Carol Somorin

About me


I decided to study in the UK, particularly at Manchester Met, majorly because of the city itself. The summer before making my final decision, I visited a few campuses of schools where I had received unconditional offers, although, when I arrived at Piccadilly station it was raining – a clear opposite of what I had experienced in other cities, I immediately felt at home as soon as I arrived at the All Saints Building.

I was originally admitted into the Law MSc program but later switched to MSc International Public Relations, due to missing some deadlines, however, due to my educational background and the amazing help and guidance of the course directors and the Dean at the time, the transition was seamless.

It took me a while to realise it, but changing courses became one of the best decisions of my adult life. The course curriculum, group work, and student work experience laid a solid foundation for me.

I moved back to Nigeria right after graduating and started work as a Knowledge Management Officer for a DFID/USAID project, working with one of the state governments. It was a smooth transition to work life, primarily due to the experience I gained as a student in a PR and advertising firm in Manchester. My managers could see that I was bringing so much more to my daily job tasks, despite being a new graduate with little experience.

Having worked in the marketing communication and advertising industry for almost 15 years, I have led strategic management teams in developing brand communication campaigns. This involves identifying strategic issues and opportunities that could influence business growth and profitability for client accounts. My role includes competitor benchmarking, marketing programme effectiveness, industry intelligence, consumer insights and trends, and developing marketing ideas. I lead cross-functioning departments in launching high-priority strategic initiatives, working directly with business leadership, executives, and stakeholders in various industries, from FMCG to banking to Oil & Gas.

Since graduating, I have continued my professional development by becoming a Member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (MCIPR), obtaining other local qualifications and awards and contributing as a thought leader in my industry.


In the early stages of your career, find something that adds value to your skills and knowledge of the industry you are looking to work in. Make sure to maintain good relationships with colleagues as you grow through the ranks.

Never neglect to learn the basics. The basics learnt in the classroom can differ from those learnt in real-world scenarios. Also, never turn down a beginner offer or task because it seems rudimentary or similar to what you studied at university. However simple, the right foundation is always important for growth.


Women in work. I am intrigued and encouraged by other women in top positions defying the odds in the workplace, and it inspires me to do better for myself and my career.


I love Manchester Met for various reasons. The student support received from faculty members like Danny Moss and Mel Powell. The All Saints library, its access to student living and other campuses, and of course, the city of Manchester itself.

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