
Samantha Boyd's Graduate Story

By Liz Graham
Date published:
16 Apr 2024
Reading time:
4 minutes
Meet Samie, she graduated from Manchester Met in 2019 after studying for a degree in Events Management. She now works as an Accessibility and Customer Services Coordinator at Cuffe and Taylor.
A photo of Samie, an Events Management graduate.

What did you study at Manchester Met and why?

“Event Management. I have always had a passion for live events and experiences. I was obsessed with creating experiences for guests that created memories and emotions. I was also obsessed with the Manchester music scene and Manchester as a city itself.”

Did you enjoy your time at Manchester Met? What was your favourite part of your experience?

2Yes, I enjoyed the course and we were presented with plenty of opportunities to get involved with events outside of our studies. I did a lot of volunteering during my time at Manchester Met, which helped me in my career. I also enjoyed the content of the course and found it to be beneficial in my career today - from crowd safety to sustainability and marketing.”

 What journey did you take whilst looking for a job after finishing University?

“I graduated in 2019 which was the beginning of the pandemic. I managed to get a graduate role at Manchester Met helping with their enrichment and student events, following this, I worked at Manchester International Festival for a temp role during their festival. I then went on to get a full-time role as a wedding event manager, following this I worked in corporate events and eventually landed a role at my dream job which is within the Live Music and Festival Industry. I found it difficult initially to get my foot in the door in the sector I desired, however, in each role I learnt something that helped me on my journey.”

What is it like working in your field?

“It’s everything I hoped for and better, it is a fabulous industry to work for - no two days are the same, and the projects you work on and tasks you partake in are varied and exciting.”

What does your day-to-day life look like at work?

“As mentioned above, no two days are the same. In the summer season I am on site a lot and helping with the setup and delivery of our summer festival and outdoor events. You are the first on-site and the last to leave usually. However, before and after the season is when the planning takes place and if this is done correctly then it makes life on site a lot easier. Tasks involve site visits, procuring (booking suppliers), advancing artists, site management, artist liaison prep, customer information, traffic management, and managing accessibility and sustainability across our sites to name a few. My role is sociable and flexible, we have the option to go into the office or work from home, I usually do two days in the office. When the season starts, we are on site most days which is very sociable.”

What skills or experience did you learn at Manchester Met that are key to your work life?

“Network…I remember this word being mentioned multiple times and now I know why. The industry is all about connections. We learnt how to network at university with the connect conference and various volunteering opportunities. This skill helped me in my career - I landed my dream job by networking.”

What advice would you give students looking to get into your field of work?

“Volunteering and showing up is key, employers would prefer to hire somebody they trust and have a connection with than to advertise and search. Also, make sure to tell people your goals and ambitions - people are not mind readers. It is surprising how one conversation can impact your career.”

Do you think you could have done anything differently during your course which could have better prepared you for working life after graduation?

“I would have got a part-time job in the industry during my studies or during the summer to get more experience and connections.”

If you could give one piece of advice for those starting their career journey, what would you say?

“Take all the opportunities you are presented with during your studies. Take advantage of being a student and be a sponge - take it all in and absorb all the knowledge.

Connect connect connect - these will help you on your journey once you graduate.

Also, do not put too much pressure on yourself to land your dream job straight away. Each step is a step in the right direction, and you’ll learn so muCh from each role you do.”