My profile


Prizes and awards

Issac Newton Award PhD, Cambridge University. (1997)

Ivinson, G. and Murphy, P. (2007) ‘Rethinking Single-sex teaching: Gender, school subjects and learning’, Berkshire, Open University Press McGraw Hill. This book was awarded the Society of Educational Studies prize in 2008.

Editorial Board membership

Editor of the Journal Gender and Education with J. Dillabough, J. McLeod, M. Tamboukou (2012-2016)

Membership of professional associations

  • BERA
  • Gender and Education

Research outputs

I work with artists to co-produce art forms and artefacts to enable young people to communicate with persons in authority by drawing on the affective power of art to move. I have been developing creative methodologies whilst working in post-industrial places with a history of dangerous, skilled manual labour supported by women’s domestic labour. I have been developing an understanding of the affective circuits of communication, bonds of solidarity and intergenerational transmission of knowledge that relates to the history and specificity of place. I am interested in how the specific habits, practices and gender worlds that supported dangerous work in industrial locales can be regenerated as social and educational resources for children and young people today. I hope to use my experience of working in the south Wales ex-mining valleys to further my understanding of communities in and around Manchester.

I am interested in how to bridge between communities and schools and how to develop pedagogies to expand learning beyond text and the spoken word. I am concerned that children and young people living in poverty are still having difficulties achieving in school.  I ask, how can we encourage institutions to meet marginalised people half way?

In developing art-informed pedagogies, I am interested in how art forms, viewed as assemblages of materiality, spatiality, temporality and corporeality enable beings, affects and new meanings to emerge that can open up spaces for communication and dissent.

  • Exhibitions

    Ivinson, G. (2015) Gourdon Primary School and the Maggie Law Museum Project Film Premiere 22 June 2015. [Exhibition] Gourdon Community Hall, Montrose, Scotland, 22/6/2015 -

  • Books (authored/edited/special issues)

    Thompson, I., Ivinson, G. (2020) Introduction: The landscapes of poverty and education across the UK.

    Thompson, I., Ivinson, G. (2020) Poverty in Education Across the UK: A Comparative Analysis of Policy and Place. Policy Press.

    Ivinson, G., Davies, B., Fitz, J. (2010) Knowledge and Identity: Concepts and applications in Bernstein’s sociology.

  • Chapters in books

    Althans, B., Ivinson, G. (2023) 'Feminism and Gender.' Handbook of the Anthropocene: Humans between Heritage and Future. pp. 749-754.

    Bonte, M., Ivinson, G., Merkley, R., Bain, P.M., Castles, A., Cheung, P., Clements, D.H., Cook, C., Day-Hess, C., Dowker, A., Draper, C.E., Flewitt, R., Germein, S., Grigorenko, E.L., Grotzer, T., Hackett, A., Kathotia, V., Kievit, R.A., O’Brien, K., McBride, C., Sarama, J., Somerville, M., Strader, S., Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden, C. (2022) 'Foundations of academic knowledge.' In Duraiappah, A.K., van Atteveldt, N.M., Borst, G., Bugden, S., Ergas, O., Gilead, T., Gupta, L., Mercier, J., Pugh, K., Singh, N.C., Vickers, E.A. (ed.) Reimagining Education: The International Science and Evidence based Education Assessment (Working Group 3). UNESCO, pp. 284-357.

    Ivinson, G., Thompson, I. (2020) 'Policy, education and poverty across the UK.' Poverty in Education Across the UK: A Comparative Analysis of Policy and Place. pp. 11-36.

    Ivinson, G. (2020) 'Diffracting educational policies through the lens of young people's experiences.' Poverty in Education Across the UK: A Comparative Analysis of Policy and Place. pp. 141-166.

    Ivinson, G., Renold, E., Gareth, T., Elliott, E. (2020) 'The 4Ms project: young people, research and arts-activisms in a post-industrial place.' In Newman, J., McDermont, M., Cole, T., Piccini, A. (ed.) Imagining Regulation Differently. Policy Press,

    Ivinson, G., Renold, E. (2020) 'Moving with the folds of time and place: exploring gut reactions in speculative transdisciplinary research with teen girls’ in a post-industrial community.' Transdisciplinary Feminist Research: Innovations in Theory, Method and Practice. London and New York: Routledge.. Routledge.,

    Ivinson, G., Renold, E. (2020) 'Moving with then folds of time and place: exploring gut reactions in speculative transdisciplinary research with teen girls in a post-industrial community..' Feminist Transdisciplinary Research Practices: Innovations in Theory, Method and Practices. Routledge,

    Ivinson, G., Renold, E. (2018) 'Writing as bodywork: Poverty, literacy and unspoken pain in ex-mining south wales valleys communities.' Resisting Educational Inequality: Reframing Policy and Practice in Schools Serving Vulnerable Communities. pp. 277-293.

    Ivinson, G., Renold, E. (2016) 'Girls, camera, (intra)action: Mapping posthuman possibilities in a diffractive analysis of camera-girl assemblages in research on gender, corporeality and place.' Posthuman Research Practices in Education. pp. 168-185.

    Ivinson, G. (2015) 'Gender, Power and Education.' Power and Education: Contexts of Oppression and Opportunity. pp. 111-127.

    Ivinson, G., Renold, (2015) 'Mud, Mermaids and Burnt Wedding Dresses: mapping queer belongings in teen girls’ talk on gender and sexual violence..' Children, Sexuality and the Sexualisation of Culture. Basingstoke: Plagrave.,

    Lin, W.C., Ivinson, G. (2012) 'Ethnic cultural legacies and learning English as a foreign language.' Learning, Social Interaction and Diversity - Exploring Identities in School Practices. pp. 69-84.

    Ivinson, G. (2012) 'Boys, skills and class: Educational failure or community survival? Insights from Vygotsky and Bernstein.' Vygotsky and Sociology. pp. 155-174.

    Ivinson, G. (2011) '‘School curriculum as developmental resource: gender and knowledge’.' Children, Culture & Education: Cultural, historical, anthropological perspectives,. New York: Springer.,

    Ivinson, G., Davies, B., Fitz, J. (2010) 'Knowledge and identity: Concepts and applications in bernstein's sociology.' pp. 1-196.

    Ivinson, G. (2010) 'Bernstein: Codes and social class.' The SAGE Handbook of Sociolinguistics. pp. 40-56.

    Ivinson, G. (2010) 'From monasteries to markets: Will universities survive?.' Knowledge and Identity: Concepts and Applications in Bernstein’s Sociology. pp. 1-20.

    Araújo, H., Deliyanni, K., Ivinson, G., Tomé, A. (2008) 'Teachers, gender and the discourses of citizenship.' Educating the Gendered Citizen: Sociological Engagements with National and Global Agendas. pp. 63-94.

    Ivinson, G., Duveen, G. (2006) 'Children's recontextualizations of pedagogy.' Knowledge, Power and Educational Reform: Applying the Sociology of Basil Bernstein. pp. 109-126.

    Ivinson, G., Murphy, P. (2004) '‘Boys don’t write Romance: The construction of knowledge and social gender identities in English classrooms’.' The RoutledgeFalmer Reader in Gender and Education.. Routledge,

    Ivinson, G. (2004) '‘Gender difference in educational achievement: a sociocultural analysis’,.' Sociology and Learning,. Greenwood Press,

    Ivinson, G. (2004) '‘The social context of classroom art; collaboration, social identities and social consequences’,.' Collaborative Creativity. Milton Keynes: The Open University.,

    Ivinson, G., Arnot, M., Areujo, M., Deliyanni, K., Tome, A. (2000) 'Student teachers' representations of citizenship: a comparative perspective’.' Challenging democracy: feminist perspectives on gender, education and citizenship. Routledge, London,

    Ivinson, G. (2000) 'The child's construction of the primary school curriculum’.' Social Interaction in Learning and Instruction: the Meaning of Discourse for the Construction of Knowledge.. Amsterdam: Pergamon Press and EARLI.,

    Ivinson, G., Araújo, H., Arnot, M., Deliyanni-Kouimtzis, K. (2000) '‘The Good Citizen: Cultural Understandings of Citizenship and Gender Amongst a New Generation of Teachers’,.' Education, Culture and Values, Vol. VI, Politics, Education and Citizenship..

    Ivinson, G., Whitty, G., Aggleton, P. (1995) '‘Competing Conceptions of Quality in Cross Curricular Contexts’,.' Teaching and Learning in Changing Times. Blackwell, Oxford,

  • Journal articles

    Ivinson, G. (2024) 'Troubling and diffracting Winnicott’s pioneering approach to playing through Deleuze’s ontology for early childhood education.' Pedagogy, Culture and Society, pp. 1-14.

    Ivinson, G.M., Renold, E.J. (2022) 'Emplaced activism: what-if environmental education attuned to young people’s entanglements with post-industrial landscapes?.' Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 38(3-4) pp. 415-430.

    Rowley, H., Ivinson, G., Duggan, J., Pahl, K. (2022) 'Editorial: Critically exploring co-production.' Qualitative Research Journal, 22(1) pp. 1-6.

    Renold, E.J., Ivinson, G. (2022) 'Posthuman co-production: becoming response-able with what matters.' Qualitative Research Journal, 22(1) pp. 108-128.

    Ivinson, G., Renold, E.J. (2020) 'What More Do Bodies Know? Moving with the Gendered Affects of Place.' Body and Society, 27(1) pp. 85-112.

    Ivinson, G., Bright, N. (2019) 'Washing lines, whinberries and reworking ‘waste ground’: Women’s affective practices and a haunting within the haunting of the UK coalfields..' Journal of Working-Class Studies, 4(2) pp. 125-139.

    Ivinson, G. (2019) 'The power of living knowledge: re-imagining horizontal knowledge.' Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 48(1) pp. 15-29.

    Sackville-Ford, M., Ivinson, G. (2019) 'Tables Dancing.' Paragrana, 28(2)

    Renold, E., Ivinson, G. (2019) 'Anticipating the more-than: working with prehension in artful interventions with young people in a post-industrial community.' Futures, 112

    Ivinson, G., Singh, P. (2018) 'Editorial: Special Issue on ‘International policies – local affects: Regenerating the sociology of Basil Bernstein’.' European Educational Research Journal, 17(4) pp. 461-469.

    Ivinson, G. (2018) 'Re-imaging Bernstein's restricted codes.' European Educational Research Journal, 17(4) pp. 539-554.

    Thomas, G., Elliott, E., Exley, E., Ivinson, G., Renold, E. (2018) 'Light, Connectivity, and Place: Young People Living in a Post Industrial Town.' Cultural Geographies, 25(4) pp. 537-551.

    Ivinson, G., Thompson, I., Beckett, L., Egan, D., Leitch, R., McKinney, S. (2017) 'Learning the price of poverty across the UK.' Policy Futures in Education, 16(2) pp. 130-143.

    McLeod, J., Dillabough, J.A., Ivinson, G., Tamboukou, M. (2015) 'Place, perspective and the politics of knowledge: A Forum of responses to Marília Carvalho’s Viewpoint: ‘Gender and Education: a view from Latin America’ (2014).' Gender and Education, 27(2) pp. 93-94.

    Ivinson, G. (2014) 'Ghosts from the past: Exploring community cultures and school cultures in relation to poverty.' Improving Schools, 17(3) pp. 250-260.

    Ivinson, G.M. (2014) 'Skills in motion: Boys' trail motorbiking activities as transitions into working-class masculinity in a post-industrial locale.' Sport, Education and Society, 19(5) pp. 605-620.

    Renold, E., Ivinson, G. (2014) 'Horse-girl assemblages: Towards a post-human cartography of girls' desire in an ex-mining valleys community.' Discourse, 35(3) pp. 361-376.

    Ivinson, G. (2014) 'How gender became sex: Mapping the gendered effects of sex-group categorisation onto pedagogy, policy and practice.' Educational Research, 56(2) pp. 155-170.

    Ivinson, G., Renold, E. (2013) 'Subjectivity, affect and place: Thinking with Deleuze and Guattari’s body without organs to explore a young teen girl’s becomings in a post-industrial locale..' Subjectivity, 6(4) pp. 369-390.

    Ivinson, G., Renold, E. (2013) 'Valleys' girls: Re-theorising bodies and agency in a semi-rural post-industrial locale.' Gender and Education, 25(6) pp. 704-721.

    Taylor, C.A., Ivinson, G. (2013) 'Material feminisms: New directions for education.' Gender and Education, 25(6) pp. 665-670.

    Dillabough, J.A., Ivinson, G., McLeod, J., Tamboukou, M. (2012) 'Looking back, looking forward: A short introduction from the new editorial team of Gender and Education.' Gender and Education, 24(6)

    Ivinson, G. (2012) 'The body and pedagogy: Beyond absent, moving bodies in pedagogic practice.' British Journal of Sociology of Education, 33(4) pp. 489-506.

    Cervoni, C., Ivinson, G. (2011) 'Girls in primary school science classrooms: Theorising beyond dominant discourses of gender.' Gender and Education, 23(4) pp. 461-475.

    Ivinson, G., Moles, K., Renold, E., Martsin, M. (2011) 'Innovating as we go: Ethnography as an evolving methodology,.' Qualitative Researcher, 13pp. 11-14.

    Ivinson, G. (2010) 'Redefining masculinity: new lines of thought..' Education Review, 22(2) pp. 37-45.

    Ivinson, G. (2009) 'Marxism against postmodernism in educational theory.' GENDER AND EDUCATION, 21(3) pp. 346-348.

    Ivinson, G. (2008) 'Education and conflict: complexity and chaos.' GENDER AND EDUCATION, 20(2) pp. 196-197.

    Ivinson, G. (2007) 'Pedagogic discourse and sex education: Myths, science and subversion.' Sex Education, 7(2) pp. 201-216.

    Ivinson, G. (2006) 'Raising boys' achievement in secondary schools: issues, dilemmas and opportunities.' GENDER AND EDUCATION, 18(5) pp. 567-569.

    Ivinson, G., Duveen, G. (2005) 'Classroom structuration and the development of social representations of the curriculum.' British Journal of Sociology of Education, 26(5) pp. 627-642.

    Ivinson, G. (2005) 'The development of Young People’s Social Representations of Art.' Welsh Journal of Education, 13(2) pp. 47-67.

    Ivinson, G. (2005) 'Identités sociaux, rupture et ressources culturelles dans la classe d’art..' Bulletin du Centre de Recherches en Psychologie CRPSY Preprint No 11 Université de Bretagne Occidentale.,

    Ivinson, G. (2005) 'Représentations des matières scolaires chez l’enfant: méthodes pour l’élude des représentation sociale auprès d’enfants.' Représentations des matières scolaires chez l’enfant: méthodes pour l’élude des représentation sociale auprès d’enfants,

    Murphy, P., Ivinson, G. (2005) 'Gender, assessment and students' literacy learning: Implications for formative assessment.' Teacher Development, 9(2) pp. 185-200.

    Ivinson, G. (2004) 'Teaching in the knowledge society: education in the age of insecurity.' BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION, 25(3) pp. 371-373.

    Zittoun, T., Duveen, G., Gillespie, A., Ivinson, G., Psaltis, C. (2003) 'The Use of Symbolic Resources in Developmental Transitions.' Culture and Psychology, 9(4) pp. 415-448.

    Ivinson, G., Murphy, P. (2003) 'Boys don't write romance: The construcion of knowledge and social gender identities in english classrooms.' Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 11(1) pp. 89-111.

    Murphy, P., Ivinson, G. (2003) 'Pedagogy and cultural knowledge: A sociocultural perspective.' Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 11(1) pp. 5-9.

    Ivinson, G. (2002) 'Understanding and teaching the intuitive mind: Student and teacher learner.' BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY, 72pp. 614-615.

    Ivinson, G. (2001) 'Feminist Scholarship in education: the state of the art?.' BRITISH EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL, 27(2) pp. 219-223.

    Arnot, M., Araújo, H., Deliyanni, K., Ivinson, G. (2000) 'Changing femininity, changing concepts of citizenship in public and private spheres.' European Journal of Women's Studies, 7(2) pp. 149-168.

    Ivinson, G. (1998) '‘The Child's Construction of the Curriculum’.' Papers on Social Representations: Threads and Discussions. Special Issue: The Development of Knowledge, 7(2) pp. 21-40.

    Arnot, M., Araujo, H., Deliyanni‐Kouimtzi, K., Rowe, G., Tome, A. (1996) 'Teachers, Gender and the Discourses of Citizenship.' International Studies in Sociology of Education, 6(1) pp. 3-35.

    Whitty, G., Rowe, G., Aggleton, P. (1994) 'Discourse in Cross-curricular Contexts: limits to empowerment.' International Studies in Sociology of Education, 4(1) pp. 25-42.

    Ivinson, G., Whitty, G., Aggleton, P. (1994) 'Subject and themes in the secondary-school curriculum,.' Research Papers in Education, 9(2) pp. 159-181.

    Ivinson, G., Whitty, G., Aggleton, P. (1992) 'The place of careers education in cross-curricular work,.' Journal of Careers Education.,