My profile


Michelle McManus is a Professor in Safeguarding and Violence Prevention in the School of Nursing and Public Health, in the Faculty of Health and Education. Her expertise is in multi-agency safeguarding arrangements, working across systems, people and organisations to improve responses and make communities safer. Her work examines all forms of exploitation, but with particularly focus on child abuse and exploitation, including CSE, CCE, County Lines, as well as Domestic Abuse and Sexual Abuse.

Recent commissioned work includes a Thematic Review of Child Practice Reviews (CPRs) in Wales and Shaping the Future of Safeguarding in Wales – funded by the National Independent Safeguarding Board (NISB) Wales. This has led the development of various outputs, such as The Collective Safeguarding Responsibility Model: 12Cs and a prototype for Local Children’s Safeguarding Partnerships to assess their effectiveness. Additional work has been identified as Best Practice by the College of Policing and National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) through Operation Provide – a co-responder approach between police and health to domestic abuse incidents.

She was previously the Head of Criminal Justice at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU). Within this role she was successful in securing research funds from Home Office, Department for Education, Welsh Government and more local projects with Police Forces, Local Authorities and Charities, conducting national and local evaluations on: child criminal exploitation, children safeguarding, domestic abuse, multi-agency working, early intervention and prevention, and more specifically on county lines exploitation and serious youth violence risk. Earlier roles saw her as the National Research Lead for Public Health and Policing for Public Health Wales.

Michelle co-created the original Kent Internet Risk Assessment Tool (KIRAT), an intelligence tool used by law enforcement agencies in prioritising those indecent image offenders most likely to be contact sexually abusing children. The KIRAT tool is now used across 24 EU countries, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. She received a Certificate of Merit from the Chief Constable of Kent Constabulary (2013) following creation of KIRAT, which commended her for ‘creativity, professionalism and very significant contribution to protecting children on the national and international stage’. Other awards include a Special Commendation, Lancashire Constabulary. What Works 2022., the LJMU Vice Chancellor Award for Excellence in Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic at the Research Knowledge Exchange Awards (Dec, 2021) and a Certificate of outstanding contribution to Evidenced Based Policing from DCC Sunita Gamblin at Lancashire Constabulary (2018).


Funded research projects between 2021-2023:

  1. PI* (Jan 2023). National Child Practice Thematic Review. National Independent Safeguarding Board, Wales. £25,000.
  2. PI* (Jan 2023). Lancashire Constabulary Operation Provide Domestic Abuse Evaluation. OPCC Lancashire. £65,000.
  3. PI* County Lines Programme Evaluation, Grant value. Home Office. £338,970. This project worked with colleagues from Public Health and Business. (Jan 2022 – Jan 2023).
  4. PI* Domestic Abuse Perpetrators. Home Office. £50,908.95. (Dec 2021 – March 2022).
  5. PI* Thames Valley Police via Home Office Police STAR Board, Operation Yardbird, Grant value £46,208. (Sept – March 2022).
  6. PI* Shaping the Future of Safeguarding Wales. Welsh Government. £106,744.93. This project is working with colleagues from PHI: Prof. Zara Quigg, Dr. Hannah Timpson and Ellie McCoy (May 2021 – Aug 2022).
  7. PI* County Lines and Serious Violence Deep Dives Steering Group - assessing the effectiveness of current multi-agency safeguarding arrangements. Department for Education and Home Office funded. £103,207 (Completed April 2021).
  8. Co-I: Safeguarding Victims of Domestic Abuse during Covid-19: Challenges & Opportunities. UK Research & Innovation (UKRI). £336,676.52. (Nov 2020 – Feb 2022).
  9. PI* Evaluation of Integrated Multi-Agency Operational Safeguarding Arrangements in Wales. NISB/Welsh Government. £14,392.80. (April 2020, completed Aug 2020). ‘
  10. PI* Police reporting, recording and responses to domestic abuse in covid-19: how can we best safeguard the silent, repeat and most vulnerable victims in lockdown? LJMU COVID-19 Pandemic: Rapid Response Grant. £9,500. (April, 2020, completed Jan 2021):        
  11. PI* Safeguarding Training for Merseyside Combined Authority. £6,500 (completed Dec 2021).
  12. Co-I: Policing a pandemic: An exploration of police use of powers during COVID-19, dis-proportionality and the impact on public perceptions of police legitimacy (BA Special Research Grants: Covid-19 Awards). £9,743.40. (Aug 2020, completed Oct 2021).
  13. Co-Homicide Abuse Learning Together (HALT) ESRC transfer research consultancy. £6,200 (completed March 2021).

Research outputs

Almond, L., McManus, M.A., Rainbow, L. & Ramos, M. (2023). UK and Spanish Stranger Sexual Offenders Crime Scene behaviours and Previous Convictions: A Cross-Cultural Comparison. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling.

Almond, L., McManus, M.A., Hankey, N., Trevett, N. & Mee, R. (2022). Exploring the Impact of Population Density on Journey-to-Crime in Cases of Stranger Sexual Assault and Stranger Homicide. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling.

Invited submission for Special Edition: McManus, M.A., Steele, R., & Crofts, N. (2022). Alternative approaches to achieving community safety and well-being across law enforcement and criminal justice: Western European findings. The Journal of Community Safety and Wellbeing. DOI:

Rainbow L, Benson C, Almond L, Tandy A, McManus M. (2022). Masking in murder: An exploratory study into the act of covering the victim’s face in UK homicide. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling,

              McManus, M. A., & Ball, E. (2020). COVID-19 should be considered an Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE). Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being, 5(4), 164-167. doi:10.35502/jcswb.166

              Almond, L., Sainsbury, M., & McManus, M. (2020). Sex Offences Perpetrated Against Older Adults: A Multivariate Analysis of Crime Scene Behaviors. Journal of Interpersonal Violence: concerned with the study and treatment of victims and perpetrators of physical and sexual violence.

              Shorrock, S., McManus, M. A., & Kirby, S. (2020). Profile of repeat victimisation within multi-agency referrals. International Review of Victimology. doi:10.1177/0269758020902890

              Almond, L., Matin, E., & McManus, M. (2019). Predicting the Criminal Records of Male-on-Female UK Homicide Offenders From Crime Scene Behaviors. JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE, 25 pages. doi:10.1177/0886260519888522

              Shorrock, S., McManus, M. A., & Kirby, S. (2019). Practitioner perspectives of multi-agency safeguarding hubs (MASH). Journal of Adult Protection, 22(1), 9-20. doi:10.1108/JAP-06-2019-0021

              Ramessur-Williams, J., Newbury, A., McManus, M. A., & Rivers, S. A. (2019). Benefits of delivering Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) training to police: An individual perspective. Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being, 4(2), 32. doi:10.35502/jcswb.99

              Shorrock, S., McManus, M. A., & Kirby, S. (2019). Investigating the Characteristics of Vulnerable Referrals Made to a Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub. Policing (Oxford): a journal of policy and practice, 13(2), 201-212. doi:10.1093/police/paz003

              Bateson, K., McManus, M., & Johnson, G. (2019). Understanding the use, and misuse, of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in trauma-informed policing. Police Journal. Retrieved from

              Almond, L., McManus, M., & Curtis, G. (2019). Can the offence behaviours of stranger rapists discriminate between UK and non-UK nationals. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 11(1), 67-76. doi:10.1108/JACPR-04-2018-0357

              Almond, L., Pell, C., & McManus, M. (2018). Body Part Removal: A Thematic Exploration of U.K. Homicide Offenses. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi:10.1177/0886260518814268

              Kirby, S., McManus, M., & Boulton, L. (2018). Examining the demographic profile and attitudes of citizens, in areas where organized crime groups proliferate. Trends in Organized Crime, 21(2), 172-188. doi:10.1007/s12117-017-9326-3

              Almond, L., McManus, M., Bal, A., O’Brien, F., Rainbow, L., & Webb, M. (2018). Assisting the Investigation of Stranger Rapes: Predicting the Criminal Record of U.K. Stranger Rapists From Their Crime Scene Behaviors. Journal of Interpersonal Violence: doi:10.1177/0886260518756118

              Coleman, R., Almond, L., & McManus, M. (2018). Do female offenders differ? Comparing the criminal histories of serious violent perpetrators with a control sample. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 15(1), 3-19. doi:10.1002/jip.1485

              McManus, M., & Almond, L. (2017). Exploring Child-to-Parent Domestic Abuse: Offender Characteristics and DASH Individual Risk Factors Associated with Recidivism. Journal of Forensic Psychology, 2(3), 1-6. doi:10.4172/2475-319X.1000124

              Almond, L., McManus, M. A., & Chatterton, H. (2020). Internet Facilitated Rape: A Multivariate Model of Offense Behavior. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 35(21-22), 4979-5004. doi:10.1177/0886260517718187

              Boulton, L., McManus, M., Metcalfe, L., Brian, D., & Dawson, I. (2017). Calls for police service: Understanding the demand profile and the UK police response. The Police Journal, 90(1), 70-85. doi:10.1177/0032258X16671032

              Almond, L., McManus, M., Brian, D., & Merrington, D. P. (2017). Exploration of the risk factors contained within the UK’s existing domestic abuse risk assessment tool (DASH): do these risk factors have individual predictive validity regarding recidivism?. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 9(1), 58-68. doi:10.1108/JACPR-01-2016-0211

              Birdsall, N., Kirby, S., & McManus, M. (2017). Police–victim engagement in building a victim empowerment approach to intimate partner violence cases. Police Practice and Research: an international journal, 18(1), 75-86. doi:10.1080/15614263.2016.1230061

              McManus, M. A., Almond, L., Cubbon, B., Boulton, L., & Mears, I. (2016). Exploring the Online Communicative Themes of Child Sex Offenders. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 13(2), 166-179. doi:10.1002/jip.1450

              Power, N., McManus, M. A., Lynch, R., & Bonworth, J. (2016). Fear of crime on the rail networks: Perceptions of the UK public and British Transport Police. Crime Prevention and Community Safety: an international journal, 18(2), 91-104. doi:10.1057/cpcs.2016.2

              Peddell, D., Eyre, M., McManus, M., & Bonworth, J. (2016). Influences and vulnerabilities in radicalised lone-actor terrorists: UK practitioner perspectives. International Journal of Police Science and Management, 18, 63-76.. International Journal of Police Science and Management, 18, 63-76.

              Almond, L., McManus, M. A., Giles, S., & Houston, E. (2017). Female Sex Offenders: An Analysis of Crime Scene Behaviors. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 32(24), 3839-3860. doi:10.1177/0886260515603976

              Almond, L., McManus, M. A., Worsley, J., & Gregory, P. (2015). Cold Case Reviews of Serious Sexual Offenders: An Exploration of Pre- and Post-Index Offending Patterns. Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, 15(3), 205-225. doi:10.1080/15228932.2015.1032143

              McManus, M., & Almond, L. (2015). The Co­occurrence of Risk Factors for Intra­familial Child Homicides and Suspicious Child Deaths in England and Wales. Journal of Investigating Child Death.

              McManus, M. A., Long, M. L., Alison, L., & Almond, L. (2015). Factors associated with contact child sexual abuse in a sample of indecent image offenders. JOURNAL OF SEXUAL AGGRESSION, 21(3), 368-384. doi:10.1080/13552600.2014.927009

              McManus, M. A., & Almond, L. (2014). Trends of indecent images of children and child sexual offences between 2005/2006 and 2012/2013 within the United Kingdom. JOURNAL OF SEXUAL AGGRESSION, 20(2), 142-155. doi:10.1080/13552600.2014.893031

              Almond, L., McManus, M. A., & Ward, L. (2014). Male-on- Male Sexual Assaults: An Analysis of Crime Scene Actions. JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE, 29(7), 1279-1296. doi:10.1177/0886260513506282

              McManus, M. A., Hargreaves, P., Rainbow, L., & Alison, L. J. (2013). Paraphilias: Definition, diagnosis and treatment. F1000Prime Reports, 5. doi:10.12703/P5-36

              Long, M. L., Alison, L. A., & McManus, M. A. (2013). Child Pornography and Likelihood of Contact Abuse: A Comparison Between Contact Child Sexual Offenders and Noncontact Offenders. SEXUAL ABUSE-A JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND TREATMENT, 25(4), 370-395. doi:10.1177/1079063212464398

              Power, N., McManus, M., Merry, S., & Alison, L. (2012). Drivers of Public Trust and Confidence in Police in the UK. International Journal of Police Science and Management. doi:10.1350/ijps.2012.14.2.268

Books and Chapters

Caluori, J. & McManus, M.A. (in prep). CUNCH: County Lines, Austerity and the War on Drugs. Routledge Publishing.

Corteen, K., Cross, N., Steele, R. & McManus, M. (eds.) (2023). Forensic Psychology, Crime and Policing: Key Concepts and Practical Debates. Bristol: Policy Press.

Steele, R. & McManus, M. A. (2023). Forensic Psychology – Future Directions. In: Corteen, K., Cross, N., Steele, R.& McManus, M. (eds.) Forensic Psychology, Crime and Policing: Key Concepts and Practical Debates. Bristol: Policy Press.

McManus, M. A. (2023). Police and Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements. In: Corteen, K., Cross, N., Steele, R. & McManus, M. (eds.) Forensic Psychology, Crime and Policing: Key Concepts and Practical Debates. Bristol: Policy Press.

McManus, M. A. & Halford, E. (2023). Policing Serious, Violent Sexual Offending In: Corteen, K., Cross, N., Steele, R. & McManus, M. (eds.) Forensic Psychology, Crime and Policing: Key Concepts and Practical Debates. Bristol: Policy Press.

McManus, M. A. & Rhodes, A. (2023). Policing – Future Directions In: Corteen, K., Cross, N., Steele, R. & McManus, M. (eds.) Forensic Psychology, Crime and Policing: Key Concepts and Practical Debates. Bristol: Policy Press.

Corteen, K., Cross, N., Steele, R. & McManus, M. A. (2023). Contemporary and Future Concepts and Debates in Forensic Psychology, Crime and Policing. In: Corteen, K., Cross, N., Steele, R.& McManus, M. (eds.) Forensic Psychology, Crime and Policing: Key Concepts and Practical Debates. Bristol: Policy Press.

McManus, M., Long, M. L., & Alison, L. (2011). Child pornography offenders: Towards an evidenced-based approach to prioritizing the investigation of indecent image offences. In Professionalizing Offender Profiling: Forensic and Investigative Psychology in Practice (pp. 178-188). doi:10.4324/9780203809259-16

Browne, K. D., & McManus, M. (2010). Adolescents with Intellectual Disability and Family Sexual Abuse. In Assessment and Treatment of Sexual Offenders with Intellectual Disabilities: A Handbook (pp. 47-67). doi:10.1002/9780470665510.ch4

  • Books (authored/edited/special issues)

    Corteen, K., Steele, R., Cross, N., McManus, M. (2023) Forensic Psychology, Crime and Policing: key concepts and practical debates. Bristol: Policy Press.

  • Chapters in books

    Almond, L., Stokes, G., McManus, M. (2020) 'Stranger homicide post-offence behaviours: A multivariate model.' Homicide: Risk Factors, Trends and Prevention Strategies. pp. 65-89.

    McManus, M., Long, M.L., Alison, L. (2011) 'Child pornography offenders: Towards an evidenced-based approach to prioritizing the investigation of indecent image offences.' Professionalizing Offender Profiling: Forensic and Investigative Psychology in Practice. pp. 178-188.

  • Media

  • Reports

    McManus, M., Ball, E., Almond, L. (2023) Risk, response and review: multi-agency safeguarding: a thematic analysis of child practice reviews in Wales 2023. National Independent Safeguarding Board Wales.

    McManus, M., Ball, E. (2023) County Lines Programme 2021/22 Evaluation Report. Home Office.

    McManus, M., Ball, E. (2021) ‘It wouldn’t be County Lines if there wasn’t exploitation’: Deep Dive exploration of Safeguarding Partnership responses to County Lines and Serious Youth Violence.

    Barton, E.R., McManus, M., Johnson, G., Harker, S., Rodriguez, G.R., Newbury, A., Janssen, H., Morris, F., Jones, B., Roberts, J. (2019) Understanding the landscape of policing when responding to vulnerability: interviews with frontline officers across Wales. Public Health Wales.

    McManus, M., Barton, E., Newbury, A., Roderick, J. (2018) Adverse childhood experiences: breaking the generational cycle of crime. An overview. Public Health Wales.

    McManus, M., Phoenix, J. Exploration of Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Profiles: UK Police Force Deep Dive.

    Glendinning, F., Barton, E.R., Newbury, A., Janssen, H., Johnson, G., Ramos Rodriguez, G., McManus, M., Harker, S., Bellis, M.A. An evaluation of the Adverse Childhood Experience Trauma Informed Multi-agency Early Action Together (ACE TIME) training: national roll out to police and partners. Public Health Wales.

  • Journal articles

    Ball, E.J., McElwee, J.D., McManus, M.A. (2024) 'Multi-agency safeguarding: from everyone’s responsibility to a collective responsibility.' Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being, 9(2) pp. 104-108.

    Boulton, L., Simanovic, T., McManus, M., Walker, D. (2024) 'Policing the pandemic: exploring public perceptions of the enforcement of COVID-19 restrictions in the United Kingdom.' The Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles,

    Almond, L., Rainbow, L., Ramos Romero, M., Giles, S., McManus, M., Nikolajeva, A. (2023) 'UK and Spanish stranger sexual offenders crime scene behaviours and previous convictions: a cross-cultural comparison.' Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 20(2) pp. 151-161.

    Almond, L., McManus, M., Hankey, N., Trevett, N., Mee, R. (2022) 'Exploring the impact of population density on journey-to-crime in cases of stranger sexual assault and stranger homicide.' Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 19(3) pp. 248-260.

    McManus, M.A., Steele, R. (2022) 'Alternative approaches to achieving community safety and well-being across law enforcement and public health: Western European findings.' Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being, 7(Sup. 1) pp. S8-S12.

    Almond, L., Sainsbury, M., McManus, M. (2022) 'Sex offenses perpetrated against older adults: a multivariate analysis of crime scene behaviors.' Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(7-8) pp. NP4815-NP4839.

    Rainbow, L., Benson, C., Almond, L., Tandy, A., McManus, M. (2022) 'Masking in murder: an exploratory study into the act of covering the victim’s face in UK homicide.' Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 19(1) pp. 20-32.

    Almond, L., Matin, E., McManus, M. (2021) 'Predicting the criminal record of male on female UK homicide offenders from crime scene behaviours.' Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(21-22) pp. NP11852-NP11876.

    Almond, L., Pell, C., McManus, M. (2021) 'Body part removal: a thematic exploration of U.K. homicide offenses.' Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(11-12) pp. NP6370-NP6389.

    Almond, L., McManus, M., Bal, A., O’Brien, F., Rainbow, L., Webb, M. (2021) 'Assisting the investigation of stranger rapes: predicting the criminal record of U.K. stranger rapists from their crime scene behaviors.' Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(3-4) pp. NP2005-2028NP.

    McManus, M.A., Ball, E. (2020) 'COVID-19 should be considered an Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE).' Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being, 5(4) pp. 164-167.

    Almond, L., McManus, M.A., Chatterton, H. (2020) 'Internet Facilitated Rape: A Multivariate Model of Offense Behavior.' Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 35(21-22) pp. 4979-5004.

    Shorrock, S., McManus, M.A., Kirby, S. (2020) 'Profile of repeat victimisation within multi-agency referrals.' International Review of Victimology, 26(3) pp. 332-343.

    Bateson, K., McManus, M., Johnson, G. (2020) 'Understanding the use, and misuse, of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in trauma-informed policing.' Police Journal, 93(2) pp. 131-145.

    Shorrock, S., McManus, M.M., Kirby, S. (2020) 'Practitioner perspectives of multi-agency safeguarding hubs (MASH).' Journal of Adult Protection, 22(1) pp. 9-20.

    Ramessur-Williams, J., Newbury, A., McManus, M.A., Rivers, S.A. (2019) 'Benefits of delivering Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) training to police: An individual perspective.' Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being, 4(2) pp. 32-36.

    Shorrock, S., McManus, M.A., Kirby, S. (2019) 'Investigating the characteristics of vulnerable referrals made to a multi-agency safeguarding hub.' Policing (Oxford), 13(2) pp. 201-212.

    Almond, L., McManus, M., Curtis, G. (2019) 'Can the offence behaviours of stranger rapists discriminate between UK and non-UK nationals.' Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 11(1) pp. 67-76.

    Kirby, S., McManus, M., Boulton, L. (2018) 'Examining the demographic profile and attitudes of citizens, in areas where organized crime groups proliferate.' Trends in Organized Crime, 21(2) pp. 172-188.

    Coleman, R., Almond, L., McManus, M. (2018) 'Do female offenders differ? Comparing the criminal histories of serious violent perpetrators with a control sample.' Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 15(1) pp. 3-19.

    Almond, L., McManus, M.A., Giles, S., Houston, E. (2017) 'Female Sex Offenders: An Analysis of Crime Scene Behaviors.' Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 32(24) pp. 3839-3860.

    Boulton, L., McManus, M., Metcalfe, L., Brian, D., Dawson, I. (2017) 'Calls for police service: Understanding the demand profile and the UK police response.' Police Journal, 90(1) pp. 70-85.

    Birdsall, N., Kirby, S., McManus, M. (2017) 'Police–victim engagement in building a victim empowerment approach to intimate partner violence cases.' Police Practice and Research, 18(1) pp. 75-86.

    McManus, M., Almond, L., Bourke, J. (2017) 'Exploring Child-to-Parent Domestic Abuse: Offender Characteristics and DASH Individual Risk Factors Associated with Recidivism.' Journal of Forensic Psychology, 02(03)

    Almond, L., McManus, M., Brian, D., Merrington, D.P. (2017) 'Exploration of the risk factors contained within the UK’s existing domestic abuse risk assessment tool (DASH): do these risk factors have individual predictive validity regarding recidivism?.' Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 9(1) pp. 58-68.

    Peddell, D., Eyre, M., McManus, M., Bonworth, J. (2016) 'Influences and vulnerabilities in radicalised lone-actor terrorists: UK practitioner perspectives.' International Journal of Police Science and Management, 18(2) pp. 63-76.

    McManus, M.A., Almond, L., Cubbon, B., Boulton, L., Mears, I. (2016) 'Exploring the Online Communicative Themes of Child Sex Offenders.' Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 13(2) pp. 166-179.

    Power, N., Mcmanus, M.A., Lynch, R., Bonworth, J. (2016) 'Fear of crime on the rail networks: Perceptions of the UK public and British Transport Police.' Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 18(2) pp. 91-104.

    McManus, M.A., Long, M.L., Alison, L., Almond, L. (2015) 'Factors associated with contact child sexual abuse in a sample of indecent image offenders.' Journal of Sexual Aggression, 21(3) pp. 368-384.

    Almond, L., McManus, M.A., Worsley, J., Gregory, P. (2015) 'Cold Case Reviews of Serious Sexual Offenders: An Exploration of Pre- and Post-Index Offending Patterns.' Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, 15(3) pp. 205-225.

    Almond, L., Mcmanus, M.A., Ward, L. (2014) 'Male-on-Male Sexual Assaults: An Analysis of Crime Scene Actions.' Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 29(7) pp. 1279-1296.

    McManus, M.A., Almond, L. (2014) 'Trends of indecent images of children and child sexual offences between 2005/2006 and 2012/2013 within the United Kingdom.' Journal of Sexual Aggression, 20(2) pp. 142-155.

    McManus, M.A., Hargreaves, P., Rainbow, L., Alison, L.J. (2013) 'Paraphilias: Definition, diagnosis and treatment.' F1000Prime Reports, 5

    Long, M.L., Alison, L.A., McManus, M.A. (2013) 'Child Pornography and Likelihood of Contact Abuse: A Comparison Between Contact Child Sexual Offenders and Noncontact Offenders.' Sexual Abuse: Journal of Research and Treatment, 25(4) pp. 370-395.

    Merry, S., Power, N., McManus, M., Alison, L. (2012) 'Drivers of Public Trust and Confidence in Police in the UK.' International Journal of Police Science and Management, 14(2) pp. 118-135.

  • Conference papers

    Chantler, K., McManus, M., Struthers, M., Nambiar-Greenwood, G. (2023) 'The ‘triple pandemic’: Black and Minoritised women experiencing Domestic Violence and Abuse.' In European Conference on Domestic Violence and Abuse. Reykjavik, Iceland ( ), 11/9/2023 - 14/9/2023.

  • Presentations

    McManus, M. (2023) Grooming and sexual assaults within online dating: what makes a stranger?. [Presentation] 5/12/2023.

    McManus, M. (2023) Multi-agency safeguarding moving from ‘everyone’s responsibility’ to a ‘collective responsibility’. [Presentation] Bournemouth,30/11/2023.

    McManus, M. (2023) “Strengthening Our Collective Safeguarding Responsibility”- Risk, Response and Review.. [Presentation] 20/11/2023.

    McManus, M. (2023) Strengthening Our Collective Safeguarding Responsibility. [Presentation] 15/11/2023.

    McManus, M. (2023) Fair and Equal Society - Safeguarding: protecting our most vulnerable. [Presentation] 19/10/2023.

    McManus, M. (2023) Understanding escalation of risks within indecent image of children offending.. [Presentation] Birmingham, UK,1/3/2023.

    McManus, M., Ball, E. (2022) Shaping the Future of Safeguarding in Wales. Safeguarding Week Wales. [Presentation] 1/11/2022.

    McManus, M. (2022) The talking crime scene.. [Presentation] 5/7/2022.

    McManus, M. (2022) Investigating Online Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation. [Presentation] 25/5/2022.

    McManus, M. (2022) Operation Provide: A co-responder model between immediate response police officers and health in safeguarding domestic abuse victims during Covid-19 and beyond.. [Presentation] Washington, USA,17/5/2022.

    McManus, M. (2021) Child Criminal Exploitation 2021: Building a Multi-Agency Approach.. [Presentation] 23/11/2021.

    McManus, M. (2021) Not my responsibility? Multi-agency safeguarding responses to criminal exploitation?. [Presentation] 17/11/2021.

    McManus, M. (2021) Not my responsibility? Multi-agency safeguarding responses to criminal exploitation?. [Presentation] 27/10/2021.

    McManus, M. (2021) New type of stranger sexual offenders. Internet facilitated rapes - examination of crime scene behaviours and suspect characteristics. [Presentation] 20/10/2021.

    McManus, M. (2021) Domestic Homicide Reviews: A Multivariate Model. [Presentation] 5/10/2021.

    McManus, M. (2021) Envisaging the Future of Policing and Public Health Africa and Western Europe Research Update. [Presentation] 16/6/2021.

    McManus, M. (2021) Envisaging the future of Policing and Public Health: UK and Western Europe perspectives. [Presentation] 16/3/2021.

    McManus, M. (2020) Adverse Childhood Experiences in practice within multi-agency working in the prevention of violence. [Presentation] London,15/1/2020.

    McManus, M. (2019) Keeping vulnerable people safe in a multi-agency setting. The effectiveness of Multi-agency safeguarding hubs.. [Presentation] 17/10/2019.

    McManus, M. (2019) Implementing a Public Health Approach to reducing violence and combatting crime.. [Presentation] 16/10/2019.

    McManus, M. (2019) Adverse Childhood Experiences in practice within multi-agency working in the prevention of violence.. [Presentation] 16/10/2019.

  • Posters

    McManus, M., Ball, E., Almond, L. (2024) 'Risks, responses and review: analysis and key recommendations from Child Practice Reviews.' [Poster] Date viewed 27/3/2024.

    McManus, M., Mcelwee, J., Ball, E., Nolan, S. (2024) 'Police and specialist services co-response approach to domestic abuse: joint working to achieve victim focused outcomes.' [Poster] Date viewed 8/3/2024.

  • Other

    Browne, K.D., Mcmanus, M. (2010) Adolescents with Intellectual Disability and Family Sexual Abuse.

Career history

Press and media

Six articles for The Conversation between 2017-2022 (~120K readers):

  1. McManus, M. (2022). Grooming: an expert explains what it is and how to identify it. The Conversation UK. Retrieved from:
  2. McManus, M., & Ball, E. (2020). Lockdown again: the ‘invisible’ children in need of protection from abuse. The Conversation UK. Retrieved from
  3. McManus, M., & Almond, L. (2019). Rising rape cases, a broken criminal justice system and the ‘digital strip search’. The Conversation UK. Retrieved from
  4. McManus, M., & Almond, L. (2020). Sexting: a modern ‘crime’ that could be on a child’s police record for life. The Conversation UK. Retrieved from
  5. McManus, M., & Almond, L. (2018). The virtual door to online child sexual grooming is wide open. The Conversation UK. Retrieved from
  6. McManus, M., & Almond, L. (2017). ‘Stranger danger’ in the online and real world. The Conversation UK. Retrieved from

TV interviews: MTV Real Crime Series (Aired 28th Dec, 2021) and BBC3 Documentary ‘Dating’s Dangerous Secrets’ on risk of online dating and sexual violence (Air date 25th February).

Radio/Newspaper: Local and national, Daily Mail, Lancashire Post, Liverpool Echo, Metro) and radio interviews including Radio City (Feb 2022), BBC Radio Merseyside (2018), BBC 5 Radio Live (2019). Featured in headline news across local and national stations.