International Business Management for Clearing 2024

Hi, my name’s Stephen Buzdugan, a senior lecturer for international business management. I lead the final year International Business Strategy module. I’ve also helped create two new modules you can do in your first year: Introduction to the Multinational Corporation and Global Challenges and Sustainability.

What research should I do to prepare for an international business management degree?

There is nothing specific that you should research. The course covers topics of interest to global business professionals and leaders. Picking up an issue of The Economist or scanning through the international section of the Financial Times should give you some awareness of the topics we’ll cover.

What advice would you give a student entering the course via Clearing?

Don’t panic! The first and most important thing to know is that whatever happens on results day, it’s not the end of the world. Maybe your exams didn’t go exactly as you planned. Maybe you did better than expected, or you just had a change of heart about what and where to study. Whatever the reason, Clearing is a chance to find the perfect course for you.

What do we look for in prospective students?

As a professor who teaches on our programme puts it, international business is a broad church. It brings together many different disciplines, including business studies, economics, international politics, geography, international development and others.

Our students are from different backgrounds but all share an interest and a passion for learning the ins and outs of the global economy, and how businesses can thrive and make a difference in this complex world.

How can I impress you on the interview call?

The best way to impress is to know what you need to find out. Ask the questions that are important to you. The most important person in the process is you, and that means we’re there to help you make the right decision. So, ask questions, be yourself, and let your enthusiasm shine through. 

What are some common misconceptions about Clearing?

Clearing is a positive process. It is designed to help you if you’ve had a change of direction or been a touch unlucky in your exam results. Life is often challenging, and things don’t always go our way.

Clearing helps by providing an opportunity for students like you to find the right course for them. And of course, our dedicated staff will do all they can to help you do just that.