
University research to support transformation of 68 towns and cities in England

Date published:
3 Feb 2022
Reading time:
3 minutes
High Streets Task Force announces latest local authorities to receive support
Brighton is one of the 68 local authorities to receive support from the High Streets Task Force
Brighton is one of the 68 local authorities to receive support from the High Streets Task Force

A further 68 local authorities in England are set to receive a package of support to transform towns and cities, backed by research from Manchester Metropolitan University.

The support from the government’s High Streets Task Force, which is led by the Institute of Place Management (IPM) at Manchester Metropolitan, includes expert advice to help deliver long-term transformation to local areas.

The IPM at Manchester Metropolitan was awarded an £8.6 million contract by the government in 2019 to lead the High Streets Task Force and deliver guidance to local authorities and communities who want to transform their high streets.

In April 2021, the Task Force announced the first 70 local authorities to receive support.

Each of the 68 newly selected local authorities will be invited to put forward a high street or centre which can benefit from help to address local challenges and to develop strategies for positive change.

The support, which will start in each location from Summer 2022, begins with a visit from High Streets Task Force experts who will consult and collaborate with the local authority, businesses and community groups, with the aim of unlocking the potential of each place.

Transforming places

In order to target high streets with the greatest need, university researchers analysed regional indicators of deprivation and inequality to produce the list of 68 local authorities.

The analysis also took into account the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on high streets.

This new help for places continues the work of the Task Force, which has already directly supported 84 local authorities across England and provided further online resources that are available to all towns and cities responding to the impact of COVID-19.

Dr Steve Millington, Director of the IPM at Manchester Metropolitan and Academic Lead for the High Streets Task Force, said: “We are delighted to be leading this work to support 68 areas across the country. It is at a time when we know local authorities and local communities have a range of pressures and opportunities, in particular building back after the impact of COVID-19 and responding to long-term priorities such as climate change.

“We’ve already seen the enthusiasm and ideas in places we’ve supported with the Task Force since 2020. Our work and research will provide impetus to specific projects, from redesigning the built environment to setting up new local governance and partnerships to benefit places.”

Mark Robinson, High Streets Task Force Chair, said: “Over the last two years, the Task Force has witnessed the resilience of high streets and the diversity of their communities. We’ve engaged over 4,000 placemakers so far and I’m delighted we’ll be supporting a further 68 local authorities to consider their own ambitious plans for recovery and long-term growth.

“We know from our work that high streets thrive when businesses, councils and community champions work together. The Task Force aims to provide that impetus to partnerships and to help them learn quickly from other local success stories.”

Under the leadership of the IPM at Manchester Metropolitan, the High Streets Task Force has appointed 150 independent experts from the professional bodies Design Council, Landscape Institute and the Royal Town Planning Institute to work with places, bringing their insight and expertise to town centres.

Further information and the full list of local authorities selected for support is available on the High Streets Task Force website.