Liam Colomer

About me


I was studying Audiovisual Communication at the University of Barcelona when my girlfriend at the time was accepted to the University of Manchester. She pointed out the possibility of studying music there and helped me find the right course on UCAS. I’ve always been up for adventures, and this seemed like a great opportunity to move abroad, study what I really liked (in Spain, music isn’t taught in universities), and improve my English. 

After graduating, I struggled to visualise how to turn my craft into a profitable business. So, I put that aside and went on to do many different things: from teaching English in France, to being a scuba diving instructor in Thailand, to building concert stages in Sydney, and taking people on snowmobile safaris in Lapland. 

I am currently freelancing as a composer. I work for myself, and I quite enjoy the freedom this entails. I also do not mind the instability and unpredictability of the freelancing life. My main responsibilities include everything from networking and finding projects to creating soundtracks and promoting my work. These are the three elements of a cycle that feed on itself. 

Manchester Met was particularly useful for learning music production. I had studied and played a lot of music as a child, so my music theory knowledge was decent. However, I did not know how to record music or understand the techniques and technology associated with the production process, which is to say, making your music sound as professional as possible. 

I went on a placement trial, but I did not like the conditions they offered. I was in a big recording studio, and I remember wanting to gain recording experience and get involved in the sessions. However, all they asked me to do was translate materials for their promotion campaigns. Despite the disappointing experience, I believe placements can be a great catapult to employment—or at least a great way to gain confidence, experience, and skills. 

A few years after graduating, I decided to expand my knowledge with a master’s degree in Music for the Moving Image. The course was life-changing and taught me a great deal. Further down the line, I complemented my skills with online courses in Logic Pro, Mixing and Mastering for Film Music, and recently, Film Script Writing. There’s always room for knowledge and improvement, and the human brain can absorb incredible amounts of information if one is motivated enough to learn. 


Many factors come into play, like persistence, patience, hard work, and drive, but above all, it comes down to learning to love oneself. Once you achieve this (which I assure you is not always easy), you gain confidence, you know your worth, and you do not despair when things do not go your way. The rest will surely follow. It will just be a matter of time. 


Artists who love their craft and spiritual leaders. 


The freedom and encouragement we had to experiment, learn, and play with incredibly hi-tech recording gear. 

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