Employer course information

Welcome to our information page for employers of Specialist Community Public Health Nurse PgDip apprentices. If you require further information, please email the Apprenticeships Unit or call (+44) 0161 247 3720 (9:30am - 4:00pm Monday to Friday). 

You play a crucial role in supporting your apprentice’s learning and identifying opportunities for the development of their nursing skills. We are keen for you to play an active role in the apprenticeship, so please bookmark this page as it is regularly updated. 

Practice assessor and practice supervisor information 

We provide a number of workshops to help you to understand your role in supporting an apprentice’s development, to find out more about the course, and to ask questions.

Our Practice Assessor and Practice Supervisor Forums will be held on: 

  • Monday 19 February 2024  

  • Monday 3 June 2024 

You will be sent information about these sessions by the Academic Assessors, Karen Crees or Ruth Thomas, but if you have any questions, please contact us via email.

Practice Assessor and Practice Supervisor Forum documents

Progress reviews

Your apprentice’s enhanced skills coach will be contacting them to arrange regular tripartite review meetings. These are opportunities to discuss future development goals and reflect on past targets. Reviews require an employer representative; either the practice assessor, supervisor or both to attend and approve the reviews through the e-portfolio system. 

Apprentice timetables

Your apprentices will access their timetables through their Virtual Learning Environment, once they have enrolled. 

Programme handbooks and useful documents

Apprentice standard and assessment information

The apprenticeship standard provides the building blocks of our District Nursing Apprenticeship and is the blueprint for the development of our apprentices across the duration of the course. The standard will help you to understand parts of the apprenticeship that may pose challenges for your apprentice’s development or provide opportunities for them to expand their horizons.   

The standard also provides information on the end-point assessment, which is where your apprentice’s grades will be ratified following completion of all units and consolidation. This will take place within a one moth period after the completion of the 12-month academic programme. For this reason, apprentices are required an employment contract until the 31 October of their year of completion. 

If you require any of the above documents in a different format, please email us.

Employer Resources

Information relevant for all courses, brochures and more.