
Kieran Butler's Graduate Story

By Liz Graham
Date published:
20 Aug 2024
Reading time:
5 minutes
Meet Kieran, who studied an undergraduate course in Engineering and then went on to do a Masters in Engineering Project Management. He now works as a Project Engineer at Addison Project.
Kieran in a hard hat during work as a Project Engineer at Addison Project.

What did you study at Manchester Met and why?

“At Manchester Met, I pursued two degrees that significantly shaped my educational and career path. Firstly, I completed a Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) in Mechanical Engineering, followed by a Master of Science (MSc) in Engineering Project Management. These choices were driven by a combination of academic interest and career aspirations, and my experience at Manchester Met was immensely fulfilling”.

Did you enjoy your time at Manchester Met? What was your favourite part of your experience?

“A key part of my experience at Manchester Met was making a range of diverse friendships. Interacting with fellow students from all corners of the world and diverse academic backgrounds was eye-opening. It allowed me to broaden my horizons, appreciate different perspectives, and immerse myself in a global learning environment.

Walking across the stage during my graduation ceremony, was a feeling that words can hardly capture. It served as a powerful reminder of why I embarked on this educational path in the first place. Those countless hours spent in the library, late-night study sessions, and dedicated work in labs suddenly coalesced into a profound sense of achievement. Graduation marked the transition to a new phase in life, filled with opportunities and the prospect of making a meaningful impact in the world”.

What journey did you take whilst looking for a job once finishing University?

“During my university experience, I had the opportunity to work as a laborer for a plumber friend. This experience, while physically demanding, provided me with invaluable insights into the practical aspects of the field. It was during this time that I gained a deeper appreciation for the importance of formal education, and the need for a graduate role in my career trajectory.

Working alongside a skilled plumber, I witnessed the challenges and complexities of the industry. It became evident that to make a substantial impact and progress in my career, I needed to leverage the knowledge and skills I had acquired during my university studies. This experience reminded me why I initially chose to pursue higher education and further solidified my commitment to securing a graduate role.

My determination and dedication paid off, leading me to secure a position as a Graduate Project Engineer at Addison Project, where I am currently employed. This role has allowed me to apply the theoretical foundations I gained during my academic journey to real-world projects and challenges. It has affirmed my belief in the importance of continuous learning and professional growth”.

What is it like working in your field?

“I love my current role and believe it’s one of the best decisions I’ve made. Working in a relatively small company exposes me to different disciplines daily, which I find immensely beneficial for honing my project management skills.  The constant exposure to various roles has equipped me to handle the complexities of project management effectively. Additionally, the collaborative team environment fosters unity and teamwork, which has been instrumental in our project successes. My current job exceeds my expectations, and the diverse experiences I gain daily are invaluable for my growth in project management. I’m excited about the continued journey and the opportunities it holds”.

What does your day-to-day life look like at work?

“In my role, I primarily handle mechanical design, but it’s not limited to that. I actively participate in management meetings, providing insight into company strategies. Additionally, I frequently visit project sites to ensure our designs align with practical needs. The variety of my responsibilities keeps my work engaging and impactful”.

 What advice would you give students looking to get into your field of work?

“Taking a proactive approach is crucial in navigating the job market, where persistence often pays off. Job applications can sometimes feel like a numbers game, but the more you put yourself out there, the better your chances of finding the right opportunity. I wish I had embraced this mindset sooner in my career journey. It’s a valuable lesson I’ve learned along the way – that seizing every opportunity to network, apply for positions, and showcase your skills can lead to unexpected and rewarding outcomes. So, my advice would be to start early, cast a wide net, and stay determined to find the right job opportunity”.

Do you think you could have done anything differently during your course which could have better prepared you for working life after graduation?

“I aspired to take a year in industry, ideally complemented by a summer internship to enhance my practical skills and gain hands-on exposure to the professional world. Unfortunately, the global pandemic disrupted these plans, and I never had the opportunity to realise them”.

If you could give one piece of advice for those starting their career journey, what would you say?

“During university, it’s important to think about your future career aspirations. This involves dedicating time not only to your coursework, but also building a foundation for your professional journey beyond university.

After university, I’d suggest actively seeking opportunities for skill development, networking, and career exploration. It may result in participating in industry-related events, joining relevant student organisations, or seeking out internships and experiences that align with your career goals.

Being proactive can give you a competitive edge in the job market and help you gain valuable insights into your chosen field. Ultimately, while enjoying your university experience is essential, it’s equally important to remember that your education is an investment in your future”.