
Raising awareness in the community

Date published:
17 Nov 2017
Reading time:
2 minutes
Dr Oliver Sutcliffe leads the project
Dr Oliver Sutcliffe leads the project

MANDRAKE (MANchester DRug Analysis and Knowledge Exchange) is a groundbreaking drug-testing initiative based at Manchester Metropolitan and founded by Senior Lecturer, Dr Oliver Sutcliffe. Providing accurate chemical analysis, MANDRAKE takes a zero- tolerance approach towards drug and substance abuse and strives to raise awareness within the community and the University by producing intelligence on harmful substances.

MANDRAKE is not operating at any other UK university, and, to support the project, Student Living are providing funding for PhD student, Nicholas Gilbert who will be working on the project for the next three years.

Based in a state-of-the-art forensic laboratory, Oliver and Nicholas are busy working on a variety of drug-testing projects. Recently they created chemical analysis of the substance ‘Spice’ and, the team’s study of the substance has led to the publication of a Greater Manchester-wide Spice Warning Information Leaflet and Professional Briefing for health, drug and homeless support service providers.

Drug Awareness Sessions

ResLife have teamed up with UoM and MIDAS (Manchester Integrated Drug and Alcohol Service) to deliver a series of bi-weekly educative behaviour sessions to students.

The partnership seeks to educate students, making them aware of the risks and effects of drugs and alcohol and seeks to inspire students to work towards abstinence as an ultimate goal by helping them to appreciate the value that it can bring to their health and wellbeing.

The sessions are held in the Zion Centre where information and advice is delivered in a supportive and non-judgemental environment. So far the response has been fantastic!