Dr Sue Caton
Dr Sue Caton
My profile
I am a Reader in the Department of Social Care and Social Work in the Faculty of Health and Education. My work is mainly qualitative social research in the area of the social and health inequalities experienced by people with learning (intellectual) disabilities.
Interests and expertise
My current work is mainly focussed on the following research projects:
1) Digital Lifeline (PI Dr Sue Caton).For many people with learning (intellectual) disabilities, using the internet can be difficult. In the pandemic, the Government paid for 5,500 digital devices (tablets) to be sent to people with learning disabilities, along with some support with how to use the internet. This was called the Digital Lifeline Fund. As well as Digital Lifeline, other organisations supporting people with learning disabilities also sent digital equipment to people, mainly to support social connections. As life begins to return to normal, this project aims to find out what difference the new digital devices made to the lives of people with learning disabilities who received them and what kind of support was the best.
2) Medications and My Mental Health (PI Dr Sue Caton). This co-produced research project aims to develop a set of resources and information to support people with learning disabilities to become more confident shared decision-makers about their medications for mental health. Funded by NIHR, RfPB Grant Reference Number NIHR204107
3) Our Digital Health (PI Dr Darren Chadwick). This study focuses on how people with learning disabilities take part in online health provision, including how well people are able to use technology, including the internet, and how people are able to understand and use health information (health literacy). NIHR RfSC
4) Coronavirus and People with Learning Disabilities Study (PIs Prof Chris Hatton and Prof Richard Hastings). The Coronavirus and People with Learning Disabilities Study aimed to track people’s experiences to understand the impact of the pandemic on the lives of people with learning disabilities. Funded by UK Research and Innovation (Medical Research Council), and supported by the Department for Health and Social Care (National Institute for Health Research) as part of the UKRI-DHSC COVID-19 Rapid Response Rolling Call. UKRI: MR/V028596/1 NIHR: COV0196
Current Research Projects:
1) Digital Lifeline (PI Dr Sue Caton).For many people with learning (intellectual) disabilities, using the internet can be difficult. In the pandemic, the Government paid for 5,500 digital devices (tablets) to be sent to people with learning disabilities, along with some support with how to use the internet. This was called the Digital Lifeline Fund. As well as Digital Lifeline, other organisations supporting people with learning disabilities also sent digital equipment to people, mainly to support social connections. As life begins to return to normal, this project aims to find out what difference the new digital devices made to the lives of people with learning disabilities who received them and what kind of support was the best. Funded by NIHR RfSC
2) Mental Health Medications in the Lives of People with Learning Disabilities (PI Dr Sue Caton). This co-produced research project aims to develop a set of resources and information to support people with learning disabilities to become more confident shared decision-makers about their medications for mental health. Funded by NIHR, RfPB Grant Reference Number NIHR204107
3) Digital Health and People with Learning Disabilities (PI Dr Darren Chadwick). This study focuses on how people with learning disabilities take part in online health provision, including how well people are able to use technology, including the internet, and how people are able to understand and use health information (health literacy). The project started in May 2023 and will run until the end of 2025. It is being led by Dr Darren Chadwick at Liverpool John Moores University with partners at Dudley Voices for Choice as well as the Universities of Dundee, Warwick, Kent, and Birmingham City.
Previous Research Projects:
- 2020-2024 Coronavirus and People with Learning Disabilities Study (PIs Prof Chris Hatton and Prof Richard Hastings). The Coronavirus and People with Learning Disabilities Study aimed to track people’s experiences to understand the impact of the pandemic on the lives of people with learning disabilities. The study has tracked the experiences of approximately 800 adults with learning disabilities. The UK-wide project interviewed about 500 adults with learning disabilities and surveyed a further 300 family members or support workers of adults with learning disabilities who could not take part in an interview. Funded by UK Research and Innovation (Medical Research Council), and supported by the Department for Health and Social Care (National Institute for Health Research) as part of the UKRI-DHSC COVID-19 Rapid Response Rolling Call. UKRI: MR/V028596/1 NIHR: COV0196
- 2019-20: Shared Lives 16+ Evaluation. Funder: Department for Education
- 2018-20: GM GOLD (Greater Manchester Growing Older with Learning Disabilities). Funder: Ambition for Ageing.
- 2018-21: Evaluation of the ‘Us too’ project on domestic abuse and women with learning disabilities. Funder: ARC/Comic Relief
- 2018: Get SMART (Social Media Awareness and Resilience Training). Funder: ISD Innovation Fund/Google.org
- 2017-20: Evaluation of ‘Let’s Have a Good Week’ project. Funder: Breakthrough UK/Big Lottery
- 2014-15: Evaluation of a ‘Hard to Reach’ Dental Service. Funder: Greater Manchester Academic Health Science Network
I have supervised 4 PhD students to completion.
Current PhD students:
- Digital Inclusion: transforming the lives of people with learning disabilities (Faculty scholarship - Sally Ferguson-Wormley)
- Working Towards an Evidence Base: Developing Meaningful Outcome Measures for Animal Assisted Interventions for Children and Young People with Autism (WRDTP funded - Alexandra Northover)
- Incorporating family voices in the planning and delivery of parenting support (White Rose DTP funded - Rachel Prest)
- Playful memories of yesterday, playful memories of tomorrow: assembling an understanding of how toys come to matter in familial environments and how disability pertains to this mattering (White Rose DTP funded - Heidi Mapley).
Current MPhil students:
- Understanding Mental Health Issues Among Kurdish Refugees in Finland: A Life Story Approach (Afrouz Zibaei)
Research outputs
Chapters in books
Caton, S., Alfredsson Ågren, K., Raghavendra, P. (2024) 'Digital Participation and Competencies for Young People with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities.' The Lives of Children and Adolescents with Disabilities. Taylor & Francis,
Chadwick, D., Chapman, M., Caton, S. (2019) 'Digital Inclusion for People with an Intellectual Disability.' The Oxford Handbook of Cyberpsychology. Oxford University Press, USA,
Purcell, C.M., Lewis, S., Smithson, J., Caton, S. (2007) 'Work-Life Balance, Best Practice and Healthy Organisations: A European Perspective.' Building More Effective Organizations HR Management and Performance in Practice. Cambridge University Press,
Hatton, C., Caton, S., Hastings, R. (2023) Coronavirus and people with learning disabilities study wave 4: people from ethnic minority communities in England September 2023. Coventry: University of Warwick.
Hatton, C., Caton, S., Bradshaw, J., Gillooly, A., Jahdoa, A., Kelly, R., Maguire, R., Oloidi, E., Taggart, L., Todd, S., Hastings, R. (2023) Coronavirus and people with learning disabilities study: Wave 4 Results: February 2023 (Full Report). Coventry: University of Warwick.
Flynn, S., Hayden, N., Clarke, L., Caton, S., Hatton, C., Hastings, R.P., Abbott, D., Beyer, S., Bradshaw, J., Gillooly, A., Gore, N., Heslop, P., Jahoda, A., Maguire, R., Marriott, A., Oloidi, E., Paris, A., Mulhall, P., Scior, K., Taggart, L., Todd, S. (2021) Coronavirus and people with learning disabilities study Wave 3 Results: September 2021 (Full Report).
Flynn, S., Bailey, T., Hastings, R.P., Hatton, C., Abbott, D., Beyer, S., Bradshaw, J., Caton, S., Gillooly, A., Gore, N., Heslop, P., Jahoda, A., Maguire, R., Marriott, A., Oloidi, E., Mulhall, P., Scior, K., Taggart, L., Todd, S. (2021) Coronavirus and people with learning disabilities study Wave 1 Results: March 2021 (Full Report).
Mitchell-Smith, Z., Caton, S., Potter, A. (2020) Shared Lives 16+ Pilot Evaluation Report. Department for Education.
Tetley, J., Stockley, R., Donaldson, G., Caton, S., Sullivan, M., Holland, S., Georgio, T., Visi, F., Williamson, A., Wong, J., Hill, R. (2017) Using rhythm for rehabilitation: evaluation of a novel haptic device.
Caton, S.J., Goldbart, J. (2010) Communication and People with the Most Complex Needs: What works and why this is essential.. Mencap.
Purcell, C.M., Lewis, S., Smithson, J., Caton, S. (2005) Gender, Parenthood and the Changing European Workplace.
Journal articles
Caton, S., Hatton, C., Bradshaw, J., Jahoda, A., Kelly, R., Maguire, R., Oloidi, E., Taggart, L., Todd, S., Hastings, R.P. (2024) '(Not) Going Out and Barriers to Leaving the House for People With Intellectual Disabilities Through the COVID‐19 Pandemic in the UK.' Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 37(6)
Cavanagh, D.E., Caton, S., Rawles, J., Runswick‐Cole, K., Hatton, C., Chauhan, U., Hutchinson, C. (2024) 'What do people with intellectual disabilities, their family members and paid carers understand about psychotropic medication? A rapid review.' Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 37(5)
Hatton, C., Hastings, R.P., Caton, S., Bradshaw, J., Jahoda, A., Kelly, R., Maguire, R., Oloidi, E., Taggart, L., Todd, S. (2024) 'Health and healthcare of people with learning disabilities in the United Kingdom through the COVID‐19 pandemic.' British Journal of Learning Disabilities,
Caton, S., Hatton, C., Gillooly, A., Oloidi, E., Clarke, L., Bradshaw, J., Flynn, S., Taggart, L., Mulhall, P., Jahoda, A., Maguire, R., Marriott, A., Todd, S., Abbott, D., Beyer, S., Gore, N., Heslop, P., Scior, K., Hastings, R.P. (2024) 'Online social connections and Internet use among people with intellectual disabilities in the United Kingdom during the COVID-19 pandemic.' New Media and Society, 26(5)
Caton, S., Bradshaw, J., Gillooly, A., Hatton, C., Flynn, S., Oloidi, E., Jahoda, A., Maguire, R., Marriott, A., Mulhall, P., Taggart, L., Todd, S., Abbott, D., Beyer, S., Gore, N., Heslop, P., Scior, K., Hastings, R.P. (2023) 'Digital participation of people with profound and multiple learning disabilities during the Covid‐19 pandemic in the UK.' British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 51(2) pp. 163-174.
Tetley, J.W., Holland, S., Caton, S., Donaldson, G., Georgiou, T., Visi, F., Stockley, R.C. (2022) 'Using rhythm for rehabilitation: the acceptability of a novel haptic cueing device in extended stroke rehabilitation.' Journal of Enabling Technologies, 16(4) pp. 290-301.
Mikulak, M., Ryan, S., Russell, S., Caton, S., Keagan‐Bull, R., Spalding, R., Ribenfors, F., Hatton, C. (2022) '‘Internet is easy if you know how to use it’: doing online research with people with learning disabilities during the COVID‐19 pandemic.' British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 51(2) pp. 269-278.
Flynn, S., Hatton, C., Hastings, R.P., Hayden, N., Caton, S., Heslop, P., Jahoda, A., Todd, S., Oloidi, E., Beyer, S., Mulhall, P., Taggart, L. (2022) 'Access to and use of health and social care services for people with learning disabilities during COVID-19: a longitudinal study.' Tizard Learning Disability Review, 27(1) pp. 57-66.
Chadwick, D., Ågren, K.A., Caton, S., Chiner, E., Danker, J., Gómez-Puerta, M., Heitplatz, V., Johansson, S., Normand, C.L., Murphy, E., Plichta, P., Strnadová, I., Wallén, E.F. (2022) 'Digital inclusion and participation of people with intellectual disabilities during COVID-19: a rapid review and international bricolage.' Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 19(3) pp. 242-256.
Flynn, S., Caton, S., Gillooly, A., Bradshaw, J., Hastings, R.P., Hatton, C., Jahoda, A., Mulhall, P., Todd, S., Beyer, S., Taggart, L. (2021) 'The experiences of adults with learning disabilities in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic: qualitative results from Wave 1 of the Coronavirus and people with learning disabilities study.' Tizard Learning Disability Review, 26(4) pp. 224-229.
Hatton, C., Bailey, T., Bradshaw, J., Caton, S., Flynn, S., Gillooly, A., Jahoda, A., Maguire, R., Marriott, A., Mulhall, P., Oloidi, E., Taggart, L., Todd, S., Abbott, D., Beyer, S., Gore, N., Heslop, P., Scior, K., Hastings, R.P. (2021) 'The willingness of UK adults with intellectual disabilities to take COVID-19 vaccines.' Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 65(11) pp. 949-961.
Caton, S., Landman, R. (2021) 'Internet safety, online radicalisation and young people with learning disabilities.' British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 50(1) pp. 88-97.
Caton, S., Koivunen, E.R., Allison, C. (2019) 'Internet use for family carers of people with intellectual disabilities: A literature review and thematic synthesis.' Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 23(3)
Caton, S.J., Chapman, M. (2016) 'The Use of Social Media and People with Intellectual Disability: a systematic review and thematic analysis.' Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 41
Caton, S.J., Greenhalgh, F., Goodacre, L. (2016) 'Evaluation of a community dental service for homeless and 'hard to reach' people.' British Dental Journal, 220
Goldbart, J., Yohannes, A.M., Woolrych, R., Caton, S. (2013) ''It is not going to change his life but it has picked him up': A qualitative study of perspectives on long term oxygen therapy for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.' Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 11(1)
Chapman, M.J., Hare, D.J., Caton, S., Donalds, D., McInnis, E., Mitchell, D. (2013) 'The Use of Mindfulness with People with Intellectual Disabilities: A Systematic Review and Narrative Analysis.' Mindfulness, 4(2) pp. 179-189.
Caton, S., Chadwick, D., Chapman, M., Turnbull, S., Mitchell, D., Stansfield, J. (2012) 'Healthy lifestyles for adults with intellectual disability: knowledge, barriers, and facilitators..' J Intellect Dev Disabil, 37(3) pp. 248-259.
Yohannes, A.M., Caton, S. (2010) 'Management of depression in older people with osteoarthritis: A systematic review..' Aging Ment Health, 14(6) pp. 637-651.
Starling, S., Caton, S., Burton, M., Azmi, S., Chapman, M. (2007) 'Responsive services for learning disabled people from minority ethnic communities.'
Caton, S., Kagan, C. (2007) 'Comparing transition expectations of young people with moderate learning disabilities with other vulnerable youth and with their non-disabled counterparts.' Disability and Society, 22(5) pp. 473-488.
Caton, S., Kagan, C. (2006) 'Tracking post-school destinations of young people with mild intellectual disabilities: the problem of attrition.' Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities, 19(2) pp. 143-152.
Conference papers
Ribenfors, F., Caton, S., Rimmer, L. (2021) 'The becoming adult: Transition to adulthood for young people with intellectual disabilities.' 34. WILEY, pp. 1224-1225.
Caton, S., Chapman, M., Docherty, D. (2021) 'The ambitions, motivations and experiences of co-researchers in an inclusive research project.' 34. WILEY, pp. 1287-1287.
Hamshire, C., Forsyth, R., Caton, S., Fontaine, D., Soldaat, L. (2019) 'Exploring staff perceptions of first-generation students to enhance professional development of academic staff.' In Proceedings: EuroSoTL 2019. Bilbao, Spain, 13/6/2019 - 14/6/2019.
Caton, S., Koivunen, E., Chapman, M. (2018) 'Internet Use by People with Intellectual Disabilities: Current Priorities.' 31. 17/7/2018 - 20/7/2018. Wiley,
Caton, S., Chapman, M., Koivunen, E. (2018) 'Internet use by people with intellectual disabilities: current priorities.' 31. WILEY, pp. 481-481.
Hamshire, C., Forsyth, R., Fonatine, D., Soldaat, L., Caton, S. (2019) How can we make a difference? Staff discourses of First Generation students’ experiences. [Presentation] Durban South Africa,23/5/2019.
Caton, S., Gellen, S. (2017) 'Social Housing and Digital Inclusion.' [Poster] In Faculty Research In High Summer Conference (FRIHSC) 2017. Date viewed 4/7/2017.