Law Clearing 2024

Hi, my name is Ash Murphy. I’m a Senior Lecturer in the Law department and my specialism is Public International Law and Climate Law.

What research should I do to prepare for a law degree? 

There’s nothing specific that you should research in preparation for beginning your law degree. However, you must be a practiced reader. Law is a subject that demands many hours of reading cases, books and articles. Being able to read for long periods is essential. A simple way to hone this skill is to keep on top of your leisure reading, spending some time every day with your nose in a book. 

What’s one key piece of advice you would give to a student entering the course through Clearing? 

The first and most important thing to know is that whatever happens on A-Level results day, it is not the end of the world. Take a deep breath, make a cup of tea, and relax into the day ahead with a calm determination.

We know that things go wrong all the time in life, and exam results are no different. Sometimes things don’t go the way we want and that is no reflection on you or your capability. Clearing is there to help those students who find themselves in this perfectly normal predicament. 

What do you look for in prospective law students? 

There is no set template for a law student. Looking around the law school staff, we are all very different with unique characteristics and skills, and once upon a time, we were all law students. The best way to approach a law degree is to come with enthusiasm and dedication to embrace new ideas and ways of thinking. Exposing yourself to as much learning as possible by being prepared to read lots and practice writing and communication is all you need to be successful in this degree.  

How can I impress you on the Clearing call? 

The best way to impress us on a Clearing call is to know what it is you need to find out. Ask the questions that are important to you. The most important person in the whole Clearing process is you, and that means we are there to help you make the right course decision. So, ask questions, be yourself, and let your enthusiasm shine through.   

What are some common misconceptions of Clearing you’d like to address? 

Clearing is a positive process. It’s designed to help you if you’ve had a change of direction or have been a touch unlucky in your exam results. 

Clearing provides another opportunity for students to find the right course for them. And of course, our dedicated staff will do all they can to help you achieve that result.