My profile


Cathy Urquhart is Professor Emeritus of Digital Business at Manchester Metropolitan University Business School, and visiting Professor at the Department of Informatics can Lund University, Sweden. Before returning to the UK in 2009, she worked at the Universities of Tasmania, Melbourne and the Sunshine Coast in Australia, and the University of Auckland in New Zealand. She also worked as a systems analyst for eight years in public sector computing in the U.K.

Her broad area of research centres round the use of digital innovation for societal good. She is interested in how social media and all forms of ICTs can help us meet societal challenges, such as sustainable development, individual wellbeing, and social justice. She is the author of Grounded Theory for Qualitative Research, a textbook published by Sage (second edition imminent). Details of the book can be found here She also writes regularly on developments in grounded theory and qualitative research methodology in general. She holds or has held various editorial and board positions with the Journal of the Association of Information Systems, Information Technology and Development, European Journal of Information Systems, Information Systems Journal, and MIS Quarterly. She is a subject expert for the Association of Business Schools Scientific Journal Ranking Committee in the UK. She is a Fellow of the Association of Information Systems.

Research outputs

Some selected publications

Urquhart C (2022) Grounded Theory for Qualitative Analysis; A Practical Guide, Second Edition, Sage Publications, Forthcoming October 2022,

H. Pousti, C. Urquhart, H. Linger (2020). Researching the virtual: A framework for reflexivity in qualitative social media research. Information Systems Journal, 31(3), pp 356-383

Urquhart C (2019), Grounded Theory’s Best Kept Secret: The Ability to Build Theory, Kathy Charmaz and Tony Bryant (ed.), Current Developments in Grounded Theory, Sage Publishers, pp 89-106 

Urquhart C (2016), Grounded Theory, in Jensen, JB, Craig RT, Pooley JD and Rothenbuler RW (Eds) International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy, (Vol 2, pp 782-794)Wiley Blackwell

Urquhart, C (2016), Response to Davison and Martinsons: Context is King! Yes and No – it’s still all about Theory (Building), Journal of Information Technology, 1-3, DOI: 10.1057/s41265-016-0002-x

Diaz Andrade, C. Urquhart, T. Arthanari (2015). Seeing For Understanding: Unlocking the Potential of Visual Research in Information Systems. Journal of the Association of Information Systems. 16(8), pp.646-673

Seidel, S. and Urquhart, C. (2013), On emergence and forcing in information systems grounded theory studies: the case of Strauss and Corbin, Journal of Information Technology, 29, 237-260. DOI: 10.1057/jit.2013.17

Urquhart, C. and Fernandez, W. (2013), Using Grounded Theory Method: The Researcher as Blank Slate and Other Myths, Journal of Information Technology, 28, 224-236. DOI: 10.1057/jit.2012.34

Urquhart C (2013) Grounded Theory for Qualitative Analysis; A Practical Guide, Sage Publications, November 2012,

Hekkala R, and Urquhart C (2012), Everyday Power Struggles: Living in an IOIS project, European Journal of Information Systems, 4 September 2012, doi:10.1057/ejis.2012.43

Urquhart C, Lehmann H and Myers M (2010), Putting the Theory Back into Grounded Theory: Guidelines for Grounded Theory Studies in Information Systems, Information Systems Journal, 20, 4, pp 357-381

  • Books (authored/edited/special issues)

    Urquhart, C. (2022) How to do a Grounded Theory Study Online. SAGE Publications.

    Urquhart, C. (2013) Grounded Theory for Qualitative Research: A Practical Guide. California, United States: Sage: London.

  • Chapters in books

    Urquhart, C. (2019) 'Grounded Theory's Best Kept Secret: The Ability to Build Theory.' In Bryant, A., Charmaz, K. (ed.) The SAGE Handbook of Current Developments in Grounded Theory. Sage,

    Vaast, E., Urquhart, C. (2018) 'Building Grounded Theory with Social Media Data.' In Mir, R., Jain, S. (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Qualitative Research in Organization Studies. Routledge,

    Urquhart, C. (2016) 'Grounded Theory.' The International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy. John Wiley & Sons,

    Seidel, S., Urquhart, C. (2016) 'On emergence and forcing in information systems grounded theory studies: The case of strauss and corbin.' Enacting Research Methods in Information Systems: Volume 1. pp. 157-209.

    Urquhart, C., Fernández, W. (2016) 'Using grounded theory method in information systems: The researcher as blank slate and other myths.' Enacting Research Methods in Information Systems: Volume 1. pp. 129-156.

    Urquhart, C. (2007) 'The evolving nature of grounded theory method: the case of the information systems discipline.' Sage,

    Urquhart, C. (2001) 'An Encounter with Grounded Theory: Tackling the Practical and Philosophical Issues, in Qualitative Research in Information Systems: Issues and Trends.' In Trauth, E. (ed.) Qualitative Research in Information Systems: Issues and Trends. Idea Group Publishing, pp. 104-140.

  • Reports

    Steadman, C., Parker, C., Urquhart, C. Bringing Big Data to Small Users: Dashboard Usability Report.

  • Journal articles

    Mills, C., Urquhart, C., Mackintosh, C., Gillooly, L. (2024) 'Modelling the organisational socialisation of volunteers in English associational golf clubs.' European Sport Management Quarterly, 24(3) pp. 641-660.

    Windeler, J.B., Urquhart, C., Thatcher, J.B., Carter, M., Bailey, A. (2023) 'Special Issue Introduction: JAIS Special Issue on Technology and Social Inclusion.' Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 24(5) pp. 1199-1203.

    Heyes, G., Urquhart, C., Hooper, P., Thomas, C. (2023) 'Comprehensive Strategic Analysis for Sustainability: An Aviation Industry Case Study.' Sustainability, 15(11)

    Cranmer, E., Urquhart, C., tom Dieck, M.C., Jung, T. (2021) 'Developing Augmented Reality Business Models for SMEs in Tourism.' Information and Management, 58(8) pp. 103551-103551.

    Panteli, N., Urquhart, C. (2021) 'Job crafting for female contractors in a male-dominated profession.' New Technology, Work and Employment, 37(1) pp. 102-123.

    Ullah, M.A., Urquhart, C., Arthanari, T., Ahmed, E. (2021) 'Dimensions of corruption in Pakistan: a systems thinking approach and qualitative analysis.' Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 39(2) pp. 324-338.

    Pousti, H., Urquhart, C., Linger, H. (2020) 'Researching the virtual: a framework for reflexivity in qualitative social media research.' Information Systems Journal, 31(3) pp. 356-383.

    Rodriguez, P., Urquhart, C., Mendes, E. (2020) 'A Theory of Value for Value-based Feature Selection in Software Engineering.' IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 48(2) pp. 466-484.

    Heyes, G., Thomas, C., Hooper, P., Urquhart, C. (2020) 'The implications of sustainable development for airport duty-free business models.' Journal of Airport Management, 14(1)

    Wadham, H., Urquhart, C., Warren, R. (2019) 'Living with paradox in sustainable development: An extended case study of an international NGO.' European Journal of Development Research, 31pp. 1263-1286.

    AbuJarour, S., Wiesche, M., Díaz Andrade, A., Fedorowicz, J., Krasnova, H., Olbrich, S., Tan, C., Urquhart, C., Venkatesh, V. (2019) 'ICT-enabled Refugee Integration: A Research Agenda.' Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 44pp. 874-890.

    Gauzente, P.C., Urquhart, C. (2018) 'Numéro Spécial « Méthodes de Recherche en SI » - Un éditorial graphique / Research Methods in IS – A graphical editorial.' Systemes d'Information et Management, 23(3) pp. 4-9.

    Sahay, S., Sein, M.K., Urquhart, C. (2017) 'Flipping the context: ICT4D, the next grand challenge for is research and practice.' Journal of the Association of Information Systems, 18(12) pp. 837-847.

    Vodanovich, S., Urquhart, C. (2017) 'ICTs and the computerised Hijab: Women's experiences of ICT in the UAE.' Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 82(1)

    Urquhart, C., Carte, T., Heinzl, A. (2017) 'Time for some changes to ICIS? Reflections on our highest-quality conference.' Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 41pp. 179-197.

    Urquhart, C. (2016) 'Response to Davison and Martinsons: Context is King! Yes and No - It's Still All About Theory Building.' Journal of Information Technology, 31(3) pp. 254-256.

    Tebboune, S., Urquhart, C. (2016) 'Netsourcing strategies for vendors: A resource-based and transaction cost economics perspective.' Journal of Information Technology, 31(1) pp. 32-47.

    Niederman, F., Butler, B.S., Gallupe, R.B., Tan, B.C.Y., Urquhart, C. (2016) 'Electronic pedagogy and future university business models.' Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 38(1) pp. 157-170.

    Diaz Andrade, A., Urquhart, C., Arthanari, T. (2015) 'Seeing for understanding: unlocking the potential of visual research in information systems.' Journal of the Association of Information Systems, 16(8) pp. 646-673.

    Barzilay, O., Urquhart, C. (2014) 'Understanding reuse of software examples: A case study of prejudice in a community of practice.' INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY, 56(12) pp. 1613-1628.

    Wang, R., Scown, P., Urquhart, C., Hardman, J. (2014) 'Tapping the educational potential of Facebook: Guidelines for use in higher education.' Education and Information Technologies, 19(1) pp. 21-39.

    Sulayman, M., Mendes, E., Urquhart, C., Riaz, M., Tempero, E. (2014) 'Towards a theoretical framework of SPI success factors for small and medium web companies.' Information and Software Technology, 56(7) pp. 807-820.

    Pousti, H., Urquhart, C., Linger, H. (2014) 'Exploring the role of social media in chronic care management.' IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 446pp. 163-185.

    Loiacono, E.T., Urquhart, C., Beath, C., Craig, A., Thatcher, J., Vogel, D.R., Zigurs, I. (2013) 'Thirty years and counting: Do we still need the ICIS Women'S Breakfast?.' Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 33(1) pp. 81-96.

    Seidel, S., Urquhart, C. (2013) 'On emergence and forcing in information systems grounded theory studies: The case of Strauss and Corbin.' Journal of Information Technology, 28(3) pp. 237-260.

    Urquhart, C., Fernández, W. (2013) 'Using grounded theory method in information systems: The researcher as blank slate and other myths.' Journal of Information Technology, 28(3) pp. 224-236.

    Hekkala, R., Urquhart, C. (2013) 'Everyday power struggles: Living in an IOIS project.' European Journal of Information Systems, 22(1) pp. 76-94.

    Joia, L.A., Davison, R.M., Andrade, A.D., Urquhart, C. (2012) 'Where are the indigenous ICT for development researchers: Marginalised or uninvited?.' ACM Inroads, 3(4) pp. 94-97.

    Díaz Andrade, A., Urquhart, C. (2012) 'Unveiling the modernity bias: A critical examination of the politics of ICT4D.' Information Technology for Development, 18(4) pp. 281-292.

    Diaz Andrade, A., Urquhart, C. (2012) 'Preface to the Special Issue on the Politics of ICT for Development.' International Journal of E-Politics, 3(3) pp. i-iii.

    Sulayman, M., Urquhart, C., Mendes, E., Seidel, S. (2012) 'Software process improvement success factors for small and medium Web companies: A qualitative study.' INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY, 54(5) pp. 479-500.

    Wang, R., Scown, P., Urquhart, C., Hardman, J. (2012) 'Tapping the educational potential of Facebook: Guidelines for use in higher education.' Education and Information Technologies, pp. 1-19.

    Sawyer, S., Venkatesh, M., Iivari, J., Urquhart, C., Light, B. (2011) 'The social design of information systems.' IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 356 AICTpp. 287-290.

    Andrade, A.D., Urquhart, C. (2010) 'The Role of social connectors in seeking computer-mediated information in rural societies.' Human IT, 11(1) pp. 1-28.

    Diaz Andrade, A., Urquhart, C. (2010) 'Mavens, Mavericks or Social Connectors: Computer-Mediated Information Seeking Behaviour in Rural Societies.' Human IT, 11(1) pp. 1-28.

    Vodanavich, S., Urquhart, C., Shakir, M. (2010) 'Same But Different: Understanding Women's Experience of IT in the UAE.' The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 40(1) pp. 1-21.

    Urquhart, C., Lehmann, H., Myers, M.D. (2010) 'Putting the 'theory' back into grounded theory: guidelines for grounded theory studies in information systems..' Inf. Syst. J., 20pp. 357-381.

    Díaz-Andrade, A., Urquhart, C. (2010) 'The affordances of actor network theory in ICT for development research..' IT & People, 23pp. 352-374.

    Urquhart, C., Underhill Sem, Y. (2009) 'Special issue on ‘ICTs and social inclusion’.' Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, 7

    Urquhart, C., Diaz Andrade, A. (2009) 'ICTs as a Tool for Cultural Dominance: Prospects for a Two-Way Street.' The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 15(2) pp. 108-132.

    Adam, M.S., Urquhart, C. (2009) 'No man is an island: Social and human capital in IT capacity building in the Maldives..' Information and Organization, 19pp. 1-21.

    Urquhart, C., Underhill-Sem, Y. (2009) 'Guest Editorial: ICTs and Social Inclusion.' Journal of Information Communication and Ethics in Society, 7(2-3)

    Urquhart, C., Diaz Andrade, A. (2009) 'The Value of Extended Networks: Information and Communication Technology Intervention in Rural Peru.' Information Technology for Development - Special Issue: Development and the Promise of Technological Change, 15(2) pp. 108-132.

    Urquhart, C., Liyanage, S., Kah, M.M.O. (2008) 'ICTs and poverty reduction: a social capital and knowledge perspective..' JIT, 23pp. 203-213.

    Tan, F.B., Lin, H.J., Urquhart, C. (2006) 'An Exploratory Study of the Design Preferences of U.S. and Chinese Virtual Communities..' IJEBR, 2pp. 46-70.

    Urquhart, C. (2001) 'Analysts and clients in organisational contexts: A conversational perspective.' Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 10(3) pp. 243-262.

    Urquhart, C. (1999) 'Themes in early requirements gathering: The case of the analyst, the client and the student assistance scheme..' IT & People, 12pp. 44-70.

  • Conference papers

    Sheombar, A., Urquhart, C., Kayas, O., Ndhlovu, T. (2018) 'Social Media and Development: Understanding NGO practices and perceptions.' In Annual Workshop of the AIS Special Interest Group for ICT in Global Development. San Francisco, USA,

    Coleman, E., Davison, R., Carter, M., Urquhart, C., Chigona, W. (2018) 'Social Inclusion in the AIS Community: What, Why and How?.'

    Coleman, E., Davison, R., Carter, M., Urquhart, C., Chigona, W. (2018) 'Social Inclusion in the AIS Community: What, Why and How?.'

    Coleman, E., Davison, R., Carter, M., Urquhart, C., Chigona, W. (2018) 'Social Inclusion in the AIS Community: What, Why and How?.'

    Parker, C., Quin, S., Ntounis, N., Millington, S., Medway, D., Urquhart, C., Dargan, E., Keegan, B.J. (2016) 'Improving the customer experience in retail locations: The Game of Towns.' In AR and VR Conference: Perspectives on Business Realities of AR and VR. Dublin Institute of Technology, 27/4/2016 - 28/4/2016.

    Krasnova, H., AbuJarour, S., Fedorowicz, J., Olbrich, S., Tan, C.W., Urquhart, C., Venkatesh, V. (2016) 'Leveraging Technology for Refugee Integration: How Can We Help?.'

    Sheombar, A., Urquhart, C., Ndhlovu, T.P., Ravestyn, P. (2015) 'Social Media in the Context of Development: A Case Study of Dutch NGOs.' In European Conference on Information Systems. 1/1/2015 - 1/1/2015.

    Olbrich, S., Gregor, S., Niederman, F., Trauth, E.M., Urquhart, C. (2013) 'Inclusive design-theory: How to take advantage of diversity in information systems design.' 3. 1/12/2013 - 1/12/2013. pp. 2168-2176.

    Borrero, J.D., Andrade, A.D., Urquhart, C. (2013) 'Social movements on the internet: Together alone or alone together?.' 1/1/2013 - 1/1/2013.

    Pousti, H., Urquhart, C., Burstein, F., Linger, H. (2013) 'Methodological implications of social media as a research setting for IS studies in healthcare: Reflections from a grounded theory study.' 1/1/2013 - 1/1/2013.

    Urquhart, C., Vaast, E. (2012) 'Building social media theory from case studies: A new frontier for is research.' In Thirty Third International Conference on Information Systems. 3. Orlando, 1/12/2012 - 1/12/2012. pp. 2705-2723.

    Hekkala, R., Newman, M., Urquhart, C. (2012) 'Building a substantive theory of emotions from an iois project.' In Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2012. 1/1/2012 - 1/1/2012.

    Tebboune, S., Galliers, R.D., Krcmar, H., Urquhart, C., Bannister, F. (2011) 'Reconsidering information technology and competitive advantage: Is the age of IT as an essential strategic tool now over?.' In European Conference on Information Systems 2011. Helsinki, Finland, 1/6/2011 - 1/6/2011. Tuunainen, V.K., Rossi, M., Nandhakumar, J. (ed.)

    Joia, L.A., Davison, R.M., Díaz-Andrade, A., Urquhart, C., Kah, M.M.O. (2011) 'Self-Marginalized or Uninvited? The Absence of Indigenous Researchers in the Arena of Globalized ICT4D Research..' 1/1/2011 - 1/1/2011. Galletta, D.F., Liang, T.P. (ed.) Association for Information Systems,

    Hekkala, R., Newman, M., Urquhart, C., Heiskanen, A. (2011) 'Emotions in Leadership in an IOIS Project..' In HICSS. 1/1/2011 - 1/1/2011. IEEE Computer Society, pp. 1-10.

    Andrade, A.D., Urquhart, C. (2010) 'Unpacking the politics of ICT4D: Modernity at the expense of political liberty?.' 1. 1/12/2010 - 1/12/2010. pp. 200-208.

    Wang, R., Urquhart, C., Scown, P., Hardman, J. (2010) 'Tapping the educational potential of Facebook: Leveraging social capital and knowledge.' In 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2010, AMCIS 2010. 7. Lima, Peru, 9/9/2010 - 9/9/2010. pp. 5212-5213.

    Hekkala, R., Urquhart, C., Newman, M., Heiskanen, A. (2010) 'Understanding governance issues in an inter-organizational IS project.' 1/12/2010 - 1/12/2010.

    Hardman, J., Paucar-Caceres, A., Urquhart, C., Fielding, A. (2010) 'Predicting students progression using existing university datasets: A random forest application.' 3. 1/12/2010 - 1/12/2010. pp. 1875-1885.

    Wang, R., Urquhart, C., Scown, P., Hardman, J. (2010) 'Tapping the Educational Potential of Facebook: Leveraging Social Capital and Knowledge..' In AMCIS. 1/1/2010 - 1/1/2010. Santana, M., Luftman, J.N., Vinze, A.S. (ed.) Association for Information Systems, pp. 308-308.

    Hardman, J., Paucar-Caceres, A., Urquhart, C., Fielding, A. (2010) 'Predicting Students Progression Using Existing University Datasets: A Random Forest Application..' 1/1/2010 - 1/1/2010. Santana, M., Luftman, J.N., Vinze, A.S. (ed.) Association for Information Systems, pp. 272-272.

    Diaz Andrade, A., Urquhart, (2009) 'Maverick or Maven: The Role of Individual Sense Making in an ICT Intervention in Rural Peru.' In 10th International Conference on Social implications of Computers in Developing Countries. International Federation for Information Processing, Dubai, UAE, 26/5/2009 - 28/5/2009.

    Hekkala, R., Urquhart, C., Heiskanen, A. (2009) 'Growing into the project culture: organisational learning and knowledge work in an inter-organisational IS project.'

    Hekkala, R., Urquhart, C., Iivari, N. (2009) '"Who is in charge and whose rules are followed..?": Power in a inter-organisational IS project..' In ECIS. 1/1/2009 - 1/1/2009. Newell, S., Whitley, E.A., Pouloudi, N., Wareham, J., Mathiassen, L. (ed.) pp. 943-956.

    Alter, S., Halonen, R., Niehaves, B., Sein, M., Urquhart, C., Zhang, P. (2009) 'Panel: Why do we toil? Benefiting research at the cost of practice or vice versa?.' In ECIS. 1/1/2009 - 1/1/2009. Newell, S., Whitley, E.A., Pouloudi, N., Wareham, J., Mathiassen, L. (ed.) pp. 3020-3020.

    Shakir, M., Shen, K., Vodanovich, S., Urquhart, C. (2008) 'Exploring UAE women's experiences with IT.' In European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, EMCIS 2008. 1/12/2008 - 1/12/2008.

    Shakir, M., Shen, K., Vodanovich, S., Urquhart, (2008) 'Exploring Womens Experience of IT in the UAE.' In European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS). Association for Information Systems, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 9/9/2008 - 9/9/2008.

    Vodanovich, S., Urquhart, C., Shakir, M. (2008) 'The promise and perils of ICTs in the UAE.'

    Galletta, D.F., Rodríguez-Abitia, G., Urquhart, C., Currie, W.L. (2008) 'Panel: Encircling the Globe: How can an Association of Information Systems Academics be Truly International?.' In ECIS. 1/1/2008 - 1/1/2008. Golden, W., Acton, T., Conboy, K., Heijden, H.V.D., Tuunainen, V.K. (ed.) pp. 1518-1520.

    Galliers, R.D., Baskerville, R., Lyytinen, K., Urquhart, C., Fitzgerald, B. (2008) 'Panel: Cricket or Baseball?.' In ECIS. 1/1/2008 - 1/1/2008. Golden, W., Acton, T., Conboy, K., Heijden, H.V.D., Tuunainen, V.K. (ed.) pp. 1526-1529.

    Urquhart, C. (2007) 'The Role of Grounded Theory in Qualitative Research.' In IRIS30 Conference. Finland, 11/8/2007 - 14/8/2007.

    Diaz Andrade, A.E., Urquhart, C. (2007) 'The value of extended networks: information and communication technology interventions in rural Peru.'

    Adam, M.S., Urquhart, C. (2007) 'No man is an island: isolation, cooperation and IT capacity building in the Maldives.'

    Men, P.Z., Urquhart, C. (2007) 'Understanding Dynamic Knowledge and Organisational Learning in Supply Chain Integration: The Case of Organisation W..' In PACIS. 1/1/2007 - 1/1/2007. AISeL, pp. 145-145.

    Urquhart, C., Fernandez, W. (2006) 'Grounded Theory Method: The Researcher as Blank Slate and Other Myths..' In ICIS. 1/1/2006 - 1/1/2006. Georgia, United States: Association for Information Systems, pp. 31-31.

    Urquhart, (2005) 'The Role of Theory Building in Qualitative Research.' In QUALIT Conference. Brisbane, Australia, 24/11/2005 - 24/11/2005.

    Bryant, T., Hughes, J., Myers, M.D., Trauth, E., Urquhart, C. (2004) 'Twenty years of applying grounded theory in information systems: A coding method, useful theory generation method, or an orthodox positivist method of data analysis?.' 143. 1/1/2004 - 1/1/2004. pp. 649-651.

    Rowley, J., Banwell, L., Childs, S., Gannon-Leary, P., Urquhart, C., Armstrong, C. (2001) 'Encouraging and Facilitating the Use of EIS..' In EUNIS. 13. 1/1/2001 - 1/1/2001. Knop, J.V., Schirmbacher, P., Mahnic, V. (ed.) GI, pp. 479-484.

    Lee, A.S., Myers, M.D., Paré, G., Urquhart, C., Markus, M.L. (2000) 'Three perspectives: if Markus' 1983 classic study, "power, politics, and MIS implementation, " were being reviewed today (panel)..' In ICIS. 1/1/2000 - 1/1/2000. Ang, S., Krcmar, H., Orlikowski, W.J., Weill, P., DeGross, J.I. (ed.) Association for Information Systems, pp. 724-726.

    Baskerville, R., Sawyer, S., Trauth, E.M., Truex, D.P., Urquhart, C. (1999) 'The Uses and Abuses of Evaluative Criteria for Qualitative Research Methods..' In New Information Technologies in Organizational Processes. 149. 1/1/1999 - 1/1/1999. Ngwenyama, O.K., Introna, L.D., Myers, M.D., DeGross, J.I. (ed.) Kluwer, pp. 293-296.

    Urquhart, C. (1998) 'Analysts and clients in conversation: cases in early requirements gathering..' In ICIS. 1/1/1998 - 1/1/1998. DeGross, J.I., Hirschheim, R., Newman, M. (ed.) Association for Information Systems, pp. 115-127.

    Lamp, J.W., Keen, C., Urquhart, C. (1996) 'Integrating professional skills into the curriculum..' In ACSE. 1. 1/1/1996 - 1/1/1996. Fekete, A., Rosenberg, J. (ed.) ACM, pp. 309-316.

    Urquhart, C. (1995) 'Factors in Analyst - Client Communication in Requirements Definition..' In PACIS. 1/1/1995 - 1/1/1995. Berkeley, CA: AISeL, pp. 37-37.

  • Presentations

    Urquhart, C. (2020) The Truth about Grounded Theory: Myths, Preconceptions, and Why Grounded theory is Useful. [Presentation] Webinar at University of Sheffield,24/6/2020.

  • Theses and dissertations

    Heyes, G. (2016) The potential for sustainable business model innovation : a case study of the airport retail sector in a low-carbon society.

  • Other

    Urquhart, C. (2014) The Case for Sustainable Transformation: The Case of Arizona State University.