
Manchester Met hosts Science Apprentice Conference 2024, connecting apprentices across the country

By Larissa Ferreira Pereira
Date published:
20 Sep 2024
Reading time:
3 minutes
The event welcomed more than 100 apprentices from across the country and featured a special keynote address by Dr Ella Gilbert, a climate scientist.
Photo of apprentices standing and listening to a workshop session during the conference

Last Friday 13 September, Manchester Met hosted the Science Apprentice Conference 2024 at our School of Digital Art (SODA) building, welcoming over 100 apprentices from across the UK. 

Now in its second year, the Science Apprentice Conference is the UK’s first event specifically designed and organised by science apprentices. Its goal is to connect apprentices and celebrate their impact across the sector. 

Organised in partnership with the Science Apprenticeship Forum, the Royal Society of Chemistry, and the Science Council, this event offered an excellent opportunity for science apprentices to participate in workshops, networking sessions, and talks aligned with this year’s theme: “Advancing Skills, Connecting Apprentices.” 

Our Apprenticeship Development Manager, Amie Langford, who attended the event, shared her insights on the conference’s highlights:

The Science Apprenticeship Conference was an inspiring event run by and for science apprentices. We were honoured to host and sponsor the event, which featured fantastic skills sessions and a range of influential exhibitors for apprentices to connect with. It was a brilliant testament to the power of collaborative learning in shaping the future of science.

Covering topics such as improving scientific communication and building resilience to balance the work-study journey that apprentices face, the workshops at the conference were specifically designed to help apprentices advance their skills and maximise their ability to succeed in their careers. 

This year’s keynote speaker was Climate Scientist and Science Communicator Dr Ella Gilbert. Our Apprentice and Employer Engagement Fellow, Alice Rawlings, who attended Dr Gilbert’s keynote address, shared her thoughts on the presentation:

Dr Gilbert presented her cutting-edge research on climate change, captivating the audience with stories and photos from her expeditions to remote polar regions. Her talk not only explained the science behind climate change but also inspired attendees with her enthusiasm for environmental sustainability and her commitment to making climate science accessible to everyone.

At the conference, two of our Laboratory Scientist Degree Apprentices, Harriet Bean from BASF Plc and Annabel Morris from AstraZeneca, were formally presented with the certificates for the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Chemical Science Apprentice of the Year Award 2024, which they had won earlier this year. 

Poster competition at the Conference 

The event also featured a poster competition, where apprentices had to create eye-catching posters showcasing their achievements through their apprenticeship journey. These could include improving processes, enhancing teamwork and communication, or solving challenges through their contributions. 

In this competition, our Laboratory Scientist Degree Apprentice in Chemical Science, Jade Heaton from AstraZeneca, secured second place, while Corban Bowers, our Laboratory Scientist Degree Apprentice in Bioscience from Pebble Biotechnology Laboratories, took third place. 

Learn more about our Laboratory Scientist Degree Apprenticeship in Chemical Science and Bioscience.  

To find out more about the transformational impact of degree apprenticeships on apprentices, employers and the economy, download our new report ‘Force for Impact’