Ethical Investment

Ethical Investment Policy

Our ethical investment policy (part of the treasury management policy) sets out our approach to ethical investment, by investing our funds with due consideration for ethical, environmental, corporate governance and social issues. We do not intentionally invest, directly or through collective funds, in fossil fuels companies, arm companies, or corporations complicit in the violation of international law.

Annual list of investments

We list all our current and non-current investments, and endowment reserves in our annual report and financial statements. We have a low-value endowment reserve, which is held invested within the terms of our ethical investment policy. Below is a summary of the investments as of 31 July 2022.

1 August 2022 - 31 July 2023

Aberdeen Standard 

  • Nature of relationship — cash deposit
  • Account type — Sterling Liquidity Fund (current)
  • Value — £10,000,000 

Aberdeen standard Capital Bridge Fund (endowment fund)  

  • Nature of relationship — equities, bonds, and cash 
  • Account type — general endowment fund segregated solution (non-current) 
  • Value — £964,410

Barclays Bank Plc  

  • Nature of relationship — Principle banker
  • Account type — cash (current) 
  • Value — £7,860,000

Goldman Sachs  

  • Nature of relationship — cash deposit
  • Account type — fixed-term deposit (current) 
  • Value — £25,000,000


  • Nature of relationship — cash deposit
  • Account type — ESG Sterling Liquidity Fund (current) 
  • Value — £15,000,000

Kingswood Wealth Management Group  

  • Nature of relationship — corporate bonds, cash deposits and cash 
  • Account type — managed portfolio (current) 
  • Value — £40,388,149


  • Nature of relationship — cash deposit
  • Account type — fixed-term deposit (current) 
  • Value — £0

Yorkshire Building Society

  • Nature of relationship — cash deposit
  • Account type — fixed-term deposit (current) 
  • Value — £25,000,000
1 August 2021 - 31 July 2022

Aberdeen Standard 

  • Nature of relationship — cash deposit
  • Account type — Sterling Liquidity Fund (current)
  • Value — £30,000,000 

Aberdeen standard Capital Bridge Fund (endowment fund)  

  • Nature of relationship — equities, bonds, and cash 
  • Account type — general endowment fund segregated solution (non-current) 
  • Value — £1,043,715 

Barclays Bank Plc  

  • Nature of relationship — Principle banker
  • Account type — cash (current) 
  • Value — £2,950,000 

Goldman Sachs  

  • Nature of relationship — cash deposit
  • Account type — fixed-term deposit (current) 
  • Value — £20,000,000


  • Nature of relationship — cash deposit
  • Account type — ESG Sterling Liquidity Fund (current) 
  • Value — £20,000,000 

Kingswood Wealth Management Group  

  • Nature of relationship — corporate bonds, cash deposits and cash 
  • Account type — managed portfolio (current) 
  • Value — £49,868,560 


  • Nature of relationship — cash deposit
  • Account type — fixed-term deposit (current) 
  • Value — £17,500,000

Yorkshire Building Society

  • Nature of relationship — cash deposit
  • Account type — fixed-term deposit (current) 
  • Value — £15,000,000 

Oversight of our investments

Our People, Finance and Resources Committee (PFRC) is responsible for our finance and investment decisions. The group advise on or determine, as appropriate, the strategies and policies for the effective and efficient use of our financial, physical, and human resources.

The ethical investment policy is reviewed annually on behalf of our Board of Governors by the People, Finance and Resources Committee. The latest review was conducted in November 2022 and confirmed that our approach to ethical investment remains unchanged.

PFRC meeting minutes

PFRC meeting minutes from November 2023 session, with a focus on the review of the Treasury Management Policy (includes the Ethical Investment Policy)