
Net Zero Exchanges: Connecting policy and research for climate action

Date published:
8 Oct 2021
Reading time:
2 minutes
Parliamentarians and leading UK universities write a collection of essays describing areas where work is needed on climate policy, with Manchester Metropolitan's academics Laurie King and Yagya Regmi writing about the role of fuel cell electric vehicles in achieving net zero emission from the UK transport sector by 2050.
Net Zero Exchanges
Net Zero Exchanges

With the UK hosting COP26 in November, the Government urgently needs to align domestic policy with our global climate commitments. The Net Zero Strategy, due before COP26, offers a vital opportunity to do this.

As Greta Thunberg reminds us, when it comes to the climate crisis we must listen to the science. This essay collection is a triumph of blending politics and science: politicians working with academics to understand not just climate science but the science of the political solutions.

Voices across the political spectrum and from a range of leading UK universities come together in this unique collection of essays. Each is co-written by an academic and a Parliamentarian and sets out the areas where work is still needed on climate policy while also demonstrating how readily to hand many political and technical solutions are. It showcases the strength of UK science and research and the level of cross-party support for climate action.

Visit the Policy Connect webpage and read the Net Net Zero Exchange collection of essays in which Manchester Met academics Laurie King and Yagya Regmi co-write along with MP Alexander Stafford about the role of fuel cell electric vehicle.