) and am currently involved in several similar clade-specific studies. Quantifying extinction rates and the efficacy of conservation is also critical to appraise the magnitude of the biodiversity crisis and combat ‘extinction denial’ an emerging variant of science denial (Lees et al. 2020 Nature Ecology and Evolution).     
  5. Investigating how interspecific competition shapes avian phenotype and conservation status. Building on work using woodpeckers as a model species to understand how competition may drive mimicry (Leighton et al. 2018 Animal Behaviour) we developed a new framework to identify whether phenotypic convergence is the result of environmental or biological drivers (Miller et al. 2019 Nature Communications). These interspecific interactions are likely to be extremely important in shaping community structure (as we have previously shown in tropical forest systems: Bregman et al. 2015 Ecology), especially in urban environments (Lees 2018 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA) which may be exacerbated by well-meaning human interventions favouring dominant competitor species (Shutt & Lees 2021 Biological Conservation).
  6. Documenting the spatiotemporal nature of poorly-understood avian dispersal syndromes such as vagrancy and intratropical migration. I have over a period of 20 years established myself as a leading expert on avian vagrancy, marked in 2021 by the publication of the first book on the subjectVagrancy in Birds’ written with James Gilroy and published by Bloomsbury and Princeton University Press. Concurrently, a hypothesis that we first erected 18 years ago (Gilroy & Lees 2003 British Birds) termed the ‘pseudo-vagrancy’ paradigm was empirically validated this year (Lees & Gilroy 2021 Current Biology). I have also continued to publish papers describing novel migration patterns in Neotropical birds e.g., Lima & Lees (2021 Ibis).


The bulk of my work over the past six years has resolved around assays of the biodiversity and ecosystem service value of human-modified tropical forests (HMTFs). This has been tailored to answering questions of high policy relevance and provided tangible impacts to underpin an Impact Case Study Protecting threatened birds and their habitats across the tropics’ for Unit of Assessment: 7. For example, my work on the biodiversity value of secondary forests was used to establish the first legislation defining successional stages of second-growth forests for any Amazonian state (IN02. 26/02/2014). My work directly influenced commitments by the State of Pará, Brazil to increase secondary forest cover to 5.65 Mha by 2030 to reach net zero climate targets. This is almost half of the target area for all of Brazil under its Nationally Determined Contributions from the Paris agreement of the UNFCCC. An official state decree enshrines the commitment in state law and uses three of my publications in its calculations of carbon accumulation. I was selected among 28 internationally experts to participate in and co-author an innovative study (Bolam et al. 2020) to evaluate the contribution of conservation interventions to prevent global extinction of 39 bird species. These findings were included in Global Biodiversity Outlook 5, the flagship periodic report of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).


• Member of the steering committee of the Sustainable Amazon Network (Rede Amazonia Sustentável; RAS,, a research network of more than 30 institutes involved in assessing land sustainability in the Brazilian Amazon. (June 2010 – present)
• ECOFOR (Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning in Degraded and Recovering Amazonian and Atlantic Forests) Project Partner (April 2013 – April 2018)


  • Unit leader Topics in Conservation and Sustainability (6F7Z1047).
  • Former leader MSc Project units (Behaviour, Conservation, Restoration Ecology and Zoo Conservation)
  • Avian Biology and Conservation (6F7Z1049), Biodiversity Conservation (6F7V0004), Biodiversity Monitoring (6F4Z1101), Conservation Biology (6F5Z1107), Conservation of Biodiversity (6F6Z1008), Dissertation (Behaviour) (6F7V0001), Global Environmental Issues (6F4Z3113), How Science Works (6F4Z1106), Landscape Ecology (6F5Z1112), Monitoring Habitat and Species Responses to Environmental Change (6F7Z1046), Movement Physiology and Ecology (6F6Z1112), Tropical Ecology and Conservation (6F6Z1116), Wildlife Ecology and Behaviour (6F6Z1119). Field course teaching in Tanzania, Portugal and UK.


Recent PhD completions (4): Liana Chesini Rossi (Co-s São Paulo State University, Brazil), Dr Oliver Metcalf (as DOS 2021), Dr Harry Marshall (as Co-s 2020) Dr Kasia Mikolajczak (Lancaster University co-s 2019).

Current PhD students (4): Caroline Rothschild (as DOS), Joshua Wright (as Co-s), James Richardson (as Co-s), Jeremy Dickens (co-s University of Bonn, Germany).

Post-doctoral students (1): Dr Oliver Metcalf (externally funded Bioclimate PDRA).

Former Post-doctoral students (1) Dr Jack Shutt (internally funded PDRA, finished Jan 2022)

Research outputs

  • Books (authored/edited/special issues)

    Lees, A., Gilroy, J. (2021) Vagrancy in Birds. Helm (UK) & Princeton University Press (USA).

  • Chapters in books

    Lees, A. (2022) 'Chapter 31: Witness to Extinction.' Low-Carbon Birding. Pelagic Publishing Ltd,

    Lopes, E.V., Aleixo, A., Lees, A.C., Aguiar-Silva, F.H., Balow, J., Mestre, L., Henriques, L.M.P., Gomes de Moura, N., Metcalf, O.C., Dantas, S.D.M., Sanaiotti, T.M. (2022) 'Avifauna da Floresta Nacional do Tapajós e da Reserva Extrativista Tapajós-Arapiuns.' In Brocardo, C.R., Giacomin, L.L. (ed.) Biodiversidade na Floresta Nacional do Tapajós e na e Reserva Extrativista Tapajós-Arapiuns. Avifauna da Floresta Nacional do Tapajós e da Reserva Extrativista Tapajós-Arapiuns, pp. 242-279.

    Barlow, J., Lees, A.C., Sist, P., Almeida, R., Arantes, C., Armenteras, D., Berenguer, E., Caron, P., Cuesta, F., Rodrigues da Costa Doria, C., Ferreira, J., Flecker, A., Heilpern, S., Kalamandeen, M., Nascimento, N., Peña-Claros, M., Piponiot Laroche, C., Santos Pompeu, P., Souza, C., Valentim, J.F. (2022) 'Capítulo 27: Medidas de conservación para contrarrestar las principales amenazas a la biodiversidad Amazónica.' Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN),

    Berenguer, E., Armenteras, D., Lees, A.C., Smith, C.C., Fearnside, P., Nascimento, N., Alencar, A., Almeida, C., Aragão, L.E.O., Barlow, J., Bilbao, B., Brando, P.M., Bynoe, P., Finer, M., Flores, B.M., Jenkins, C.N., Silva Junior, C.H.L., Souza, C., García-Villacorta, R. (2022) 'Capítulo 19: Impulsores e impactos ecológicos de la deforestación y la degradación forestal.' Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN),

    Lees, A. (2020) '5 Common Scoter Melanitta nigra.' RED SIXTY SEVEN..

    de Almeida, A., Vieira, I., Lameira, W.J., Lees, A.C. (2019) 'Consequências ambientais da expansão da palma de óleo no nordeste do Pará e implicações para políticas públicas.' In Galúcio, A.V., Prudente, A.L. (ed.) Museu Goeldi: 150 anos de ciência na amazônia. Belém: Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, pp. 50-76.

    Lees, A., Moura, N.G. (2018) 'Phlegopsis nigromaculata paraensis Hellmayr, 1904.' Livro Vermelho da Fauna Brasileira Ameaçada de Extinção. Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade,

    Ferreira, J., Barlow, J., Parry, L., Lees, A.C., Vieira, I.C.G., Gardner, T.A. (2014) 'Avaliação da sustentabilidade social e ecológica dos usos da terra na Amazônia em múltiplas escalas: Rede Amazônia Sustentável.' In Vieira, I.C.G., Toledo, P.M., Santos, R.A.J. (ed.) Avaliação da sustentabilidade social e ecológica dos usos da terra na Amazônia em múltiplas escalas: Rede Amazônia Sustentável. Garamond, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 433-456.

    Lees, A.C. (2013) 'Valor de conservação de corredores remanescentes de qualidade variável de florestas ripárias para as aves e mamíferos Amazônicos.' In Peres, C.A., Barlow, J., Gardner, T.A., Vieira, I.C.G. (ed.) Conservação da biodiversidade em paisagens florestais antropizadas do Brasil.. Fundação O Boticário / Editora da Universidade Federal do Paraná,

    Portes, C.E.B., Aleixo, A., Zimmer, K.J., Whittaker, A., Weckstein, J.D., Gonzaga, L.P., Ribas, C.C., Bates, J.M., Lees, A.C. (2013) 'A new species of Campylorhamphus (Aves: Dendrocolaptidae) from the Tapajós – Xingu interfluve in Amazonian Brazil..' In del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D.A. (ed.) Handbook of the Birds of the World, Special Volume: New Species and Global Index. Lynx Edicions, pp. 38-42.

    Lees, A.C., Gilroy, J.G. (2009) 'Vagrancy Mechanisms in Passerines and Near-Passerines.' Rare Birds, Where and When: An analysis of status and distribution in Britain and Ireland. Volume 1: sandgrouse to New World orioles..

  • Reports

    Metcalf, O., Abrahams, C., Ashington, B., Baker, E., Bradfer-Lawrence, T., Browning, E., Carruthers-Jones, J., Darby, J., Dick, J., Eldridge, A., Elliott, D., Heath, B., Howden-Leach, P., Johnston, A., Lees, A., Meyer, C., Ruiz Arana, U., Smyth, S. Good practice guidelines for long-term ecoacoustic monitoring in the UK.

    Barlow, J., Lees, A.C., Sist, P., Almeida, R., Arantes, C., Armenteras, D., Berenguer, E., Caron, P., Cuesta, F., Rodrigues da Costa Doria, C., Ferreira, J., Flecker, A., Heilpern, S., Kalamandeen, M., Nascimento, N., Peña-Claros, M., Piponiot Laroche, C., Santos Pompeu, P., Souza, C., Valentim, J.F. (2022) Capítulo 27: Medidas de conservação para enfrentar as principais ameaças à biodiversidade amazônica. Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN).

    Berenguer, E., Armenteras, D., Lees, A.C., Smith, C.C., Fearnside, P., Nascimento, N., Alencar, A., Almeida, C., Aragão, L.E.O., Barlow, J., Bilbao, B., Brando, P.M., Bynoe, P., Finer, M., Flores, B.M., Jenkins, C.N., Silva Junior, C.H.L., Souza, C., García-Villacorta, R. (2022) Capítulo 19: Causas e impactos ecológicos do desmatamento e da degradação florestal. Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN).

    Berenguer, E., Armenteras, D., Alencar, A., Almeida, C., Aragão, L., Barlow, J., Bilbao, B., Brando, P., Bynoe, P., Fearnside, P., Finer, M., Flores, B.M., Jenkins, C.N., Silva Junior, C.H.L., Lees, A.C., Smith, C.C., Souza, C., García-Villacorta, R. (2021) Chapter 19: Drivers and Ecological Impacts of Deforestation and Forest Degradation. United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, New York, USA.

    Barlow, J., Lees, A.C., Sist, P., Almeida, R., Arantes, C., Armenteras, D., Berenguer, E., Caron, P., Cuesta, F., Doria, C., Ferreira, J., Flecker, A., Heilpern, S., Kalamandeen, M., Peña-Claros, M., Piponiot, C., Pompeu, P.S., Souza, C., Valentim, J.F. (2021) Chapter 27: Conservation measures to counter the main threats to Amazonian biodiversity. United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, New York, USA.

    Barlow, J., Sist, P., Almeida, R., Arantes, C.C., Berenguer, E., Caron, P., Cuesta, F., Doria, C.R.C., Ferreira, J., Flecker, A., Heilpern, S., Kalamandeen, M., Lees, A.C., Peña- Claros, M., Piponiot, C., Pompeu, P.S., Souza, C., Valentim, J.F. (2021) Chapter 28: Restoration Options for the Amazon. United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

    Barlow, J., Sist, P., Almeida, R., Arantes, C.C., Berenguer, E., Caron, P., Cuesta, F., Doria, C.R.C., Ferreira, J., Flecker, A., Heilpern, S., Kalamandeen, M., Lees, A.C., Piponiot, C., Pompeu, P.S., Souza, C., Valentim, J.F. (2021) Chapter 29: Restoration Priorities and Benefits within Landscapes and Catchments and Across the Amazon Basin. United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

    Phelps, J., Fajrini, R., Nagara, G., Saputr, R., Nugraha, T.P., Jones, C.A., Rodriguez, M., Pendergrass, J., Cheyne, S., Mance, A., Aravind, S., Sharp, S., Lees, A., Dabrowski, I., Sokolowski, A., Purnamasari, U. (2021) Pioneering civil lawsuits for harm to threatened species: A guide to claims with examples from Indonesia. Lancaster Environment Centre, AURIGA Nusantara, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Environmental Law Institute.

    Ferreira, J., Blanc, L., Kanashiro, M., Lees, A., Bourgoin, J., de Freitas, J.V., Gama, M.B., Laurent, F., Martins, M.B., Moura, N., De Oliveira, M.V., Sotta, E.D., de Souza, C., Rusche, A.R., Schwartz, G., Zwerts, J., Sist, P. (2015) Degradação florestal na Amazônia: como ultrapassar os limites conceituais, científicos e técnicos para mudar esse cenário. Embrapa Amazônia Oriental.

  • Journal articles

    Lees, A.C., Farnsworth, A., Curley, S.R., Gilroy, J. (2024) 'An unprecedented arrival of Nearctic landbirds in Britain and Ireland in September 2023.' British Birds, 117(6) pp. 292-307.

    Trew, B.T., Edwards, D.P., Lees, A.C., Klinges, D.H., Early, R., Svátek, M., Plichta, R., Matula, R., Okello, J., Niessner, A., Barthel, M., Six, J., Maeda, E.E., Barlow, J., do Nascimento, R.O., Berenguer, E., Ferreira, J., Sallo-Bravo, J., Maclean, I.M.D. (2024) 'Novel temperatures are already widespread beneath the world’s tropical forest canopies.' Nature Climate Change,

    Lees, A.C. (2024) 'Social and avian justice.' Current Biology, 34(5) pp. R179-R181.

    Metcalf, O.C., Baccaro, F., Barlow, J., Berenguer, E., Bradfer-Lawrence, T., Chesini Rossi, L., do Vale, É.M., Lees, A.C. (2024) 'Listening to tropical forest soils.' Ecological Indicators, 158

    Capurucho, J.M.G., Musher, L.J., Lees, A., Rego, M.A., Del-Rio, G., Aleixo, A., Luzuriaga-Aveiga, V.E., Ferreira, M., Ribas, C.C., Thom, G. (2024) 'Amazonian avian biogeography: broadscale patterns, microevolutionary processes, and habitat-specific models revealed by multidisciplinary approaches.' Ornithology, 141(1)

    Lees, A.C., Sheldon, B.C. (2024) 'New UK immigration rules threaten academic mobility.' Nature, 625(7993)

    Hatfield, J.H., Banks‐Leite, C., Barlow, J., Lees, A.C., Tobias, J.A. (2023) 'Constraints on avian seed dispersal reduce potential for resilience in degraded tropical forests.' Functional Ecology, 38(2) pp. 315-326.

    Dufour, P., Lees, A.C., Gilroy, J., Crochet, P.A. (2023) 'The overlooked importance of vagrancy in ecology and evolution.' Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 39(1) pp. 19-22.

    Carvalho, R.L., Resende, A.F., Barlow, J., França, F.M., Moura, M.R., Maciel, R., Alves-Martins, F., Shutt, J., Nunes, C.A., Elias, F., Silveira, J.M., Stegmann, L., Baccaro, F.B., Juen, L., Schietti, J., Aragão, L., Berenguer, E., Castello, L., Costa, F.R.C., Guedes, M.L., Leal, C.G., Lees, A.C., Isaac, V., Nascimento, R.O., Phillips, O.L., Schmidt, F.A., ter Steege, H., Vaz-de-Mello, F., Venticinque, E.M., Vieira, I.C.G., Zuanon, J., Ferreira, J., Carvalho, R.L., Resende, A.F., Barlow, J., França, F., Moura, M.R., Maciel, R., Alves-Martins, F., Shutt, J., Nunes, C.A., Elias, F., Silveira, J.M., Stegmann, L., Baccaro, F.B., Juen, L., Schietti, J., Aragão, L., Berenguer, E., Castello, L., Costa, F.R.C., Guedes, M.L., Leal, C.G., Lees, A.C., Isaac, V., Nascimento, R.O., Phillips, O.L., Schmidt, F.A., ter Steege, H., Vaz-de-Mello, F., Venticinque, E.M., Vieira, I.C.G., Zuanon, J., Ferreira, J., Geber Filho, A.N.D.S., Ruschel, A., Calor, A.R., de Lima Alves, A., Muelbert, A.E., Quaresma, A., Vicentini, A., Piedade, A.R.D., Oliveira, A.A.D., Aleixo, A., Casadei-Ferreira, A., Gontijo, A., Hercos, A., Andriolo, A., Lopes, A., Pontes-Lopes, A., Santos, A.P.M.D., Oliveira, A.B.D.S.D., Mortati, A.F., Salcedo, A.K.M., Albernaz, A.L., Fares, A.L., Andrade, A.L., Oliveira Pes, A.M., Faria, A.P.J., Batista, A.P.B., Puker, A., Bueno, A.S., Junqueira, A.B., Holanda de Andrade, A.L.R., Ghidini, A.R., Galuch, A.V., Menezes, A.S.O.D., Manzatto, A.G., Correa, A.S.A.S., Queiroz, A.C.M., Zanzini, A.C.D.S., Olivo Neto, A.M., Melo, A.W.F.D., Guimaraes, A.F., Castro, A.B., Borges, A., Ferreira, A.B., Marimon, B.S., Marimon-Junior, B.H., Flores, B.M., de Resende, B.O., Albuquerque, B.W., Villa, B., Davis, B., Nelson, B., Williamson, B., Melo, B.S.B.D., Cintra, B.B.L., Santos, B.B., Prudente, B.D.S., Luize, B.G., Godoy, B.S., Rutt, C.L., Duarte Ritter, C., Silva, C.V.J., Ribas, C.R., Peres, C.A., Azevêdo, C.A.S.D., Freitas, C., Cordeiro, C.L., Brocardo, C.R., Castilho, C., Levis, C., Doria, C.R.D.C., Arantes, C.C., Santos, C.A.D., Jakovac, C.C., Silva, C.A., Benetti, C.J., Lasmar, C., Marsh, C.J., Andretti, C.B., Oliveira, C.P.D., Cornelius, C., Alves da Rosa, C., Baider, C., Gualberto, C.G., Deus, C.P.D., Monteiro Jr., C.D.S., Santos Neto, C.R.D., Lobato, C.M.C., Santos, C.R.M.D., Penagos, C.C.M., Costa, D.D.S., Vieira, D.L.M., Aguiar, D.P.P.D., Veras, D.S., Pauletto, D., Braga, D.D.L., Storck-Tonon, D., Almeida, D.D.F., Douglas, D., Amaral, D.D.D., Gris, D., Luther, D., Edwards, D.P., Guimarães, D.P., Santos, D.C.D., Campana, D.R.D.S., Nogueira, D.S., Silva, D.R.D., Dutra, D.B.D.S., Rosa, D.C.P., Silva, D.A.S.D., Pedroza, D., Anjos, D.V., Melo Lima, D.V., Silvério, D.V., Rodrigues, D.D.J., Bastos, D., Daly, D., Barbosa, E.M., Arenas, E.R.C., Oliveira, E.A.D., Santos, E.A.D., Santana, E.C.C.D., Guilherme, E., Vidal, E., Campos-Filho, E.M., van den Berg, E., Morato, E.F., da Silva, E.R., Marques, E.E., Pringle, E.G., Nichols, E., Andresen, E., Farias, E.D.S., Siqueira, E.L.S.D., de Albuquerque, E.Z., Görgens, E.B., Cunha, E.J.R.D., Householder, E., Novo, E.M.M.D.L., Oliveira, F.F.D., Roque, F.D.O., Coletti, F., Reis, F., Moreira, F.F.F., Todeschini, F., Carvalho, F.A., Coelho de Souza, F., Silva, F.A.B., Carvalho, F.G., Cabeceira, F.G., d’Horta, F.M., Mendonça, F.P., Florêncio, F.P., Carvalho, F.R.D., Arruda, F.V.D., Nonato, F.A.D.S., Santana, F.D., Durgante, F., Souza, F.K.S.D., Obermuller, F.A., Castro, F.S.D., Wittmann, F., Sales, F.M.D.S., Neto, F.V., Salles, F.F., Borba, G.C., Damasco, G., Barros, G.G., Brejão, G.L., Jardim, G.A., Prance, G.T., Lima, G.R., Desidério, G.R., Melo, G.D.C.D., Carmo, G.H.P.D., Cabral, G.S., Rousseau, G.X., da Silva, G.C., Schwartz, G., Griffiths, H., Queiroz, H.L.D., Espírito-Santo, H.M.V., Cabette, H.S.R., Nascimento, H.E.M., Vasconcelos, H.L., Medeiros, H., Aguiar, H.J.A.C.D., Leão, H., Wilker, I., Gonçalves, I.C., de Sousa Gorayeb, I., Miranda, I.P.D.A., Brown, I.F., Santos, I.C.S., Fernandes, I.O., Fernandes, I., Delabie, J.H.C., de Abreu, J.C., Gama Neto, J.D.L., Costa, J.B.P., Noronha, J.C., de Brito, J.G., Wolfe, J., Santos, J.C., Ferreira-Ferreira, J., e Gomes, J.O., Lasky, J.R., de Faria Falcão, J.C., Costa, J.G., Cravo, J.S., Guerrero, J.E.B., Muñoz Gutiérrez, J.A., Carreiras, J., Lanna, J., Silva Brito, J., Schöngart, J., Mendes Aguiar, J.J., Lima, J., Barroso, J.G., Noriega, J.A., Pereira, J.L.D.S., Nessimian, J.L., Souza, J.L.P.D., de Toledo, J.J., Magalhães, J.L.L., Camargo, J.L., Oliveira, J.M.B., Ribeiro, J.M.F., Silva, J.O.D.A., da Silva Guimarães, J.R., Hawes, J.E., Andrade-Silva, J., Revilla, J.D.C., da Silva, J.S., da Silva Menger, J., Rechetelo, J., Stropp, J., Barbosa, J.F., do Vale, J.D., Louzada, J., Cerqueira Silva, J.C., da Silva, K.D., Melgaço, K., Carvalho, K.S., Yamamoto, K.C., Mendes, K.R., Vulinec, K., Maia, L.F., Cavalheiro, L., Vedovato, L.B., Demarchi, L.O., Giacomin, L., Dumas, L.L., Maracahipes, L., Brasil, L.S., Ferreira, L.V., Calvão, L.B., Maracahipes-Santos, L., Reis, L.P., da Silva, L.F., de Oliveira Melo, L., Carvalho, L.C.D.S., Casatti, L., Amado, L.L., de Matos, L.S., Vieira, L., Prado, L.P.D., Alencar, L., Fontenele, L., Mazzei, L., Navarro Paolucci, L., Zanzini, L.P., Carvalho, L.N., Crema, L.C., Brulinger, L.F.B., Montag, L.F.D.A., Naka, L.N., Azara, L., Silveira, L.F., Nunes, L.G.D.O., Rosalino, L.M.D.C., Mestre, L.A.M., Bonates, L.C.D.M., Coelho, L.D.S., Borges, L.H.M., Lourenço, L.D.S., Freitas, M.A.B., Brito, M.T.D.S., Pombo, M.M., da Rocha, M., Cardoso, M.R., Guedes, M.C., Raseira, M.B., Medeiros, M.B.D., Carim, M.D.J.V., Simon, M.F., Pansonato, M.P., dos Anjos, M.R., Nascimento, M.T., Souza, M.R.D., Monteiro, M.G.T., da Silva, M.J., Uehara-Prado, M., Oliveira, M.A.D., Callisto, M., Vital, M.J.S., o Santos, M.P.D., Silveira, M., Oliveira, M.V.N.D., Pérez-Mayorga, M.A., Carniello, M.A., Lopes, M.A., Silveira, M.A.P.D.A., Esposito, M.C., Maldaner, M.E., Passos, M.I.S., Anacléto, M.J.P., Costa, M.K.S., Martins, M.P., Piedade, M.T.F., Irume, M.V., Costa, M.M.S.D., Maximiano, M.F.D.A., Freitas, M.G., Cochrane, M.A., Gastauer, M., Almeida, M.R.N., Souza, M.F.D., Catarino, M., Costa Batista, M., Massam, M.R., Martins, M.F.D.O., Holmgren, M., Almeida, M., Dias, M.S., Espírito Santo, N.B., Benone, N.L., Ivanauskas, N.M., Medeiros, N., Targhetta, N., Félix, N.S., Ferreira, N., Hamada, N., Campos, N., Giehl, N.F.D.S., Metcalf, O.C., Silva, O.G.M.D., Cerqueira, P.V., Moser, P., Miranda, P.N., Peruquetti, P.S.F., Alverga, P.P.D.P., Prist, P., Souto, P., Brando, P., Pompeu, P.D.S., Barni, P.E., Graça, P.M.D.A., Morandi, P.S., Cruz, P.V., i Silva, P.G.D., Bispo, P.C., Camargo, P.B.D., Sarmento, P.S.D.M., Souza, P., Andrade, R.B.D., Braga, R.B., Boldrini, R., Bastos, R.C., Assis, R.L.D., Salomão, R.P., Leitão, R.P., Mendes, R.N.G., Carpanedo, R.D.S., Melinski, R.D., Ligeiro, R., e Pérez, R.E.P., Barbosa, R.I., Cajaiba, R.L., Silvano, R.A.M., Salomão, R.P., Hilário, R.R., Martins, R.T., Perdiz, R.D.O., Vicente, R.E., Silva, R.J.D., Koroiva, R., Solar, R., Silva, R.D.C., s de Lima, R.B., Silva, R.D.S.A.D., Mariano, R., Ribeiro, R.A.B., Fadini, R.F., Oliveira, R.L.C.D., Feitosa, R.M., Matavelli, R., Mormul, R.P., da Silva, R.R., Zanetti, R., Barthem, R., Almeida, R.P.S., Ribeiro, S.C., r Costa Neto, S.V.D., Nienow, S., Oliveira, S.A.V.D., Borges, S.H., Milheiras, S., Ribeiro, S.P., Couceiro, S.R.M., Sousa, S.A.D., Rodrigues, S.B., Dutra, S.L., Mahood, S., Vieira, S.A., Arrolho, S., Silva, S.S.D., Triana, S.P., Laurance, S., Kunz, S.H., Alvarado, S.T., Rodrigues, T.H.A., Santos, T.F.D., Machado, T.L.D.S., Feldpausch, T.R., Sousa, T., Michelan, T.S., Emilio, T., Brito, T.D.F., André, T., Barbosa, T.A.P., Miguel, T.B., Izzo, T.J., Laranjeiras, T.O., Mendes, T.P., Silva, T.S.F., Krolow, T.K., Begot, T.O., Baker, T.R., Domingues, T.F., Giarrizzo, T., Bentos, T.V., Haugaasen, T., Peixoto, U., Pozzobom, U.M., Korasaki, V., Ribeiro, V.S., Scudeller, V.V., Oliveira, V.H.F., Landeiro, V.L., Santos Ferreira, V.R., Silva, V.D.N.G., Gomes, V.H.F., Oliveira, V.C.D., Firmino, V., Santiago, W.T.V., Beiroz, W., Almeida, W.R.D., Oliveira, W.L.D., Silva, W.C.D., Castro, W., Dáttilo, W., Cruz, W.J.A.D., Silva, W.F.M.D., Magnusson, W.E., Laurance, W., Milliken, W., Paula, W.S.D., Malhi, Y., Shimabukuro, Y.E., Lima, Y.G.D., Shimano, Y., Feitosa, Y. (2023) 'Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research.' Current Biology, 33(16) pp. 3495-3504.e4.

    Carvalho, R.L., Resende, A.F., Barlow, J., França, F.M., Moura, M.R., Maciel, R., Alves-Martins, F., Shutt, J.D., Nunes, C.A., Elias, F., Silveira, J.M., Stegmann, L., Baccaro, F.B., Juen, L., Schietti, J., Aragão, L., Berenguer, E., Castello, L., Costa, F.R.C., Guedes, M.L., Leal, C.G., Lees, A.C., Isaac, V., Nascimento, R.O., Phillips, O.L., Schmidt, F.A., Steege, H.T., Vaz-de-Mello, F., Venticinque, E.M., Guimarães Vieira, I.C., Zuanon, J., Ferreira, J. (2023) 'Correction: Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research.' Current Biology, 33(16) pp. 3544-3544.

    Richardson, J., Lees, A.C., Miller, E.T., Marsden, S.J. (2023) 'Avian diversity and function across the world's most populous cities.' Ecology Letters, 26(8) pp. 1301-1313.

    Carmenta, R., Barlow, J., Bastos Lima, M.G., Berenguer, E., Choiruzzad, S., Estrada-Carmona, N., França, F., Kallis, G., Killick, E., Lees, A., Martin, A., Pascual, U., Pettorelli, N., Reed, J., Rodriguez, I., Steward, A.M., Sunderland, T., Vira, B., Zaehringer, J.G., Hicks, C. (2023) 'Connected conservation: rethinking conservation for a telecoupled world.' Biological Conservation, 282pp. 110047-110047.

    Mikołajczak, K.M., Barlow, J., Lees, A.C., Ives, C.D., Strack, M., de Almeida, O.T., Souza, A.C., Sinclair, F., Parry, L. (2023) 'Evaluating the influence of nature connection and values on conservation attitudes at a tropical deforestation frontier.' Conservation Biology,

    Richardson, J., Lees, A.C., Marsden, S. (2022) 'Landscape -scale predictors of persistence of an urban stock dove Columba oenas population.' Urban Ecosystems, 26(1) pp. 249-259.

    Lees, A.C., Yuda, P. (2022) 'The Asian songbird crisis.' Current Biology, 32(20) pp. R1063-R1064.

    Lees, A.C., Haskell, L., Allinson, T., Bezeng, S.B., Burfield, I.J., Renjifo, L.M., Rosenberg, K.V., Viswanathan, A., Butchart, S.H.M. (2022) 'State of the world's birds.' Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 47pp. 231-260.

    Metcalf, O.C., Barlow, J., Bas, Y., Berenguer, E., Devenish, C., França, F., Marsden, S., Smith, C., Lees, A.C. (2022) 'Detecting and reducing heterogeneity of error in acoustic classification.' Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 13(11) pp. 2559-2571.

    Nunes, C.A., Berenguer, E., França, F., Ferreira, J., Lees, A.C., Louzada, J., Sayer, E.J., Solar, R., Smith, C.C., Aragão, L.E.O.C., Braga, D.D.L., de Camargo, P.B., Cerri, C.E.P., de Oliveira, R.C., Durigan, M., Moura, N., Oliveira, V.H.F., Ribas, C., Vaz-de-Mello, F., Vieira, I., Zanetti, R., Barlow, J. (2022) 'Linking land-use and land-cover transitions to their ecological impact in the Amazon.' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(27) pp. e2202310119-e2202310119.

    Lees, A., Batty, C., McInerny, C. (2022) 'The Paddyfield Pipit in Britain.' British birds, 115(5) pp. 250-260.

    Rossi, L.C., Berenguer, E., Lees, A.C., Barlow, J., Ferreira, J., França, F.M., Tavares, P., Pizo, M.A. (2022) 'Predation on artificial caterpillars following understorey fires in human-modified Amazonian forests.' Biotropica, 54(3) pp. 754-763.

    Lees, A.C. (2022) 'Hunting for solutions to the loss of avian diversity.' Oryx, 56(2) pp. 161-162.

    Robinson, O.J., Socolar, J.B., Stuber, E.F., Auer, T., Berryman, A.J., Boersch-Supan, P.H., Brightsmith, D.J., Burbidge, A.H., Butchart, S.H.M., Davis, C.L., Giacomo, A.S.D., Dokter, A.M., Farnsworth, A., Fink, D., Hochachka, W.M., Howell, P.E., La Sorte, F.A., Lees, A., Marsden, S., Martin, R., Martin, R.O., Masello, J.F., Miller, E.T., Moodley, Y., Musgrove, A., Noble, D.G., Ojeda, V., Quillfeldt, P., Royle, J.A., Ruiz-Gutierrez, V., Tella, J.L., Yorio, P., Youngflesh, C., Johnston, A. (2022) 'Extreme uncertainty and unquantifiable bias do not inform population sizes.' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, 119(10)

    Metcalf, O.C., Bradnum, D., Dunning, J., Lees, A. (2022) 'Nocturnal overland migration of Common Scoters across England.' British birds; an illustrated magazine devoted to the birds on the British list, 115(March) pp. 130-141.

    Broughton, R., Shutt, J., Lees, A. (2021) 'Rethinking bird feeding: are we putting extra pressure on some struggling woodland birds?.' British Birds, 115(1) pp. 2-6.

    Lees, A.C., Gilroy, J.J. (2021) 'Bird migration: When vagrants become pioneers.' Current Biology, 31(24) pp. R1568-R1570.

    Kirwan, G.M., Broughton, R.K., Lees, A.C., Ottenburghs, J., Tobias, J.A. (2021) 'The ‘Meidum geese’ revisited: Early historical art is not a suitable basis for taxonomic speculation.' Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 41pp. 103322-103322.

    Lima, R.D., Lees, A.C. (2021) 'Unmasking complex migration syndromes and seasonal plumage colouration of the White‐naped Xenopsaris (Xenopsaris albinucha).' Ibis, 164(3) pp. 667-678.

    Marshall, H., Glorizky, G.A., Collar, N.J., Lees, A.C., Moss, A., Yuda, P., Marsden, S.J. (2021) 'Understanding motivations and attitudes among songbird‐keepers to identify best approaches to demand reduction.' Conservation Science and Practice, 3(10) pp. e507-e507.

    Shutt, J.D., Lees, A.C. (2021) 'Killing with kindness: Does widespread generalised provisioning of wildlife help or hinder biodiversity conservation efforts?.' Biological Conservation, 261

    Devenish, C., Lees, A.C., Collar, N.J., Marsden, S.J. (2021) 'Multi‐decadal land use impacts across the vast range of an iconic threatened species.' Diversity and Distributions, 27(11) pp. 2033-2296.

    Pacheco, J.F., Silveira, L.F., Aleixo, A., Agne, C.E., Bencke, G.A., Bravo, G.A., Brito, G.R.R., Cohn-Haft, M., Maurício, G.N., Naka, L.N., Olmos, F., Posso, S.R., Lees, A., Figueiredo, L.F.A., Carrano, E., Guedes, R.C., Cesari, E., Franz, I., Schunck, F., Piacentini, V.D.Q. (2021) 'Annotated checklist of the birds of Brazil by the Brazilian Ornithological Records Committee—second edition.' Ornithology Research, 29

    Metcalf, O.C., Barlow, J., Marsden, S., Gomes de Moura, N., Berenguer, E., Ferreira, J., Lees, A.C. (2021) 'Optimizing tropical forest bird surveys using passive acoustic monitoring and high temporal resolution sampling.' Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 8(1) pp. 45-56.

    Phelps, J., Aravind, S., Cheyne, S., Dabrowski Pedrini, I., Fajrini, R., Jones, C.A., Lees, A.C., Mance, A., Nagara, G., Nugraha, T.P., Pendergrass, J., Purnamasari, U., Rodriguez, M., Saputra, R., Sharp, S.P., Sokolowki, A., Webb, E.L. (2021) 'Environmental liability litigation could remedy biodiversity loss.' Conservation Letters, 14(6) pp. e12821-e12821.

    França, F., Solar, R., Lees, A.C., Martins, L.P., Berenguer, E., Barlow, J. (2021) 'Reassessing the role of cattle and pasture in Brazil's deforestation: A response to “Fire, deforestation, and livestock: When the smoke clears”.' Land Use Policy, 108pp. 105195-105195.

    Lees, A.C., Devenish, C., Areta, J.I., de Araújo, C.B., Keller, C., Phalan, B., Silveira, L.F. (2021) 'Assessing the Extinction Probability of the Purple-winged Ground Dove, an Enigmatic Bamboo Specialist.' Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9

    Mikołajczak, K., Lees, A.C., Barlow, J., Sinclair, F., Trindade de Almeida, O., Souza, A.C., Parry, L. (2021) 'Who knows, who cares? Untangling ecological knowledge and nature connection among Amazonian colonist farmers.' People and Nature, 3(2) pp. 431-445.

    Metcalf, O.C., Barlow, J., Devenish, C., Marsden, S., Berenguer, E., Lees, A.C. (2020) 'Acoustic indices perform better when applied at ecologically meaningful time and frequency scales.' Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 12(3) pp. 421-431.

    Leal, C.G., Lennox, G.D., Ferraz, S.F.B., Ferreira, J., Gardner, T.A., Thomson, J.R., Berenguer, E., Lees, A., Hughes, R.M., Mac Nally, R., Aragão, L.E.O.C., Brito, J.G.D., Castello, L., Garrett, R.D., Hamada, N., Juen, L., Leitão, R.P., Louzada, J., Morello, T.F., Moura, N.G., Nessimian, J.L., Oliveira-Junior, J.M.B., Oliveira, V.H.F., Oliveira, V.C.D., Parry, L., Pompeu, P.S., Solar, R.R.C., Zuanon, J., Barlow, J. (2020) 'Integrated terrestrial-freshwater planning doubles conservation of tropical aquatic species.' Science, 370(6512) pp. 117-121.

    Bolam, F.C., Mair, L., Angelico, M., Brooks, T.M., Burgman, M., Hermes, C., Hoffmann, M., Martin, R.W., McGowan, P.J.K., Rodrigues, A.S.L., Rondinini, C., Westrip, J.R.S., Wheatley, H., Bedolla-Guzmán, Y., Calzada, J., Child, M.F., Cranswick, P.A., Dickman, C.R., Fessl, B., Fisher, D.O., Garnett, S.T., Groombridge, J.J., Johnson, C.N., Kennerley, R.J., King, S.R.B., Lamoreux, J.F., Lees, A.C., Lens, L., Mahood, S.P., Mallon, D.P., Meijaard, E., Méndez-Sánchez, F., Percequillo, A.R., Regan, T.J., Renjifo, L.M., Rivers, M.C., Roach, N.S., Roxburgh, L., Safford, R.J., Salaman, P., Squires, T., Vázquez-Domínguez, E., Visconti, P., Woinarski, J.C.Z., Young, R.P., Butchart, S.H.M. (2020) 'How many bird and mammal extinctions has recent conservation action prevented?.' Conservation Letters, 14(1) pp. e12762-e12762.

    Lees, A.C., Rosenberg, K.V., Ruiz-Gutierrez, V., Marsden, S., Schulenberg, T.S., Rodewald, A.D. (2020) 'A roadmap to identifying and filling shortfalls in Neotropical ornithology.' The Auk, 137(4)

    Lees, A.C., Attwood, S., Barlow, J., Phalan, B. (2020) 'Biodiversity scientists must fight the creeping rise of extinction denial.' Nature Ecology & Evolution, 4(11) pp. 1440-1443.

    Marshall, H., Collar, N.J., Lees, A.C., Moss, A., Yuda, P., Marsden, S.J. (2020) 'Characterizing bird-keeping user-groups on Java reveals distinct behaviours, profiles and potential for change.' People and Nature, 2(4) pp. 877-888.

    Gallo-Cajiao, E., Morrison, T.H., Woodworth, B.K., Lees, A.C., Naves, L.C., Yong, D.L., Choi, C.Y., Mundkur, T., Bird, J., Jain, A., Klokov, K., Syroechkovskiy, E., Chowdhury, S.U., Fu, V.W.K., Watson, J.E.M., Fuller, R.A. (2020) 'Extent and potential impact of hunting on migratory shorebirds in the Asia-Pacific.' Biological Conservation, 246pp. 108582-108582.

    de Almeida, A.S., Vieira, I.C.G., Moura, N., Lees, A.C. (2020) 'Heterogeneity of tree diversity and carbon stocks in Amazonian oil palm landscapes.' Plant Ecology & Diversity, 13(1) pp. 105-112.

    Hawes, J.E., Vieira, I.C.G., Magnago, L.F.S., Berenguer, E., Ferreira, J., Aragão, L.E.O.C., Cardoso, A., Lees, A.C., Lennox, G.D., Tobias, J.A., Waldron, A., Barlow, J. (2020) 'A large‐scale assessment of plant dispersal mode and seed traits across human‐modified Amazonian forests.' Journal of Ecology, 108(4) pp. 1373-1385.

    França, F.M., Benkwitt, C.E., Peralta, G., Robinson, J.P.W., Graham, N.A.J., Tylianakis, J.M., Berenguer, E., Lees, A.C., Ferreira, J., Louzada, J., Barlow, J. (2020) 'Climatic and local stressor interactions threaten tropical forests and coral reefs.' Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 375(1794) pp. 20190116-20190116.

    Miller, E.T., Leighton, G.M., Freeman, B.G., Lees, A.C., Ligon, R.A. (2020) 'Reply to “Convergent and divergent selection in sympatry drive plumage evolution in woodpeckers”.' Nature Communications, 11(1)

    Metcalf, O.C., Lees, A.C., Barlow, J., Marsden, S.J., Devenish, C. (2019) 'hardRain: an R package for quick, automated rainfall detection in ecoacoustic datasets using a threshold-based approach.' Ecological Indicators, 109pp. 105793-105793.

    Marshall, H., Collar, N.J., Lees, A.C., Moss, A., Yuda, P., Marsden, S.J. (2019) 'Spatio-temporal dynamics of consumer demand driving the Asian Songbird Crisis.' Biological Conservation, 241pp. 108237-108237.

    Senfeld, T., Shannon, T.J., Grouw, H., Paijmans, D.M., Tavares, E.S., Baker, A.J., Lees, A.C., Collinson, J.M. (2019) 'Taxonomic status of the extinct Canary Islands Oystercatcher Haematopus meadewaldoi.' Ibis, 162(3) pp. 1068-1074.

    Hatfield, J.H., Barlow, J., Joly, C.A., Lees, A.C., de Freitas Parruco, C.H., Tobias, J.A., Orme, C.D.L., Banks-Leite, C. (2019) 'Mediation of area and edge effects by adjacent land use.' Conservation Biology, 34(2) pp. 395-404.

    Miller, E.T., Leighton, G.M., Freeman, B.G., Lees, A.C., Ligon, R.A. (2019) 'Ecological and geographical overlap drive plumage evolution and mimicry in woodpeckers..' Nature Communications, 10

    Lees, A.C. (2018) 'Interspecific conflict structures urban avian assemblages.' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115(49) pp. 12331-12333.

    Robinson, W.D., Lees, A.C., Blake, J.G. (2018) 'Surveying tropical birds is much harder than you think: a primer of best practices.' Biotropica,

    Lennox, G.D., Gardner, T.A., Thomson, J.R., Ferreira, J., Berenguer, E., Lees, A.C., Mac Nally, R., Aragão, L.E.O.C., Ferraz, S.F.B., Louzada, J., Moura, N.G., Oliveira, V.H.F., Pardini, R., Solar, R.R.C., Vaz-de Mello, F.Z., Vieira, I.C.G., Barlow, J. (2018) 'Second rate or a second chance? Assessing biomass and biodiversity recovery in regenerating Amazonian forests.' Global Change Biology, 24(12) pp. 5680-5694.

    Barlow, J., França, F., Gardner, T.A., Hicks, C.C., Lennox, G.D., Berenguer, E., Castello, L., Economo, E.P., Ferreira, J., Guénard, B., Gontijo Leal, C., Isaac, V., Lees, A.C., Parr, C.L., Wilson, S.K., Young, P.J., Graham, N.A.J. (2018) 'The future of hyperdiverse tropical ecosystems.' Nature, 559pp. 517-517.

    Ferreira, J., Lennox, G.D., Gardner, T.A., Thomson, J.R., Berenguer, E., Lees, A.C., Mac Nally, R., Aragão, L.E.O.C., Ferraz, S.F.B., Louzada, J., Moura, N.G., Oliveira, V.H.F., Pardini, R., Solar, R.R.C., Vieira, I.C.G., Barlow, J. (2018) 'Carbon-focused conservation may fail to protect the most biodiverse tropical forests.' Nature Climate Change, 8pp. 744-744.

    Leighton, G.M., Lees, A.C., Miller, E.T. (2018) 'The hairy–downy game revisited: an empirical test of the interspecific social dominance mimicry hypothesis.' Animal Behaviour, 137pp. 141-148.

    McInerny, C.J., Musgrove, A.J., Stoddart, A., Harrop, A.H.J., Dudley, S.P., Balmer, D., Brown, A., Collinson, M., French, P., Gilroy, J., Lees, A., Millington, R., Rowlands, A., Steele, J. (2018) 'The British List: A Checklist of Birds of Britain (9th edition).' Ibis, 160(1) pp. 190-240.

    Cianciaruso, M.V., Sobral, F.L., Lees, A.C. (2017) 'On dendrograms, ordinations and functional spaces: Methodo-logical choices or pitfalls?.' Frontiers of Biogeography, 9(3)

    Garrett, R.D., Gardner, T.A., Morello, T.F., Marchand, S., Barlow, J., Ezzine de Blas, D., Ferreira, J., Lees, A.C., Parry, L. (2017) 'Explaining the persistence of low income and environmentally degrading land uses in the Brazilian Amazon.' Ecology and Society, 22(3)

    Lees, A.C., Moura, N.G. (2017) 'Taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity of an urban Amazonian avifauna.' Urban Ecosystems, 20(5) pp. 1019-1025.

    Bregman, T.P., Lees, A.C., MacGregor, H.E.A., Darski, B., de Moura, N.G., Aleixo, A., Barlow, J., Tobias, J.A. (2016) 'Using avian functional traits to assess the impact of land-cover change on ecosystem processes linked to resilience in tropical forests.' Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 283(1844)

    Sobral, F.L., Lees, A.C., Cianciaruso, M.V., Vila, M. (2016) 'Introductions do not compensate for functional and phylogenetic losses following extinctions in insular bird assemblages.' Ecology Letters, 19(9) pp. 1091-1100.

    Barlow, J., Lennox, G.D., Ferreira, J., Berenguer, E., Lees, A.C., Nally, R.M., Thomson, J.R., Ferraz, S.F.D.B., Louzada, J., Oliveira, V.H.F., Parry, L., Ribeiro De Castro Solar, R., Vieira, I.C.G., Aragaõ, L.E.O.C., Begotti, R.A., Braga, R.F., Cardoso, T.M., Jr, R.C.D.O., Souza, C.M., Moura, N.G., Nunes, S.S., Siqueira, J.V., Pardini, R., Silveira, J.M., Vaz-De-Mello, F.Z., Veiga, R.C.S., Venturieri, A., Gardner, T.A. (2016) 'Anthropogenic disturbance in tropical forests can double biodiversity loss from deforestation.' Nature, 535(7610) pp. 144-147.

    Lees, A.C. (2016) 'Evidence for longitudinal migration by a “sedentary” Brazilian flycatcher, the Ash-throated Casiornis.' Journal of Field Ornithology,

    Musher, L.J., Lees, A.C., Almeida, B.J.M., Rodrigues, R.C., Fedrizzi, C.E., Holderbaum, J.M., Mizrahi, D. (2016) 'Curlew sandpipers Calidris ferruginea in the western Atlantic: The first, second, and third Brazilian records from Ceará and maranhão.' Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 24(1) pp. 62-67.

    Moura, N.G., Lees, A.C., Aleixo, A., Barlow, J., Berenguer, E., Ferreira, J., Mac Nally, R., Thomson, J.R., Gardner, T.A. (2016) 'Idiosyncratic responses of Amazonian birds to primary forest disturbance.' Oecologia, 180(3) pp. 903-916.

    Lees, A.C., Peres, C.A., Fearnside, P.M., Schneider, M., Zuanon, J.A.S. (2016) 'Hydropower and the future of Amazonian biodiversity.' Biodiversity and Conservation, 25(3) pp. 451-466.

    Lees, A.C., Balmford, A., Phalan, B. (2016) 'Climate mitigation: UK budget cuts erode Paris promises.' Nature, 529(7584)

    Lees, A.C., Balmford, A., Phalan, B. (2016) 'UK budget cuts Erode Paris promises.' Nature, 529(7584)

    Piacentini, V.D.Q., Aleixo, A., Agne, C.E., Maurício, G.N., Pacheco, J.F., Bravo, G.A., Brito, G.R.R., Naka, L.N., Olmos, F., Posso, S., Silveira, L.F., Betini, G.S., Carrano, E., Franz, I., Lees, A.C., Lima, L.M., Pioli, D., Schunck, F., do Amaral, F.R., Bencke, G.A., Cohn-Haft, M., Figueiredo, L.F.A., Straube, F.C., Cesari, E. (2015) 'Annotated checklist of the birds of Brazil by the Brazilian ornithological records committee / Lista comentada das aves do Brasil pelo Comitê Brasileiro de Registros Ornitológicos.' Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 23(2) pp. 91-298.

    Bregman, T.P., Lees, A.C., Seddon, N., MacGregor, H.E.A., Darski, B., Aleixo, A., Bonsall, M.B., Tobias, J.A. (2015) 'Species interactions regulate the collapse of biodiversity and ecosystem function in tropical forest fragments.' ECOLOGY, 96(10) pp. 2692-2704.

    Bregman, T.P., Lees, A.C., Seddon, N., Macgregor, H.E.A., Darski, B., Aleixo, A., Bonsall, M.B., Tobias, J.A. (2015) 'Species interactions regulate the collapse of biodiversity and ecosystem function in tropical forest fragments.' Ecology, 96(10) pp. 2692-2704.

    de Castro Solar, R.R., Barlow, J., Ferreira, J., Berenguer, E., Lees, A.C., Thomson, J.R., Louzada, J., Maués, M., Moura, N.G., Oliveira, V.H.F., Chaul, J.C.M., Schoereder, J.H., Vieira, I.C.G., Mac Nally, R., Gardner, T.A. (2015) 'How pervasive is biotic homogenization in human-modified tropical forest landscapes?.' Ecology Letters, 18(10) pp. 1108-1118.

    Nunes, A.P., Lees, A.C. (2015) 'Revisão crítica sobre a avifauna da bacia do rio Sepotuba, Mato Grosso, Brasil..' Ornitologia, 8(2) pp. 72-80.

    Freitas, M.A.B., Vieira, I.C.G., Albernaz, A.L.K.M., Magalhães, J.L.L., Lees, A.C. (2015) 'Floristic impoverishment of Amazonian floodplain forests managed for açaí fruit production.' Forest Ecology and Management, 351pp. 20-27.

    Kirwan, G.M., Pacheco, J.F., Lees, A.C. (2015) 'First documented record of the sapphire quail-dove geotrygon saphirina bonaparte, 1855, in Brazil, an overlooked specimen from the klages expedition to Amazonia.' Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 23(3) pp. 354-356.

    de Piacentini, V.Q., Aleixo, A., Agne, C.E., Maurício, G.N., Pacheco, J.F., Bravo, G.A., Brito, G.R.R., Naka, L.N., Olmos, F., Posso, S., Silveira, L.F., Betini, G.S., Carrano, E., Franz, I., Lees, A.C., Lima, L.M., Pioli, D., Schunck, F., do Amaral, F.R., Bencke, G.A., Cohn-Haft, M., Figueiredo, L.F.A., Straube, F.C., Cesari, E. (2015) 'Annotated checklist of the birds of Brazil by the Brazilian Ornithological Records Committee / Lista comentada das aves do Brasil pelo Comitê Brasileiro de Registros Ornitológicos.' Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 23(2) pp. 91-298.

    Lees, A.C., Bowler, P. (2015) 'Water: A drought plan for biodiversity.' Nature, 521(7552)

    Lees, A.C., Moura, N.G., De Almeida, A.S., Vieira, I.C.G. (2015) 'Poor prospects for avian biodiversity in amazonian oil palm.' PLoS ONE, 10(5)

    Lees, A.C., Pimm, S.L. (2015) 'Species, extinct before we know them?.' Current Biology, 25(5) pp. R177-R180.

    Lees, A.C. (2015) 'Leave Brazil's Red List alone.' NATURE, 518(7538) pp. 167-167.

    Lees, A.C. (2015) 'Fisheries: Leave Brazil's red list alone.' Nature, 518(7538)

    Lees, A.C., Pimm, S.L. (2015) 'Erratum: Species, extinct before we know them? (Current Boilogy (2015) 25 (R177-R180)).' Current Biology, 25(7)

    Lees, A.C., Martin, R.W. (2015) 'Exposing hidden endemism in a Neotropical forest raptor using citizen science.' Ibis, 157(1) pp. 103-114.

    Lees, A.C., Moura, N.G., De Almeida, A.S., Vieira, I.C.G. (2014) 'Noteworthy ornithological records from the threatened campinas of the lower rio Tocantins, east Amazonian Brazil.' Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club, 134(4) pp. 247-258.

    Ferreira, J., Aragão, L.E.O.C., Barlow, J., Barreto, P., Berenguer, E., Bustamante, M., Gardner, T.A., Lees, A.C., Lima, A., Louzada, J., Pardini, R., Parry, L., Peres, C.A., Pompeu, P.S., Tabarelli, M., Zuanon, J. (2014) 'Brazil's environmental leadership at risk: Mining and dams threaten protected areas.' Science, 346(6210) pp. 706-707.

    Moura, N.G., Lees, A.C., Aleixo, A., Barlow, J., Dantas, S.M., Ferreira, J., Lima, M.D.F.C., Gardner, T.A. (2014) 'Two hundred years of local avian extinctions in eastern Amazonia.' Conservation Biology, 28(5) pp. 1271-1281.

    Ahmed, S.E., Lees, A.C., Moura, N.G., Gardner, T.A., Barlow, J., Ferreira, J., Ewers, R.M. (2014) 'Road networks predict human influence on Amazonian bird communities.' Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281(1795)

    Lees, A.C., Gilroy, J.J. (2014) 'Vagrancy fails to predict colonization of oceanic islands.' Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23(4) pp. 405-413.

    Vieira, I.C.G., Gardner, T., Ferreira, J., Lees, A.C., Barlow, J. (2014) 'Challenges of governing second-growth forests: A case study from the Brazilian Amazonian state of Pará.' Forests, 5(7) pp. 1737-1752.

    Pereira, G.A., Dantas, S.D.M., Silveira, L.F., Roda, S.A., Albano, C., Sonntag, F.A., Leal, S., Periquito, M.C., Malacco, G.B., Lees, A.C. (2014) 'Status of the globally threatened forest birds of northeast Brazil.' Papeis Avulsos de Zoologia, 54(14) pp. 177-194.

    Lees, A.C., Távora, A.F., Tavares, M., Távora, A.O., Coutinho, D. (2014) 'A second Sabine's Gull Xema sabini in Brazil.' Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club, 134(2) pp. 163-164.

    Lees, A.C., Naka, L.N., Aleixo, A., Cohn-Haft, M., Piacentini, V.D.Q., Santos, M.P.D., Silveira, L.F. (2014) 'Conducting rigorous avian inventories: Amazonian case studies and a roadmap for improvement.' Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 22(2) pp. 107-120.

    Moura, N.G., Lees, A.C., Andretti, C.B., Davis, B.J.W., Solar, R.R.C., Aleixo, A., Barlow, J., Ferreira, J., Gardner, T.A. (2013) 'Avian biodiversity in multiple-use landscapes of the Brazilian Amazon.' Biological Conservation, 167pp. 339-348.

    Filipe Dias, D., Pimentel Rocha, R., Lees, A.C. (2013) 'First documented record of the Ruff Philomachus pugnax (Scolopacidae) in Brazil.' Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 21(2) pp. 126-128.

    Lees, A.C. (2013) 'First records of chestnutheaded tanager pyrrhocoma ruficeps from Goiás, central Brazil.' Cotinga, 35pp. 130-131.

    de Almeida, B.J.M., Rodrigues, R.C., Mizrahi, D., Lees, A.C. (2013) 'A Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus in Maranhão: The second Brazilian record.' Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 21(3) pp. 213-216.

    Gardner, T.A., Ferreira, J., Barlow, J., Lees, A.C., Parry, L., Guimaraes Vieira, I.C., Berenguer, E., Abramovay, R., Aleixo, A., Andretti, C., Aragao, L.E.O.C., Araujo, I., de Avila, W.S., Bardgett, R.D., Batistella, M., Begotti, R.A., Beldini, T., de Blas, D.E., Braga, R.F., Braga, D.D.L., de Brito, J.G., de Camargo, P.B., dos Santos, F.C., de Oliveira, V.C., Nunes Cordeiro, A.C., Cardoso, T.M., de Carvalho, D.R., Castelani, S.A., Mario Chaul, J.C., Cerri, C.E., Costa, F.D.A., Furtado da Costa, C.D., Coudel, E., Coutinho, A.C., Cunha, D., D'Antona, A., Dezincourt, J., Dias-Silva, K., Durigan, M., Dalla Mora Esquerdo, J.C., Feres, J., de Barros Ferraz, S.F., de Melo Ferreira, A.E., Fiorini, A.C., Flores da Silva, L.V., Frazao, F.S., Garrett, R., Gomes, A.D.S., Goncalves, K.D.S., Guerrero, J.B., Hamada, N., Hughes, R.M., Igliori, D.C., Jesus, E.D.C., Juen, L., Junior, M., Barbosa de Oliveira Junior, J.M., de Oliveira Junior, R.C., Souza Junior, C., Kaufmann, P., Korasaki, V., Leal, C.G., Leitao, R., Lima, N., Lopes Almeida, M.D.F., Lourival, R., Louzada, J., Mac Nally, R., Marchand, S., Maues, M.M., Moreira, F.M.S., Morsello, C., Moura, N., Nessimian, J., Nunes, S., Fonseca Oliveira, V.H., Pardini, R., Pereira, H.C., Pompeu, P.S., Ribas, C.R., Rossetti, F., Schmidt, F.A., da Silva, R., Celia, R., da Silva, V.M., Morello Ramalho da Silva, T.F., Silveira, J., Siqueira, J.V., de Carvalho, T.S., Solar, R.R.C., Holanda Tancredi, N.S., Thomson, J.R., Torres, P.C., Vaz-de-Mello, F.Z., Stulpen Veiga, R.C., Venturieri, A., Viana, C., Weinhold, D., Zanetti, R., Zuanon, J. (2013) 'A social and ecological assessment of tropical land uses at multiple scales: the Sustainable Amazon Network (vol 368, 20120166, 2013).' PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 368(1624)

    Gardner, T.A., Ferreira, J., Barlow, J., Lees, A.C., Parry, L., Guimarães Vieira, I.C., Berenguer, E., Abramovay, R., Aleixo, A., Andretti, C., Aragão, L.E.O.C., Araújo, I., de Ávila, W.S., Bardgett, R.D., Batistella, M., Begotti, R.A., Beldini, T., de Blas, D.E., Braga, R.F., de Lima Braga, D., de Brito, J.G., de Camargo, P.B., dos Santos, F.C., de Oliveira, V.C., Nunes Cordeiro, A.C., Cardoso, T.M., de Carvalho, D.R., Castelani, S.A., Mário Chaul, J.C., Cerri, C.E., de Assis Costa, F., da Costa, C.D.F., Coudel, E., Coutinho, A.C., Cunha, D., D'Antona, A., Dezincourt, J., Dias-Silva, K., Durigan, M., Dalla Mora Esquerdo, J.C., Feres, J., de Barros Ferraz, S.F., de Melo Ferreira, A.E., Fiorini, A.C., da Silva, L.V.F., Frazão, F.S., Garrett, R., dos Santos Gomes, A., da Silva Gonçalves, K., Guerrero, J.B., Hamada, N., Hughes, R.M., Igliori, D.C., da Conceição Jesus, E., Juen, L., Junior, M., de Oliveira, J.M.B., de Oliveira, R.C., Junior, C.S., Kaufmann, P., Korasaki, V., Leal, C.G., Leitão, R., Lima, N., de Fátima Lopes Almeida, M., Lourival, R., Louzada, J., Nally, R.M., Marchand, S., Maués, M.M., Moreira, F.M.S., Morsello, C., Moura, N., Nessimian, J., Nunes, S., Fonseca Oliveira, V.H., Pardini, R., Pereira, H.C., Pompeu, P.S., Ribas, C.R., Rossetti, F., Schmidt, F.A., da Silva, R., da Silva, R.C.V.M., da Silva, T.F.M.R., Silveira, J., Siqueira, J.V., de Carvalho, T.S., Solar, R.R.C., Holanda Tancredi, N.S., Thomson, J.R., Torres, P.C., Vaz-de-Mello, F.Z., Stulpen Veiga, R.C., Venturieri, A., Viana, C., Weinhold, D., Zanetti, R., Zuanon, J. (2013) 'A social and ecological assessment of tropical land uses at multiple scales: The Sustainable Amazon Network.' Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 368(1619)

    Lees, A.C., Vieira, I.C.G. (2013) 'Forests: Oil-palm concerns in Brazilian Amazon.' Nature, 497(7448)

    Lees, A.C., Vieira, I.C.G. (2013) 'Oil-palm concerns in Brazilian Amazon.' NATURE, 497(7448) pp. 188-188.

    Lees, A.C., de Moura, N.G., Andretti, C.B., Davis, B.J.W., Lopes, E.V., Magalli Pinto Henriques, L., Aleixo, A., Barlow, J., Ferreira, J., Gardner, T.A. (2013) 'One hundred and thirty-five years of avifaunal surveys around Santarém, central Brazilian Amazon.' Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 21(1) pp. 16-57.

    Lees, A.C., Newton, I., Balmford, A. (2013) 'Pheasants, buzzards, and trophic cascades.' Conservation Letters, 6(2) pp. 141-144.

    Lees, A.C., Zimmer, K.J., Marantz, C.A., Whittaker, A., Davis, B.J.W., Whitney, B.M. (2013) 'Alta Floresta revisited: An updated review of the avifauna of the most intensively surveyed locality in south-central Amazonia.' Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club, 133(3) pp. 178-239.

    Lees, A.C., de Moura, N.G., Santana, A., Aleixo, A., Barlow, J., Berenguer, E., Ferreira, J., Gardner, T.A. (2012) 'Paragominas: A quantitative baseline inventory of an eastern Amazonian avifauna.' Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 20(2) pp. 93-118.

    Barlow, J., Parry, L., Gardner, T.A., Lees, A.C., Peres, C.A. (2012) 'Developing evidence-based arguments to assess the pristine nature of Amazonian forests.' Biological Conservation, 152pp. 293-294.

    Barlow, J., Gardner, T.A., Lees, A.C., Parry, L., Peres, C.A. (2012) 'How pristine are tropical forests? An ecological perspective on the pre-Columbian human footprint in Amazonia and implications for contemporary conservation.' Biological Conservation, 151(1) pp. 45-49.

    Bird, J.P., Buchanan, G.M., Lees, A.C., Clay, R.P., Develey, P.F., Yépez, I., Butchart, S.H.M. (2012) 'Integrating spatially explicit habitat projections into extinction risk assessments: A reassessment of Amazonian avifauna incorporating projected deforestation.' Diversity and Distributions, 18(3) pp. 273-281.

    Mahood, S.P., Lees, A.C., Peres, C.A. (2012) 'Amazonian countryside habitats provide limited avian conservation value.' Biodiversity and Conservation, 21(2) pp. 385-405.

    Gardner, T.A., Burgess, N.D., Aguilar-Amuchastegui, N., Barlow, J., Berenguer, E., Clements, T., Danielsen, F., Ferreira, J., Foden, W., Kapos, V., Khan, S.M., Lees, A.C., Parry, L., Roman-Cuesta, R.M., Schmitt, C.B., Strange, N., Theilade, I., Vieira, I.C.G. (2012) 'A framework for integrating biodiversity concerns into national REDD+ programmes.' Biological Conservation, 154pp. 61-71.

    Biancalana, R.N., Nogueira, W., Bessa, R., Pioli, D., Albano, C., Lees, A.C. (2012) 'Range extensions and breeding biology observations of the Sooty Swift (Cypseloides fumigatus) in the states of Bahia, Goiás, Minas Gerais and Tocantins.' Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 20(2) pp. 87-92.

    Castro, F., Castro, J., Ferreira, A.R., Crozariol, M.A., Lees, A.C. (2012) 'A first documented Brazilian record of Least Seedsnipe Thinocorus rumicivorus Eschscholtz, 1829 (Thinocoridae).' Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 20(4) pp. 455-457.

    Chowdhury, S.U., Lees, A.C., Thompson, P.M. (2012) 'Status and distribution of the endangered Baer's Pochard Aythya baeri in Bangladesh.' Forktail, (28) pp. 57-61.

    Korczak-Abshire, M., Lees, A.C., Jojczyk, A. (2011) 'First documented record of barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) in the Antarctic.' Polish Polar Research, 32(4) pp. 355-360.

    Lees, A.C. (2011) 'Shades of grey: 'Eastern' Skylarks and extralimital subspecies identification.' British Birds, 104(11) pp. 660-666.

    Lees, A.C., VanderWerf, E.A. (2011) 'First record of Blyth's Pipit Anthus godlewskii for Micronesia.' Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club, 131(3) pp. 212-217.

    Lees, A.C., Bird, J.P., Chowdhury, S.U., Martin, R.W. (2011) 'Status of Red-throated Pipit Anthus cervinus in Bangladesh.' Forktail, (27) pp. 104-105.

    Peres, C.A., Gardner, T.A., Barlow, J., Zuanon, J., Michalski, F., Lees, A.C., Vieira, I.C.G., Moreira, F.M.S., Feeley, K.J. (2010) 'Biodiversity conservation in human-modified Amazonian forest landscapes.' Biological Conservation, 143(10) pp. 2314-2327.

    Lees, A.C., Peres, C.A. (2010) 'Habitat and Life History Determinants of Antbird Occurrence in Variable-Sized Amazonian Forest Fragments.' Biotropica, 42(5) pp. 614-621.

    Bird, J.P., Lees, A.C., Chowdhury, S.U., Martin, R., Ul Haque, E. (2010) 'A survey of the Critically Endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper Eurynorhynchus pygmeus in Bangladesh and key future research and conservation recommendations.' Forktail, (26) pp. 1-8.

    Lees, A.C., Peres, C.A. (2009) 'Gap-crossing movements predict species occupancy in Amazonian forest fragments.' Oikos, 118(2) pp. 280-290.

    Trinca, C.T., Ferrari, S.F., Lees, A.C. (2008) 'Curiosity killed the bird: arbitrary hunting of harpy eagles (Harpia harpyja) on an agricultural frontier in southern Brazilian Amazonia.' Cotinga, 30pp. 12-15.

    Lees, A.C., Davis, B.J.W., Oliveira, A.V.G., Peres, C.A. (2008) 'Avifauna of a structurally heterogenous forest landscape in the Serra dos Caiabis, Mato Grosso, Brazil: a preliminary assesment..' Cotinga, 29(1)

    Lees, A.C., Peres, C.A. (2008) 'Conservation value of remnant riparian forest corridors of varying quality for Amazonian birds and mammals.' Conservation Biology, 22(2) pp. 439-449.

    Lees, A.C., Peres, C.A. (2008) 'Avian life-history determinants of local extinction risk in a hyper-fragmented neotropical forest landscape.' Animal Conservation, 11(2) pp. 128-137.

    Lees, A.C. (2008) 'A range extension for Curl-crested Aracari (Pteroglossus beauharnaesii): implications for avian contact zones in central Amazonia.' Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club, 128(1) pp. 53-54.

    Lees, A.C., Bell, D.J. (2008) 'A conservation paradox for the 21st century: The European wild rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus, an invasive alien and an endangered native species.' Mammal Review, 38(4) pp. 304-320.

    Swift, L., Hunter, P.R., Lees, A.C., Bell, D.J. (2007) 'Wildlife trade and the emergence of infectious diseases.' EcoHealth, 4(1) pp. 25-30.

    Lees, A.C., Peres, C.A. (2006) 'Rapid avifaunal collapse along the Amazonian deforestation frontier.' Biological Conservation, 133(2) pp. 198-211.

    McLaren, I.A., Lees, A.C., Field, C., Collins, K.J. (2006) 'Origins and characteristics of Nearctic landbirds in Britain and Ireland in autumn: A statistical analysis.' Ibis, 148(4) pp. 707-726.

    Lees, A.C., Moores, R.D. (2006) 'Identification and status of Dunn's Lark in northwest Africa.' British Birds, 99(9) pp. 482-484.

    Lees, A.C., Gilroy, J.J. (2004) 'Pectoral sandpipers in Europe: Vagrancy patterns and the influx of 2003.' British Birds, 97(12) pp. 638-646.

    Gilroy, J.J., Lees, A.C. (2003) 'Vagrancy theories: Are autumn vagrants really reverse migrants?.' British Birds, 96(9) pp. 427-438.

  • Non-peer reviewed articles / reviews

    Lees, A. (2011) Book Review: Birds of Brazil: The Pantanal and Cerrado of Central Brazil.

Career history

Sept 1998- June 2002

BSc Biological Sciences First Class. 1998-2002 University of East Anglia, UK

Sept 2004- May 2008

PhD 2008: University of East Anglia, thesis title: “Synergistic effects of forest disturbance and fragmentation on a species-rich Amazonian avifauna

June 2010–Apr 2012

CAPES Post-doctoral Scholar, Goeldi Museum, Brazil.

May 2012–Oct 2012

Visiting Fellow, Cambridge University, UK.

Oct 2012–Sep 2015

CNPq Postdoctoral Fellow, Goeldi Museum, Brazil.

Oct 2015–Sep 2016,

Edward B Rose Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Cornell University, USA.

Sept 2016 - Aug 2018

Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Jan 2017 - Jan 2018

British Science Association Media Fellow

Jan 2017-Oct 2018

PGCLTHE Manchester Metropolitan University, UK (Distinction).

Aug 2018 - July 2022

Senior Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

August 2022 - present

Reader, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Press and media

Media appearances or involvement

Selected online news stories:

National Geographic US Jun-24 ‘Endlings’ are the last animals of their kind. Can their stories help us save them?
O Liberal Brazil Jun-24 Estudo aponta aumento da temperatura nas florestas tropicais no Pará e no mundo
The Guardian UK May-24 Herd of 170 bison could help store CO2 equivalent of 43,000 cars, researchers say
The Guardian UK Dec-23 Human-driven extinction of bird species twice as high as thought, study says
The Sunday Times UK Oct-23 Let’s twitch again: this autumn’s a rare bird bonanza
Time Out UK Sep-23

This rare songbird has been spotted in the UK for the first time

The New York Times USA Sep-23 Storm Delivers Gift to U.K. and Irish Bird-Watchers: North American Species
The Guardian UK Sep-23 ‘In total shock’: birdwatchers amazed as ‘uber-rare’ American birds land in UK
ENDS Report UK Aug-23 Going guerilla: Have rogue rewilders ‘set lynx back 20 years’?
Financial Times UK Jul-23 Extreme wildfires are here to stay. Can human beings really fight them?
Audubon USA Jun-23 When Birds Get Lost, Space Storms May Be to Blame
Knowable Magazine USA May-23

A shocking number of birds are in trouble

The Guardian UK May-23

Collecting ‘gourmet’ eggs from black-headed gulls should be banned, says RSPB

BBC Wildlife UK Apr-23 SoundScape
Hakai Magazine Canada Mar-23 With Ships, Birds Find an Easier Way to Travel
BBC Future UK Sept-22 Should you feed garden birds?
Canadian Geographic Canada Aug-22 The accidentals: Mapping the bird “vagrants” that found themselves far from home
The National UAE Aug-22 Giraffes and parrots among one million species ‘at threat of extinction’
BBC Wildlife UK Jun-22 Global bird populations face huge declines
The New Statesman UK Jun-22

Horses, heather and hierarchy: Is the monarchy good for nature?

Mongabay UK May-22 Drastic declines in Neotropical birds in a protected Panamanian forest
China Dialogue China May-22

Amazon palm oil: sustainable fuel or deforestation driver?

Mongabay UK May-22

Rachel Carson’s ‘Silent Spring’ 60 years on: Birds still fading from the skies

Nature India May-22

Habitat loss pushing more bird species to near extinction

National Geographic España 

Spain May-22

Las poblaciones de aves de todo el mundo están en declive

The Guardian

UK May-22

Muck in to help nesting birds during UK heatwave, says RSPB

The Hindu India May-22

Future looms dark for 48% of bird species Germany May-22 Hälfte aller Vogelarten weltweit mit Bestandsrückgang
The Guardian UK May-22 ‘Canaries in the coalmine’: loss of birds signals changing planet
Forbes USA Apr-22 The Presence Of Absence: How Do We Know A Species Is Really Extinct?
Riffreporter Germany Apr-22 Und er lebt doch! US-Forscher melden die Wiederentdeckung des verschwundenen Elfenbeinspechts
La Presse Canada Apr-22

Vers une nouvelle extinction de masse?

New York Times USA Apr-22

These Birds Aren’t Lost. They’re Adapting

BBC News UK Mar-22 RSPB: Bitterns make booming recovery in UK wetlands
Scientific American  USA Mar-22 Bird Feeders Are Good for Some Species—But Possibly Bad for Others
The Sun UK Feb-22 WING AND A PRAYER: Mystery as shocking video shows huge flock of blackbirds suddenly dropping from the sky leaving dozens dead
New York Post USA Feb-22

Viral video showing birds crashing into ground in Mexico stirs theories

The Guardian UK Feb-22

Why did birds fall from sky in Mexico? Probably a predator, experts say

The Telegraph UK Jan-22

The beautiful migrant birds to spot this year - from the Jay to the Siskin

BBC News



Farmers could be paid for post-Brexit ‘rewilding’ land changes

Daily Mail



Farmers who ‘make space for nature’ are to be handed millions: Biggest shake-up in 50 years rewards planting trees and saving wetlands… but NFU fears it’ll hit food production




Un aigle asiatique atterrit aux Etats-Unis à cause d’une tempête

La Republica



Avistan en América un águila enorme que solo debería existir al otro lado del mundo

Daily Mail



Lost Steller’s sea eagle that is native to Asia is spotted in Massachusetts




A lost eagle from Asia has been traveling around North America for more than a year 

New Scientist



Fires in Brazil’s wetlands killed almost 17 million animals in 2020 

BBC News



Brazil wildfires killed an estimated 17 million animals 

Smithsonian Magazine



Thousands of Miles Away From Home, This Steller’s Sea Eagle Couldn’t Be Any More Lost



Kjempehavørn forvillet seg til feil kontinent 

Daily Telegraph



Should we stop feeding garden birds? 

New York Times



This Eagle Is Very, Very Lost 

The Guardian



Jair Bolsonaro attacks ‘international greed’ over Amazon – as it happened

BBC Wildlife



Food Fighters

Liverpool Post



From Liverpool Bay, a flock of mysterious sea birds disappears into the night 

Le Scienze (Scientific American Italy)



La carica dei negazionisti della sesta estinzione di massa

Slate Fr



Nourrir les oiseaux à sa fenêtre n’est pas forcément une bonne idée 

Focus Online



Argumente widerlegt: Was Sie Leuten antworten, die das Massensterben der Arten leugnen




Bird feeders are killing birds, biologist warns as populations see ‘catastrophic decline’

BBC News



Does feeding garden birds do more harm than good?

Mongabay Brasil



Plataforma apresenta dados inéditos sobre a biodiversidade brasileira 

The Guardian



Royal family urged to lead rewilding efforts and transform estates 




Estudo aumenta esperança de encontrar ave “perdida” da Mata Atlântica

New Scientist



Extinction denialism is a worrying new anti-science movement 

The Guardian



Land could be worth more left to nature than when farmed, study finds 




Amazon’s Belo Monte dam cuts Xingu River flow 85%; a crime, Indigenous say 




You don’t need to know nature to love it, study shows 

BBC News



Birds’ genetic secrets revealed in global DNA study 

About Manchester



Manchester Scientists call for action against rise of ‘extinction denial’

BBC Country File Magazine



Fire in the Hills

The Guardian



Rewild to mitigate the climate crisis, urge leading scientists

Derbyshire Life



The controversial grouse moor burning season in the Peak District 

Chip Online



Bir Bilim Karşıtı Hareket Daha: Düz Dünyacılardan Sonra “Yok Olma İnkarı”

The Independent



‘Extinction Denialism’: How to fight a growing anti-science movement 

The Guardian



We’ve covered huge swathes of the UK in tarmac’: how roads affect birds 

Wyoming Public Media



Conservation Scientists Confront Extinction Denial




Biologists warn ‘extinction denial’ is the latest anti-science conspiracy theory 

BBC News



Amazon under threat: Fires, loggers and now virus 




Want some good nature news? Stork chicks are hatching in the UK for the first time in 600 years 

The Guardian



Look up, look down: experts urge us to take a closer look at the concrete jungle 

The Times



Flock of tweeting twitchers shows how common scoter flies home 

The Guardian



Defra challenged over ‘unlawful’ release of 57m game birds in UK 

The Guardian



Loss of EU protections could imperil UK hedgehogs, report says 

The Independent



Starving and shot orangutan returned to wild as ‘world’s most wildlife-rich areas being destroyed’ 

BBC Brasil



Por que não é correto comparar os incêndios na Amazônia aos que ocorrem na Austrália 

BBC Wildlife



Our planet’s lungs are on fire

The Times



BBC got animal noises mixed up in Attenborough’s One Planet

The Independent



BBC to pull parts of David Attenborough documentary after animal sounds mix-up 

Daily Mail



BBC is forced to pull episode of new David Attenborough show Seven Worlds One Planet from iPlayer over mistakes - including using the WRONG animal noises

The Times



Ornithologists squawk over errors in M&S British birds jigsaw

BBC News



What about the animals caught in the Amazon rainforest fires? 

Mirror Online



Hundreds of animal species face ‘imminent’ EXTINCTION if we don’t take urgent action, scientists warn 

Anthropocene Magazine



Impoverished but still a treasure: the birds of an Amazonian city

The Ecologist



Daily Mail



Time is running out for the tropics 

BBC News



National Trust should be radical, says Hilary McGrady




Visualizing the impacts of human disturbance on tropical forest biodiversity 

Washington Post



What wildlife scientists and nature lovers can learn from Pokémon Go: 

BBC News



Amazon fires: Humans make rainforest more flammable: 




Amazon rainforest creatures under THREAT from man-induced destruction 




Fim do desmatamento não salvará a floresta amazônica 

Washington Post



Massive effort to save the Amazon is failing even in ‘protected’ areas 

Daily Mail



Dammed to hell: Hydropower in the Amazon basin is threatening hundreds of rare and unique species with extinction 

Washington Post



Why more than 200 new dams will be a disaster for the Amazon:

TV Cultura



Desaparecimento de aves 




Palm oil plantations used to ‘reforest’ parts of Brazil despite being wildlife deserts

Globo News



Em dois séculos, 47 espécies de aves podem ter sido extintas em Belém


  1. Vagrant Birds BBC Radio 4 Inside Science
  2. Dr. Alexander Lees - The State of The World’s Birds and other issues The Bird Emergency Podcast
  3. #2 – Plant Your Birdfeeder JumpStart Nature Podcasts
  4. Co-operation and cohesion BBC World Service
  5. COP27 and what Brazil’s new president could mean for the Amazon Sky News’ ClimateCast 
  6. Unraveling the Mysteries of Bird Vagrancy with Alex Lees American Birding Podcast
  7. Vagrancy WICN Public Radio
  8. Vagrancy in Birds The Urban Birder
  9. Nuance in Nature Into the Wild Podcasts
  10. Provisioning: killing with kindness? Off The Leash Podcasts
  11. Garden bird feeding BBC Inside Science
  12. Festival of Debate Peak District - Nature Impoverished
  13. Ghosts of the Landscape Derbyshire Wildlife Trust
  14. Conservation vs Animal Rights Activism?Off The Leash Podcasts
  15. Extinction Denial Newstalk
  16. The Amazon Rainforest with Alex Lees Tommy’s Outdoors
  17. Storks: a cultural history The Naked Scientists
  18. Protect the planet Metcast

MMU Media

  1. Sustainability – No Excuses Part 2 MetMUnch

News articles for the

  1. Swifts delayed by cold and wet springs face mounting problems as the climate changes Alexander C. Lees
  2. Counting mammals, birds and dung beetles could be vital for saving the Amazon Filipe França, Alexander C. Lees, Jos Barlow, Yves Bas
  3. Stork chicks hatch in UK for first time in 600 years – why that’s great news for British wildlife Alexander Lees & Oliver Metcalf 
  4. Amazon fires explained: what are they, why are they so damaging, and how can we stop them? Jos Barlow & Alexander Lees
  5. Peru ends era of ‘roadless wilderness’ in its Amazon rainforests Alexander Lees
  6. Only local Amazonians can bring true sustainable development to their forest Jos Barlow, Alexander Lees, Erika Berenguer, James A. Fraser & Joice Ferreira
  7. Without birds, tropical forests won’t bounce back from deforestation Alexander Lees
  8. Will we soon see another wave of bird extinctions in the Americas? Alexander Lees


  1. Feeding birds in our gardens is a joy – but it may be harming weaker species The Guardian