Dee Vyas
Dee Vyas
Digital Education Specialist
My profile
I work for the Centre for Learning Enhanced and Educational Development (LEED) as part of the Digital Education Team. My particular role in the Faculty of Arts & Humanities is to support and develop the use of the institutional VLE, and the pedagogical development of academic staff using digital technologies as part of the DELTA strategy. Active learning forms an essential part of this strategy and and this provides the opportunity for staff development across the university. I have a particular interest in developing the use of immersive technology as part of the student engagement process to enhance their soft skills, learning and digital skills.
Interests and expertise
For over 15 years I have been contacting WW2 veterans, Holocaust survivors, Hiroshima/Nagasaki survivors, civil rights activists, NASA personnel and civilians who lived through WW2 as part of my research and passion - The Last of the Few. My aim to share their written accounts and interviews with a wider audience to ensure this moment in history remains relevant and provides the opportunity for students/staff and a wider audience to listen to and read the stories of a remarkable generation.