Holly Fairbrother

About me

  • Middle Years Programme Coordinator in Qatar
  • Studied: PGCE Secondary Education, 2001

About my career

I had always wanted to be a teacher and I wanted to train in my hometown. I completed my BA (Hons) degree in Hull and returned to Manchester after graduation, where I worked for a few years before applying to Manchester Metropolitan for my teaching certificate.

I worked at the AQA exam board in Manchester immediately after graduation, as I had worked there every summer throughout my degree. I then worked as an Office Manager in an architecture firm in Manchester. This experience meant I got a great job in the research and enterprise office for the Pro-Vice Chancellor of Hull University. I then returned and worked in the admissions department at Manchester University before starting at Manchester Met.My first teaching job was as a supply teacher as I was pregnant and in the final months of my PGCE. I worked all over Greater Manchester for six years before moving to teach overseas, where I have been for the past thirteen years.

I am currently a MYP Coordinator. This means I am responsible for all subject areas from Grade 6/Year 7 to Grade 10/Year 11. I am the pedagogical lead and work every day with department heads and teachers on teaching, learning and assessment. I am responsible for ensuring the written curriculum aligns with the IB standards and that there is both vertical and horizontal articulation. I coordinate interdisciplinary learning units and service learning, as well as the exam and coursework components of the final year. I am responsible for training and supporting all the staff and regularly lead workshops for both teachers and parents. I also liaise with other coordinators in the country.

I use everything I learnt at Manchester Met in my career. My tutor during my PGCE was the most wonderful mentor and taught me all the skills I use every day – now with training teachers as well as with my learners in the classroom. The support I was given in taking risks in my planning and teaching has meant that I has risen to the position I am now, where every day, I am able to work to ensure all teachers enjoy their job as much as I do by providing exciting, engaging and challenging learning experiences. The attention to detail that was put into meeting all the standards means I am able to coordinate the huge amount that I do with the same level of detail and focus on raising the bar every day.

During my studies, I undertook three placements and each was crucial. The ability to be in a classroom means you are able to learn in authentic situations and each school taught me something different.

Since graduating, I have learnt to become an IB examiner and a Certified Google Education Trainer. I also have completed my Masters in Education and Integrating Technology.

My top tip for students

Be a risk-taker – be willing to push the boundaries and be willing to fail BUT be reflective enough to know why and to know how to move forward when that does happen. Chose a career you love and are inspired to wake up to every day. Be somewhere that nurtures and challenges you and supports you in continual growth. Do not be afraid to ask for help or admit when you do not know something. Keep on learning.

I am inspired by

I am inspired by my learners who challenge me to see the world with fresh eyes every day.

What I loved most about Manchester Met

My tutor was the kindest and most inspiring mentor and one who, nineteen years later, I still think about and draw on.

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