Dr Olivia Tomlinson
Dr Olivia Tomlinson PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons)
Lecturer in Strategy and Sustainabilty | Departmental Disability Coordinator
My profile
I am lecturer in Strategy and Sustainability at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. Prior to this, I held the post of Research Fellow in Responsible Business at the University of Birmingham, which I now maintain as an associate. I completed my doctoral studies (PhD Business Management- International Business) at the Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester. My research interests lie in exploring the utility of critical systems thinking and complexity management to counter social, environmental and economic challenges. I am particularly interested in processual manifestations of these challenges and the role that firms, as actors in the socio-ecological and economic system can play in countering crises and uncertainty.
Interests and expertise
My research is focused on how business can generate social, environmental and economic value across time and scale. My current research focuses on the following themes:
1. Interlinkages and relationships between the different capabilities, competencies and strategies of SMEs and subsequent impacts on the socio-ecological environment.
2. Sustainable leadership, management and entrepreneurship in uncertain and complex conditions.
3. Diversity and inclusion in the workplace, with a focus on the identification of intervention points and better practice.
4. Systems thinking as a framework for research and practice in the pursuit of the sustainable development goals.
- Level 5: Principles of Strategic Management
- Level 7: Critical Enquiry for Entrepreneurs and Leaders
- Level 7: Dissertation Project
- Level 4: Personal Academic Tutor
- Level 5: Principles of Strategic Management
- Level 6: Strategic Management in the Global Context
- Level 6: Business Research Project (Dissertation)
- Level 7: Critical Enquiry for Entrepreneurs and Leaders
- Level 7: Business Simulation (Dissertation)
- Level 5: Principles of Strategic Management
- Level 6: Strategic Management in the Global Context
- Level 6: Sustainability Management- Project Planning
- Level 6: Sustainability Management- Project Delivery
- Level 7: Critical Management and Enterprise Studies (Co-unit lead)
Research outputs
Internet publications
Tomlinson, O. (2023) Having a diverse workforce is not only right, but good for business. https://bmmagazine.co.uk/in-business/having-a-diverse-workforce-is-not-only-right-but-good-for-business/.
Tomlinson, O. (2022) How insincere attempts at diversity and inclusion are failing the UK’s ethnically diverse workforce. https://blog.bham.ac.uk/business-school/2022/10/17/diverse-workforce-2/.
Conference papers
Tomlinson, O., Nix, A., Tyreehageman, J. (2024) 'Responsibilization and the management of EDI-related misconduct.' In 39th EGOS Colloquium, Organizing for the Good Life: Between Legacy and Imagination. University of Cagliari, 5/7/2023 - 8/7/2023.
Career history
Lecturer in Strategy, Enterprise and Sustainability, Manchester Metropolitan University
Research Associate, Centre for Responsible Business Research, University of Birmingham
Research Fellow, Lloyds Banking Group for Responsible Business Research, University of Birmingham
PhD Business and Management, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester
“Organisational Continuity during Political-Economic Crisis: An exploration of the role of social and environmental considerations on organisational resilience”