Register with a doctor

Access to health services

When you move to Manchester, you’ll need to register with a doctor in your local area as soon as possible.

This will give you quick access to free healthcare assessments and treatment if you need it while you are away from your country of residence.

To find a doctor (known as a general practitioner or GP) when you arrive, use the NHS service search.

Once you have registered, medical practices provide a range of services by appointment, including:

  • medical advice
  • examinations
  • sexual health screenings
  • vaccinations (including COVID-19)
  • prescriptions

Your doctor will refer you to more specialist services if required.

Medical care costs

The National Health Service (NHS) provides medical and dental services in the UK, and the immigration health surcharge partially funds this. If you have a Student Visa, this is a cost that is already paid as part of your visa application. 

If you are a non-EU student on a course of fewer than six months and do not hold a Student Visa, you will need to take out healthcare insurance for the duration of your stay in the UK. Although emergency medical treatment is free for everyone, you may get charged for other NHS services.

If you are an EU or EEA student studying on a course of fewer than six months, please see the latest UK government guidance.

StudentS’ Union Advice Centre

As a student at Manchester Met, you’ll also be able to visit our advice centre for free and independent support on health, physical and mental wellbeing.

What to do next

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