
How to enjoy student life safely

Date published:
29 Aug 2023
Reading time:
5 minutes
Make the most of studying and living in this great city
Campus safety
Staying safe on campus and around Manchester

You’re finally here. You’ve put in the hard work and it’s time to enjoy university life and all it has to offer.  
Over the next few years, you are going to have some amazing times and make memories that you will cherish forever, so we want to help you make sure you stay safe while you study and enjoy your time in this great city.  

So, here’s a round-up of advice and support to help you enjoy student life safely:  

1. Security on campus  

Our friendly Campus Security team in Vine Building on Birley Campus provide support and advice 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This includes:  

  • Advice and information about safety on campus  
  • First aid  
  • Swipe access control and lost property  
  • Response to alarms and disturbances on campus 
  • Cycle locks and safety devices  

For immediate support, please contact the team on 0161 247 1334.

Location: Campus Security Lodge, 41 Stretford Road, Hulme, M15 6GT 

2. SafeZone App 

For peace of mind while you are on campus and in local student areas, download our free SafeZone app. It allows you to quickly call for security assistance – whether it’s for first aid or in an emergency.

You can also check in on the app 24/7 to tell us where you are. As well as on campus, you can also raise an alert in the following student areas:  

3. Staying safe in the city  

Whether you are out and about with your mates or simply going to your local shops, you need to always be aware of your surroundings. As with any big city, theft can happen, so keep your belongings safely in your pockets or at the bottom of a bag.

Also, try not to use your phone while walking around or use noise cancelling headphones, especially when alone as this can leave you more vulnerable to potential theft.  

We understand part of being a student is about going out with your mates. If you decide to drink, do so responsibly. Don’t drink excessively to the point where you are not aware of your surroundings and always keep an eye on your drinks, and never leave them unattended. Don’t accept drinks from people you don’t know or that you haven’t seen being poured. Drink spiking can happen to anyone, so it’s best to always be vigilant.   

Also, whether you are a local or new to Manchester, always plan your route home and travel back with friends. Head out as a group, stick together, and never leave a venue alone. Keep an eye out for each other during the night too.    

If you find yourself in an emergency or feel unsafe while exploring the city, please contact the Police straightaway on 999.  

4. Keep your accommodation safe 

You’re living away from home now so it’s important you take responsibility for keeping your student room or flat secure by following these simple steps: 

  • Lock your room whenever you leave, even if it’s just to the kitchen 
  • Close your flat or bedroom windows whenever you’re going out 
  • Keep any valuables or money out of sight  
  • If you lose your key, swipe card or fob, please let your Hall reception know immediately  
  • Keep an eye on any unwanted guests and report anything suspicious to your Hall reception or security

5. Hate incidents and harassment support 

Hate incidents come in many different forms and may not necessarily be physical violence. Someone using offensive language towards you, or harassing you, is also a hate crime. If a hate incident or harassment happens to you or you witness it happening to someone else, it’s important you report it.

You can report any incident of sexual violence, discrimination or harassment: 

  • Direct to the Police by calling 999 if it is an emergency or you are in danger. Otherwise call 101, visit your local police station or report the incident online 
  • Online using the University’s Report + Support system. You can choose to include your details or report anonymously.  
  • On campus via our reporting centre, located at the Student Union’s Advice Centre, where trained staff can report it on your behalf and provide advice and support

6. Staying safe online 

Whether it’s studying, working or leisure time – you can clock up the hours online. Because of this you might feel you know what to look out for and what to avoid online. Just a quick reminder though…don’t post personal information like your address, email address or phone number and think carefully before posting text, pictures or videos of yourself – it’s easy to post but not always easy to remove and potential employers will be looking at your profile one day!  

Also, be on guard for online scams. While some email and website scams are more obvious, scammers are always looking for ways to target your hand-earned money. Here’s the most common online scams and how to avoid them.  

7. Learn more about consent and healthy relationships  

It’s essential that every student completes our Consent Matters training, to understand issues surrounding sexual consent and healthy relationships, so we can work together to keep our community safe and create an environment where everyone feels respected and supported. 

The short online course will help you understand more about recognising boundaries and how to look out for others. You can complete this essential course now by going to the Getting Ready to Learn area on Moodle.