Chemistry Clearing 2024

Hi, my name is Vittorio Caprio. I’m a Senior Lecturer in Organic and Medicinal Chemistry. My speciality is in organic synthesis, medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry.

What research should I do into Chemistry to prepare?

It’s worth having a look at the course page before you call as it summarises all the units covered and provides valuable insight into the course. Look at what the course provides and use this to build the topics you’ll discuss with tutors. There are a wide variety of chemistry courses, so have a look around and see which one suits you best. Become aware of the impact of chemistry on everyday life and involvement of this subject in global challenges.

What’s one key piece of advice you would give to a student entering the course through Clearing?

I would say don’t assume an inferiority complex when you start. Many students enter the course through Clearing. You may not have made your grades and will probably be a little disappointed, but this is just a moment in your life. Once you’re settled at university and doing well in your course, you’ll soon forget about this period and look forward to graduating with a good grade.

What do you look for in prospective students?

We want well-motivated students who will work hard and consistently display enthusiasm for the course.

How can I impress you on the call?

Displaying awareness of the course and that you have done some research always goes down well. Having some thoughts on what you want to do post-degree is also impressive, and can lead to you questioning us on how our course can help you achieve your goals which impresses the Clearing interviewers.

You might want to ask about the research profile too. You might not think this is relevant but you should aim to attend a research-led department, you’ll be exposed to these interests during your degree and participate in research during third-year projects and possibly internships.

Is there anything students can do beyond looking at the course page?

Look at the kind of jobs a chemistry degree can offer to generate some ideas on ultimate goals which you can discuss with your interviewer.

Try and develop some insight into the impact of chemistry on everyday life, such as:

  • climate change
  • human health and ageing populations
  • pollution control
  • sustainable energy development.

We conduct a lot of research in these areas. Being able to discuss these issues and how they’re tackled in a degree programme will impress your interviewers.

What are some common misconceptions of Clearing you’d like to address?

Don’t panic. Phone around and see how you feel after a few calls. Don’t be afraid to ask any questions you like and stay on the call as long as you need.