
Staying safe on nights out at uni

Date published:
11 Sep 2023
Reading time:
4 minutes
Five tips on enjoying Manchester’s nightlife safely
Student safety
Making your night out one to remember for the right reasons

September is a busy time for any university student. And whether you’re new to the city or you’ve been in Manchester for a few years, you’ll want to make the most out of everything that’s on offer.  

Whether you’re meeting new flat mates or catching up with uni friends you haven’t seen over the summer, you might be planning some nights out to kick-start a new academic year.  

While we want you to have fun, we also want you to stay safe. So, with that in mind, here’s a few tips to help you have a night out to remember for all the right reasons.

1. Planning your night out  

Planning your night out is more than just what to wear and who you’re going with, you need to think about how you’re getting there and plan for how to get home too.  

Tips on making travel plans: 

  • Night bus – try to travel with friends and sit on the lower deck if possible 
  • Trains or trams – try to avoid sitting in empty carriages 
  • Taxis – pre-book if possible, using private hire companies or Uber. Don’t take rides off taxi drivers who approach you on the streets as they may not be insured 
  • Walking – if you live close by, stick to the main streets where lighting is better, and more people are around. Don’t walk down poorly lit areas or alleyways   

2. Stick with your friends  

Going out as a group and staying together as a group not only makes for a better night, but it’s safer too. Sticking together also means that you can keep an eye out for each other throughout the night.  

Always make sure your phone is full charged before you leave. Or better still – take a portable charger with you. If you do get separated from your friends at any point, it’s useful to have a few things in place: 

  • Agree on a meeting place in case anyone gets lost 
  • Start a group WhatsApp to stay in touch 
  • Set up a ‘Find Friends’ or ‘Search Party’ app. Use Find my App if you have an Apple device.  

3. Keep an eye on your drinks 

Whether you decide to drink alcohol or stick to soft drinks, keep these things in mind: 

  • Never accept a drink you haven’t seen poured or opened – if someone offers to buy you a drink, go with them to the bar or politely refuse
  • Don’t leave your drinks on their own (by you or a close friend) – it can be easy for someone to slip something into your glass if you’re not watching
  • If you do feel a little drunk, switch to soft drinks or water to stay hydrated
  • Speak if something doesn’t feel right or your feel unsafe – this might be bar staff, bouncers or calling the police 

Check out some more practical advice on how to avoid drink spiking

4. Download the SafeZone app 

Having access to the SafeZone app will give you extra peace of mind while you are on campus and in the areas around campus. It’s free to download, easy to use and allows you to ‘check in’ 24/7 to tell us where you are and quickly and discreetly call for assistance - whether it’s for first aid or in an emergency.   
If you’re in the following areas, you can also raise an alert and help will be on its way:   

5. Remember that no means no 

Just because someone has had few drinks or chosen to wear a particular outfit, doesn’t mean that sexual harassment is ok – it is never ok.  
Don’t make anyone feel uncomfortable or pressured into doing anything. If they say no, at any point, even if they have previously said yes, then stop what you are doing straight away. 
Visit our Consent Matters training page or watch the ‘Tea and Consent’ video to understand more about keeping our community a safe and respectful place. 
If you feel unsafe on your night out, ask bar/shop staff or the police for help. You can also find out about the support available on our Report + Support page too. 
The nightlife in Manchester is amazing, so we hope you enjoy your night out. For more information and advice, please take a look at Greater Manchester’s Good Night Out Guide.