Please note, in all cases, the name used in the reference list entry and in-text citation should match the name on the work being cited.
Hyphenated surnames
If the surname is hyphenated, include both names and the hyphen in the reference list entry and in-text citation.
Diego J. Rivera-Gutierrez would be referred to as Rivera-Gutierrez, D. J. in the reference list and the in-text citation would be Rivera-Gutierrez.
Two-part surnames with no hyphen
If the surname has two parts separated by a space and no hyphen, you generally include both names in the reference list entry and in-text citation. Many Spanish names follow this format.
Rena Torres Cacoullos would be referred to as Torres Cacoullos, R. in the reference list and the in-text citation would be Torres Cacoullos.
Sometimes, it can be difficult to tell whether an author has two surnames without a hyphen or two given (fore)names and one surname. In these instances, you should follow the name format shown in the bibliographic record for the work you are citing. You may search on the web to see how the author’s name is most commonly cited or how the actual author refers to themselves on their website.
Surnames including a particle / prefix
Generally, surnames with prefixes (e.g. de, de la, der, van, von, etc.) should be listed under the prefix, retaining the use of upper or lower case letters as included in the author name on the work being cited.
Guy de Maupassant would be listed as de Maupassant, G. in the reference list and de Maupassant in the in-text citation.
There are occasional exceptions to this rule, e.g. Ludwig van Beethoven tends to be listed as Beethoven, L. van in reference lists and Beethoven in all in-text citations. In such instances, you should follow the name format shown in the bibliographic record for the work you are citing or search on the web to see how the author’s name is most commonly cited.
Surnames including a suffix
If the surname includes a suffix (e.g., Jr., Sr., III), this would be placed after the initials in the reference list entry but is not included in the in-text citation.
Herbert M. Turner III would be listed as Turner, H. M., III. in the reference list and Turner in the in-text citation.