My profile


Paul is Professor of Sustainability and Research Director for the Faculty of Business and Law at Manchester Metropolitan University. As Faculty Research Director, he is responsible for setting the long-term strategic vision and leading and embedding research throughout the Faculty of Business and Law. He is part of MMU’s Sustainability Leadership Group and a member of the Sustainability Strategy Group. 

Before re-joining MMU, Paul was Professor of Sustainability and Innovation at Keele University, where he was Keele Business School Research Director and Deputy Director of Keele’s Institute for Sustainable Futures (2020-2022). Previously he was Reader at MMU (2018-2020), Senior Lecturer and Lecturer at The University of Manchester (2003-2018) and Research Fellow and Associate at UMIST (1999-2003).

He is an alumnus of the International Teachers Programme, which he completed in 2011 at Kellogg Management School, Northwestern University. In 2022, he undertook the National Centre for Entrepreneurship in Education (NCEE) Entrepreneurial Leaders Programme. 

Paul was awarded a PhD by the University of Manchester in 2005. 

Interests and expertise

Paul’s research explores the role of innovation in systems of sustainable consumption and production. Recently his work has focused on the place-based economic, environmental and social impacts of the circular economy. From October 2024, Paul will be Principal Investigator on a 3 year Economic and Social Research Council funded project on Circular Society Innovations for place-based equitable, inclusive & environmentally sustainable living (ES/Z502820/1).

Paul’s research has been supported by a diverse set of research and innovation funders from the UK and beyond. He has secured external income to the value of nearly £3m. 

  • Since 2016, he has been PI on externally funded grants to the value of £1.8m from a diverse set of research and innovation funders from the UK and international. Funders include the Economic and Social Research Council, British Academy, Innovate UK, Innovation Fund Denmark and US National Science Foundation. 
  • Before 2016, he was co-I on externally funded projects to the value of £945k. Funders include Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Tesco plc, and UK government departments including Department of Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, and Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.  
  • Paul’s research before 2016 has also benefitted from internal funding opportunities totalling £30k from the University of Manchester. 

Since 2019, Paul has co-led the Future Earth Knowledge Action Network on Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production Circular Economy Working Group. He is a member of the Management Team of the Future Earth Knowledge Action Network on Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production.

Paul is a member of the ESRC Peer Review College, British Academy of Management Peer Review College, and UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships Peer Review College. He has recently peer reviewed large grant applications from UK and international funders including the ESRC, EPSRC, Oxford Martin School and Swiss National Science Foundation.  

He is an Editorial Board Member of Springer’s Circular Economy and Sustainability and OAE’s Carbon Footprint journal.

Paul is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, The University of Manchester.   


Paul aims to undertake excellent, impactful research. His work follows the dual/catalytic model of research and innovation where scientific contributions are valued alongside societal impact. The current ESRC funded project on which Paul is PI is a good example. In addition to scientific contributions on place-based circular society innovations (CSI), the main beneficiaries of the research will be the communities that inhabit the places under investigation (in this case, Manchester, Chicago, Utrecht and Turku). Support will be directed to policy makers, practitioners and those involved in CSI projects. Through deep engagement with stakeholders, multiple, inter- related social outcomes are expected to be delivered alongside the environmental and economic benefits usually associated with mainstream circular economy projects.

Awards for Impact:

2019: ‘Outstanding Contribution to Social Innovation’, The University of Manchester Making a Difference for Social Responsibility Awards.


Starting in October 2024, Paul is PI on a 3 year ESRC funded project exploring Circular Society Innovations for place-based equitable, inclusive & environmentally sustainable living  (ES/Z502820/1).

The interdisciplinary and international project team includes researchers from Manchester Metropolitan University, HU University of Applied Sciences, University of Turku and the Illinois Institute of Technology. 

Using Greater Manchester as a test bed, the Place-based CSI team will explore the processes by which places can become more equitable, inclusive and environmentally sustainable. The project’s focus goes beyond traditional notions of the circular economy to explore the development, implementation, and scaling-up of circular society innovations, where social justice and wellbeing are central and where outputs, outcomes and approaches are inclusive and participatory.

The Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Manchester City Council, and Stockport and Oldham Metropolitan Borough Councils will collaboratively participate in the development and delivery of the project, with additional support and input from the Centre for Local Economic Strategies and ReLondon. 

The CSI team will develop recommendations for UK policymakers, practitioners and civil society organisations to stimulate place-based CSI. Findings from across the project will be shared internationally through an international conference, handbook and virtual futures-thinking international workshop.


Paul’s teaching approach is based on an underlying enquiry-based learning pedagogy and interactive ‘lecture’ sessions, engaging students in deeper learning. His interest in interactive teaching began in 2006 following involvement with the Centre for Excellence in Enquiry Based Learning (CEEBL) at The University of Manchester. He participated in the International Teachers Programme (ITP) in 2011 at Northwestern University where the focus was on the learning power of interactive teaching. His experiences at CEEBL and ITP stimulated innovation in his own teaching and Paul built on this learning to stimulate wider curriculum reform and development through involvement in the Alliance Manchester Business School Teaching Academy (2011-2016) and The University of Manchester Faculty of Humanities Peer Review College (2014-2018). 

Awards for Teaching: 

2019: ‘Outstanding Teaching for Sustainability’, MMU Student Union Teaching Awards.

2016: ‘Innovations that inspire’, The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) . 

2015: ‘Distinguished Achievement Award: Teacher of the Year’, The University of Manchester.

2011: ‘Academic of the Year’, Manchester Business School.


On a theme of sustainable innovation systems, he has supervised six PhD students to completion, with one currently on-going: 

  • Circular economy and non-financial disclosures (Purnima Gamage), commenced 2023 
  • Corporate financial performance and corporate sustainability performance (Isabelle Velasquez), completed 2020
  • Informal innovation for sustainable development (Jose Pineda), completed 2019
  • Carbon capture and storage innovation systems (Yu Chia Ko), completed 2018
  • Trade associations and institutional eco-innovation (Nichola Hutson), completed 2017
  • Sustainable business models (Oliver Laasch), completed 2016
  • Sustainability meta-labelling (Leonie Dendler), completed 2014

Past PhD students have gone on to successful careers within academia (e.g. Oliver Laasch, Jose Pineda, Isabelle Velasquez, Yu Chia Ko), government (Leonie Dendler) and industry (Nichola Hutson). 

He has examined five doctoral theses in the UK, Finland and South Africa.

Paul is interested in supervising PhD students on topics related to innovation and systems of sustainable consumption and production, and, in particular, on the place-based environmental and social impacts of the circular economy. 

Research outputs

Reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of his research, he has published in leading management journals such as Research Policy, R&D Management and Ecological Economics, and other high impact journals such as Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Industrial Ecology. He has also published in more practitioner orientated journals such as IEEE Engineering Management Review and Amplify (an AD Little journal associated with the Cutter Consortium). For a list of articles, see Paul’s Google Scholar. The impact of his publications on the international research community can be evidenced by increasing citations: his field weighted citation impact over the last five years is over 3 (meaning his publications have been cited 200% more than the global average for articles in his field of expertise). 

  • Books (authored/edited/special issues)

    Green, K., Miozzo, M., Dewick, P. (2005) Technology, knowledge and the firm: Implications for strategy and industrial change.

    Green, K., Miozzo, M., Dewick, P. (2005) Technology, knowledge and the firm: Implications for strategy and industrial change.

    Miozzo, M., Dewick, P. (2004) Innovation in construction: A European analysis.

    Miozzo, M., Dewick, P. (2004) Innovation in Construction A European Analysis. Edward Elgar Publishing.

  • Chapters in books

    Dewick, P., Foster, C., Webster, S. (2017) 'Facilitating a More Sustainable Food and Farming Sector in the UK.' System Innovation for Sustainability 3 Case Studies in Sustainable Consumption and Production — Food and Agriculture. Routledge,

    Dewick, P., Stanmore, E. (2017) 'Applying Game Thinking to Slips, Trips and Falls Prevention.' Harnessing the Power of Technology to Improve Lives. IOS Press,

    Dewick, P. (2014) 'Can 'Gamification' Facilitate Transformative Learning?.' Teaching and Learning News.

    Dewick, P. (2014) 'Sustainable Innovation Management: Ten Lessons From Innovation Studies for a Sustainable.' United Nations Global Compact international Yearbook. United Nations, Germany, pp. 30-32.

    Dewick, P., Hernandez, I. (2011) 'Social Entrepreneurship for the Generation of Networking Capabilities.' Catching Up, Spillovers and Innovation Networks in a Schumpeterian Perspective. Springer Science & Business Media,

    Dewick, P. (2009) 'Innovative Ways to Teach Innovation: Introducing Enquiry Based Learning to MBS UG Teaching.' In Hutchings, W. (ed.)

    Dewick, P. (2009) 'Innovative Ways to Teach Innovation: Introducing Enquiry Based Learning to MBS UG Teaching.' In Hutchings, W. (ed.) CEEBL Review of Small Projects 2007/08. CEEBL, Manchester,

    Dewick, P., Miozzo, M. (2006) 'Sustainable Technologies and the Construction Industry: An International Assessment of Regulation, Governance and Inter-Firm Networks.' In Randles, S., Green, K. (ed.) Industrial Ecology and Spaces of Innovation. Edward Elgar Publishing,

    Green, K., Miozzo, M., Dewick, P. (2005) 'Introduction.' Technology, Knowledge and the Firm: Implications for Strategy and Industrial Change. pp. 1-7.

  • Reports

    Foster, C., Audsley, E., Williams, A., Webster, S., Dewick, P., Green, K. The Environmental, Social and Economic Impacts Associated with Liquid Milk Consumption in the UK and its Production. London, UK: DEFRA London.

    Foster, C., Green, K., Bleda, M., Dewick, P., Evans, B., Mylan, J., Randles, S. Environmental Impacts of Food Production and Consumption (widely known as the 'Shopping Trolley' report). DEFRA, London.

    Dewick, P., Ferris, R., Maytorena-Sanchez, E., Winch, G. (2016) Ecosystem Development From Infrastructure Investment: Driving Innovation and Enhancing Natural Capital - Internal Project Report.

    Dewick, P., Wariyapola, N. (2016) Gamification for Fall Prevention in Elderly Care Homes.

    Dewick, P. (2010) Creating Interaction in the Classroom: Report from the 2010 International Teachers Program.

    Courtney, R., Dewick, P., Gee, S., Rigby, J. (2009) Review of Construction Key Performance Indicators. London: BERR.

    Dewick, P., Foster, C. (2007) Improving the Public Understanding of Sustainable Consumption of Food - Provision of Background Information for DEFRA Focus Group.

    Rigby, J., Dewick, P., Bleda, M. (2005) An Enquiry Into the Economics of Research, Development and Innovation Funding in the UK Construction Industry.

  • Journal articles

    Dewick, P., Sarkis, J. (2023) 'The Circular Economy’s Role in Biodiversity Protection.' Amplify, 36(3) pp. 24-31.

    Dewick, P., Sarkis, J. (2023) 'INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR A SUSTAINABLE & CIRCULAR ECONOMY.' Cutter business technology journal, 36(10) pp. 4-7.

    Dewick, P., de Mello, A.M., Sarkis, J., Donkor, F.K. (2022) 'The puzzle of the informal economy and the circular economy.' Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 187

    Randles, S., Dewick, P., Hannan, E., Nicholson, D.T., Rietbergen, M., Taylor, C., Vargas, V., Wadham, H., Withycombe Keeler, L. (2022) 'Applying Enquiry and Problem Based earning to Mission-oriented Innovation Policy: From Policy to Pedagogy to Teaching and Learning Practice.' Journal of International Education in Business, 15(1) pp. 52-73.

    Sarkis, J., Dewick, P., Hofstetter, J.S., Schröder, P. (2021) 'Changing of the guard: A paradigm shift for more sustainable supply chains.' Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 170

    Hofstetter, J.S., De Marchi, V., Sarkis, J., Govindan, K., Klassen, R., Ometto, A.R., Spraul, K.S., Bocken, N., Ashton, W.S., Sharma, S., Jaeger-Erben, M., Jensen, C., Dewick, P., Schröder, P., Sinkovics, N., Ibrahim, S.E., Fiske, L., Goerzen, A., Vazquez-Brust, D. (2021) 'From Sustainable Global Value Chains to Circular Economy—Different Silos, Different Perspectives, but Many Opportunities to Build Bridges.' Circular Economy and Sustainability, 1(1) pp. 21-47.

    Dewick, P., Hofstetter, J.S., Schroeder, P. (2021) 'From Panic to Dispassionate Rationality - Organizational Responses in Procurement after the Initial COVID-19 Pandemic Peak.' IEEE Engineering Management Review, 49(2) pp. 45-56.

    Dewick, P., Bengtsson, M., Cohen, M.J., Sarkis, J., Schröder, P. (2020) 'Circular economy finance: Clear winner or risky proposition?.' Journal of Industrial Ecology, 24(6) pp. 1192-1200.

    Sarkis, J., Dewick, P., Hofstetter, J.S., Schröder, P. (2020) 'Overcoming the Arrogance of Ignorance: Supply-Chain Lessons from COVID-19 for Climate Shocks.' One Earth, 3(1) pp. 9-12.

    Dewick, P., Pineda, J., Ramlogan, R. (2020) 'Hand in Glove? Processes of Formalization and the Circular Economy Post-COVID-19.' IEEE Engineering Management Review, 48(3) pp. 176-183.

    Sarkis, J., Cohen, M.J., Dewick, P., Schröder, P. (2020) 'A Brave New World: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic for Transitioning to Sustainable Supply and Production..' Resources, conservation, and recycling, pp. 104894-104894.

    Schröder, P., Bengtsson, M., Cohen, M., Dewick, P., Hoffstetter, J., Sarkis, J. (2019) 'Degrowth within – Aligning circular economy and strong sustainability narratives.' Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 146pp. 190-191.

    Dewick, P., Maytorena-Sanchez, E., Winch, G. (2019) 'Regulation and Regenerative eco-innovation: the case of extracted materials in the UK.' Ecological Economics, 160pp. 38-51.

    Schroeder, P., Dewick, P., Kusi-Sarpong, S., Hofstetter, J.S. (2018) 'Circular economy and power relations in global value chains: Tensions and trade-offs for lower income countries.' Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 136pp. 77-78.

    Dewick, P., Foster, C. (2017) 'Focal Organisations and Eco–innovation in Consumption and Production Systems.' Ecological Economics, 143pp. 161-169.

    Dendler, L., Dewick, P. (2016) 'Institutionalising the organic labelling scheme in China: a legitimacy perspective.' Journal of Cleaner Production, 134(Part A) pp. 239-250.

    Goodfellow, M.J., Dewick, P., Wortley, J., Azapagic, A. (2015) 'Public perceptions of design options for new nuclear plants in the UK.' Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 94(C) pp. 72-88.

    Dewick, P., Hernandez, I. (2014) 'Entrepreneurship, institutional variety and economic development.' Innovation and Development, 4(1) pp. 111-127.

    Vergragt, P., Akenji, L., Dewick, P. (2014) 'Sustainable production, consumption, and livelihoods: Global and regional research perspectives.' Journal of Cleaner Production, 63pp. 1-12.

    Rigby, J., Dewick, P., Courtney, R., Gee, S. (2014) 'Limits to the Implementation of Benchmarking Through KPIs in UK Construction Policy: Insights from game theory.' Public Management Review, 16(6) pp. 782-806.

    Vergragt, P., Akenji, L., Dewick, P. (2014) 'Special Volume: Global and Regional Research on Sustainable Production and Consumption Systems.' Journal of Cleaner Production, 63(15)

    Loverige, D., Dewick, P., Randles, S. (2008) 'Converging Technologies at the Nano-Scale: The Making of a New World?.' Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 20(1) pp. 29-43.

    Randles, S., Dewick, P., Loveridge, D., Schmidt, J.C. (2008) 'Nano-worlds as Schumpeterian emergence and Polanyian double-movements.' Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 20(1) pp. 1-11.

    Dewick, P., Loverige, D., Randles, S., Schmidt, J. (2008) 'Nano-Artefacts: Converging Technologies at the Nano-Scale: Challenges for Governance, Sustainability, Industry and Research.' Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 20(1)

    KÖHLER, J., Barker, T., Pan, H., Agnolucci, P., Ekins, P., Foxon, T., Anderson, D., Winne, S., Dewick, P., Miozzo, M., Green, K. (2007) 'New lessons for technology policy and climate change: Investment for innovation.' Climate Policy, 7(2) pp. 156-161.

    Dewick, P., Foster, C., Green, K. (2007) 'Technological Change and the Environmental Impacts of Food Production and Consumption: The Case of the UK Yoghurt Industry.' Journal of Industrial Ecology, 11(3) pp. 133-146.

    Dewick, P., Green, K., Fleetwood, T., Miozzo, M. (2006) 'Modelling creative destruction: Technological diffusion and industrial structure change to 2050.' Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 73(9) pp. 1084-1106.

    Miozzo, M., Dewick, P., Green, K. (2005) 'Globalisation and the environment: The long-term effects of technology on the international division of labour and energy demand.' Futures, 37(6) pp. 521-546.

    Dewick, P., Green, K., Miozzo, M. (2004) 'Technological Change, Industrial Structure and the Environment.' Futures, 36(3) pp. 267-293.

    Dewick, P., Miozzo, M. (2004) 'Networks and Innovation: Sustainable Technologies in the Scottish Social Housing Sector.' R&D Management, 34(3) pp. 323-334.

    Miozzo, M., Dewick, P. (2004) 'Networks and Innovation in European Construction: Benefits from Inter-Organisational Co-operation in a Fragmented Industry.' International Journal of Technology Management, 27(1) pp. 68-92.

    Hernandez, I., Dewick, P. (2003) 'Structural change and the nature of innovative activity: Legal form and firm performance.' Innovation, 5(2-3) pp. 257-269.

    Dewick, P., Miozzo, M. (2002) 'Sustainable technologies and the innovation - Regulation paradox.' Futures, 34(9-10) pp. 823-840.


    Miozzo, M., Dewick, P. (2002) 'Building competitive advantage: Innovation and corporate governance in European construction.' Research Policy, 31(6) pp. 989-1008.

    Green, K., Shackley, S., Dewick, P., Miozzo, M. (2002) 'Long-wave theories of technological change and the global environment.' Global Environmental Change, 12(2) pp. 79-81.

  • Non-peer reviewed articles / reviews

  • Conference papers

    Dewick, P., Jung, T., Moorhouse, N., Stanmore, E. (2019) 'Fostering Engagement with Digital Health Interventions: AR/VR in Falls Prevention among Older Adults.'

    Pineda, J., Dewick, P., Ramlogan, R. (2018) 'The Process of Moving Closer to Formality: Implications for Existing Approaches of the Informal Economy.' In 16th Globelics International Conference. Ghana, Africa, 24/10/2018 - 26/10/2018.

    Dewick, P., Stanmore, E., Ashton, G., Cox, E., Hoyle, D. (2018) 'Social Entrepreneurship and Transdisciplinary Research: Challenges and Opportunities of Co-Developing a Gamified Digital Technology Panel Discussion Will Offer Insights Into the Triple Helix in Action.' In Triple Helix Conference. Manchester, UK, 5/9/2018 - 8/9/2018.

    Stanmore, E., Dewick, P. (2018) 'New Solutions for Old Problems: A Collaborative Approach.' In British Gerontology Society. Manchester, UK, 4/7/2018 - 6/7/2018.

    Pineda, J., Dewick, P., Ramlogan, R. (2018) 'The Informal Economy and Institutional Change: The Process of Moving Closer To Formality.' In International Schumpeter Society Conference. Seoul National University, Korea, 2/7/2018 - 4/7/2018.

    Stanmore, E., Dewick, P. (2018) 'The Development of a Gamified Digital Health Application to Improve Knowledge and Influence Behaviour to Prevent Falls, Increase Exercise Levels and Improve Bone Health in Older People.' In EU Falls Festival. Manchester, UK, 2/7/2018 - 3/7/2018.

    Dewick, P. (2018) 'Knowledge Action Networks on Global Value Chains for Sustainable Consumption and Production.' In International Forum on Sustainable Value Chains. Frankfurt, Germany, 1/1/2018 - 1/1/2018.

    Dewick, P. (2018) 'Future Earth Sustainable Consumption and Production Knowledge Action Network Working Group on Global Value Chains.' In International Sustainable Value Chains Workshop. Frankfurt, Germany, 18/6/2018 - 19/6/2018.

    Dendler, L., Dewick, P. (2018) 'Centralised Multi-Actor Institutional Change Processes in an Authoritarian State: Responses to the Melamine Crisis in China.' In 2018 Organisation Studies Summer Workshop. Samos, Greece, 24/5/2018 - 26/5/2018.

    Dewick, P., Ferris, R., Maytorena-Sanchez, E., Winch, G. (2017) 'Regenerative Eco-Innovation, Regulation and SDG.' In SustEcon Conference. Berlin, Germany, 25/9/2017 - 26/9/2017.

    Dewick, P., Stanmore, E. (2017) 'Applying Game Thinking to Slips, Trips and Falls Prevention.' In Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe 14th Annual Conference (AAATE 2017). 242. Sheffield, UK, 11/9/2017 - 15/9/2017. IOS Press, pp. 606-613.

    Dewick, P., Stanmore, E. (2017) 'Applying Game Thinking to Slips, Trips and Falls Prevention.' In Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe 14th Annual Conference. Sheffield, UK, 11/9/2017 - 15/9/2017.

    Dewick, P., Ferris, R., Maytorena-Sanchez, E., Winch, G. (2017) 'Regenerative Eco-Innovation, Regulation and the Circular Economy.' In Global Research Forum for Sustainable Consumption and Production. IDS, Brighton, UK, 27/6/2017 - 29/6/2017.

    Dewick, P., Stanmore, E. (2016) 'Developing and Fesibility Testing a Gamified App for Learning to Prevent Slips, Trips and Falls Among the Over 65s.' In Games for Health Europe Conference. Utrecht, 31/10/2016 - 1/11/2016.

    Dewick, P., Stanmore, E. (2016) 'Developing and Feasibility Testing a Gamified App for Learning to Prevent Slips, Trips and Falls Among the Over 65s.' In Games for Health Europe Conference. Utrecht, The Netherlands, 31/10/2016 - 1/11/2016.

    Dewick, P. (2016) 'Gamifying Learning.' In The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business Europe, Middle East and Africa Conference. Madrid, Spain, 15/10/2016 - 18/10/2016.

    Dewick, P. (2015) 'Gamification and Transformative Learning.' In Academy of Management Conference Professional Development Workshop. Vancouver, Canada, 7/8/2015 - 11/8/2015.

    Dendler, L., Dewick, P. (2015) 'Powerful Alliances and Institutional Change: Sustainable Consumption and Production in China's Dairy Industry.' In Academy of management Conference. Vancouver, Canada, 7/8/2015 - 11/8/2015.

    Dewick, P. (2015) 'Tell Me and I'll Forget, Show Me and I May Remember, Involve Me and I'll Understand: Creating Interaction in the Classroom and Beyond.' In Innovation for Sustainability Workshop. Vlerick Business School, Ghant, Belgium, 1/6/2015 - 1/6/2015.

    Dendler, L., Dewick, P. (2015) 'Institutional Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Consumption and Production: National Processors and Institutional Change in China's Dairy Industry.' In 5th Leuphana Conference on Entrepreneurship. Leuphana University, Germany, 15/1/2015 - 17/1/2015.

    Owen, P., Dewick, P. (2015) 'How Effective is a Games-Centric Approach in Changing Student Eco Behaviours?.'

    Dewick, P. (2015) 'A 'User-Guide' to the 'Social Responsibility in the Curriculum' Initiative.' 1/1/2015 - 1/1/2015.

    Dendler, L., Dewick, P. (2014) 'Institutional Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Consumption and Production: National Processors and Institutional Change in China's Dairy Industry.' In Corporate Responsibility Research Conference. Leeds, UK, 15/9/2014 - 17/9/2014.

    Dewick, P. (2014) 'Participatory Learning Through Gamification: Reflections on the University Grand Challenge Pilot.' In University of Manchester Faculty of Humanities Teaching and Learning Showcase. University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, 1/7/2014 - 1/7/2014.

    Dendler, L., Dewick, P., Chen, S. (2014) 'Focal Organisations and Sustainable Consumption and Production Systems: Institutional Entrepreneurship in China's Dairy Industry.' In Global Research Forum Sustainable Consumption and Production Conference. Shanghai, China, 8/6/2014 - 11/6/2014.

    Dendler, L., Dewick, P. (2014) 'Institutionalisation of Organic Labelling in the People's Republic of China.' In Global Research Forum Sustainable Consumption and Production Conference. Shanghai, China, 8/6/2014 - 11/6/2014.

    Dewick, P. (2012) 'Focal Organisations, Relational Capability and Accelerated Eco-Innovation.' In 11th EABIS (The Academy of Business in Society) Colloquium. IMD, Switzerland, 2/7/2012 - 4/7/2012.

    Dewick, P., Foster, C. (2012) 'Eco-Innovation and Focal Actors.' In DRUID Society Conference. Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, 18/6/2012 - 21/6/2012.

    Dewick, P. (2012) 'Focal Organisations, Relational Capability and Accelerated Eco-Innovation.' In Global Research Forum on Sustainable Production and Consumption. Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, 12/6/2012 - 15/6/2012.

    Dewick, P. (2012) 'The Bio-Economy - History Rhymes?.' In University of Manchester Biobridges Presentation Series. University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, 1/2/2012 - 1/2/2012.

    Dewick, P., Foster, C. (2011) 'Eco-Innovation and Focal Actors in the Milk Production and Distribution System.' In DRUID Society Conference 2011. 15/6/2011 - 17/6/2011.

    Dewick, P., Mylan, J. (2011) 'Focal Organisations: Stimulating Eco-Innovation Within Production and Distribution Systems.' In International Sustainable Development Research Conference. Columbia University, New York, USA, 8/5/2011 - 11/5/2011.

    Dewick, P., Foster, C. (2010) 'Accelerating and Redirecting Environmental Innovation in Milk Production and Consumption.' In Sustainable Innovation Conference. Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 8/11/2010 - 9/11/2010.

    Dewick, P., Foster, C. (2010) 'Greening the White Stuff.' In International Symposium on Sustainable Innovation and Consumption. Manchester, UK, 8/4/2010 - 9/4/2010.

    Dewick, P. (2010) 'Enquiry Based Learning and Undergraduate Teaching.' In EBL Showcase for Executive Education Programmes. MBS, Manchester, UK, 31/3/2010 - 31/3/2010.

    Dewick, P. (2009) 'Introducing EBL to Second Year Undergraduate Module Organisations, Management and Technology.' In International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. Madrid, Spain, 16/11/2009 - 18/11/2009.

    Dewick, P. (2009) 'Introducing EBL to Second Year Undergraduate Module Organisations, Management and Technology.' In International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. Madrid, Spain, 16/11/2009 - 18/11/2009.

    Dewick, P. (2009) 'Greening the New Product Development Process - An Industry Perspective.' In Management of Green Technology. IAMOT: Florida, USA, 1/1/2009 - 1/1/2009.

    Dewick, P., Peitekeinen, A.M. (2008) 'Integrating Sustainability Into the Innovation Process "Future Products, Technologies and Industries".' In 13th International Conference. Malmo University, Malmo, Sweden, 27/10/2008 - 28/10/2008.

    Dewick, P., Peitekeinen, A.M. (2008) 'Sustainability and New Product Development.' In International Association for Management of Technology EuroMOT Conference. CERAM Business School, Nice, France, 17/9/2008 - 19/9/2008.

    Dewick, P. (2008) 'Innovative Ways to Teach Innovation: Introducing Enquiry Based Learning to MBS UG Teaching.' In CEEBL Symposium. Manchester, UK, 1/6/2008 - 1/6/2008.

    Dewick, P. (2007) 'Transition in the UK Dairy Industry: A More Sustainable Alternative?.' In Cases in Sustainable Consumption and Production: Workshop of SCORE! Network. Paris, France, 4/6/2007 - 5/6/2007.

    Dewick, P. (2007) 'Innovative Teaching Techniques for Teaching Innovation.' In MBS Innovation in Teaching Forum. MBS, Manchester, UK, 1/6/2007 - 1/6/2007.

    Hernandez, I., Dewick, P. (2005) 'An Institutional Approach to Evolutionary Growth Modelling.' In 2005 Globelics Conference. Pretoria, South Africa, 31/10/2005 - 4/11/2005.

    Dewick, P., Foster, C., Green, K. (2005) 'Going to Pot? Factors Inhibiting and Facilitating the Adoption of Sustainable Technologies in the Yoghurt Industry.' In ISIC Conference. Stockholm, Sweden, 17/6/2005 - 20/6/2005.

    Dewick, P., Green, K. (2004) 'Long-Term Implications of Nanotechnology for the Environment.' In Joint 4S & EASST Conference, Public Proofs - Science, Technology and Democracy. Paris, France, 26/8/2004 - 28/8/2004.

    Dewick, P. (2003) 'Sustainable Technologies and the Construction Industry: An International Assessment of Regulation, Governance and Inter-Firm Networks.' In Industrial Ecology and Spaces of Innovation Workshop. CRIC, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, 1/6/2003 - 1/6/2003.

    Miozzo, M., Dewick, P., Green, K. (2003) 'Globalisation and the Environment: The Long-Term Effects of Technology on the International Division of Labour and Energy Demand.' In 2003 ASEAT Conference. Institute of Innovation Research, Manchester, UK, 7/4/2003 - 9/4/2003.

    Hernandez, I., Dewick, P. (2003) 'Structural Change and the Nature of Innovative Activity: Legal Form and firm Performance in the Manufacturing Industries of Colombia and the UK.' In ASEAT Conference. Institute of Innovation Research, Manchester, UK, 7/4/2003 - 9/4/2003.

    Dewick, P., Green, K., Miozzo, M. (2001) 'Technological Change, Industrial Structure and the Environment.' In Greening of Industry Conference. Gothenburg, Sweden, 23/6/2001 - 26/6/2001.

    Dewick, P., Miozzo, M. (2000) 'Innovation and Corporate Governance in European Construction.' In European Construction. EUNIP Conference, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 7/12/2000 - 9/12/2000.

  • Presentations

    Dewick, P. Gamifying Sustainable Choices. [Presentation] Manchester Museum, Manchester, UK,

    Dewick, P. (2011) Enquiry Based Learning for UG Teaching. [Presentation] Manchester, UK,

    Dewick, P. (2011) Demand-Led Innovation for Sustainable Consumption. [Presentation] Loughborough, UK,

    Dewick, P. (2010) Enquiry Based Learning in Teaching and Learning Practice. [Presentation] Manchester, UK,

    Dewick, P. (2009) How a Level 2 UG Unit Was Redesigned to Increase Student Engagement. [Presentation] Manchester, UK,

    Dewick, P. (2007) Sustainable Technology Management. [Presentation] University of Leeds Sustainability Research Institute, Leeds, UK,

    Dewick, P. (2003) Sustainable Technologies and the Construction Industry: An International Perspective. [Presentation] CASS Business School, University of London, London, UK,

  • Posters

    Dewick, P., Stanmore, E. (2017) 'Applying Game Thinking to Slips, Trips and Falls Prevention.' [Poster] In Association for Business in Society Knowledge Into Action Forum.

    Dewick, P. (2016) 'Gamifying Learning.' [Poster] In The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business Europe, Middle East and Africa Conference.

  • Other

    Sarkis, J., Dewick, P. (2023) Harmonious or Harmful? The Circular Economy and Biodiversity.

    Marotti de Mello, A., Kamiche-Zegarra, J., Pineda-Mendoza, J., Dewick, P., Ramlogan, R. (2022) The Circular Economy and the Puzzle of Formalization: reflections on Circular Practices in the Biodiverse Amazon.

    Marotti de Mello, A., Donkor, F., Kamiche Zegarra, J., Hofstetter, J., Sarkis, J., Dewick, P. (2022) Insights into Circular Economy and the Puzzle of Formalization in the Global South.