My profile


Carol is Director of Research for the Faculty of Business and Law. She is a Professor of Human Resource Management, researching work and employment and is a member of Decent Work and Productivity, a University Centre for Research and Knowledge Exchange ( She is currently leading the Adult Social Care Learning Lab, part of the ESRC funded Good Employment Learning Lab, and has other projects around gender pay gaps and menopause in the workplace. Carol supervises a number of PhD students and teaches performance management and research methods to UG and PG students.

Carol is a member of the Chartered Association of Business Schools Research Committee, a British Academy of Management Peer Review Fellow and sits on Greater Manchester’s Good Employment Charter Board. She sits on a number of academic journal editorial committee/review boards including Human Resource Management Journal. She is also Special Advisor to the Health and Social Care Committee Expert Panel on its evaluation of the Government’s workforce commitments.

Other academic service (administration and management)

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development Applied Research Conference Steering Committee member

Council Member, Manchester Industrial Relations Society

Fellows Forum Lead at CIPD Manchester Branch

Member, British Academy of Management HRM Special Interest Group Steering Committee

Formerly Director for the Centre of People and Performance

Guest Editor for special issue of Employee Relations

Interests and expertise

My research focuses on how to create good work and employment. In particular, I research:

How to create high quality employment in the adult social care sector, leading a learning lab on this within the ESRC Good Employment Learning Lab (

How to improve work quality by improving gender equality researching for example, gender pay gaps and menopause in the workplace

How to create high quality employment in small and medium sized enterprises, having led a number of projects around this


My research is highly impactful and underpinned a REF2021 impact case study demonstrating how Welsh Government changed legislation on care worker employment as a result of our research (…).

The gender pay gap research informed a report for the Department of Health and Social Care (…) which has, amongst other things, changed the way that Clinical Excellence Awards are made to make them fairer to those who work part-time, often women.

Our small firm research has been instrumental in the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development establishing its People Skills Hub to support small firms in their HR practice (

Finding good work in a crisis

There's a crisis in adult social care affecting almost all developed economies. Research at Manchester Met is casting light on the problem and pointing to some potential solutions.


The image shows someone having taken off their glasses looking tired and struggling at work

Menopause in the workplace

Exploring women’s experiences of menopause transition in the workplace, including the police service and the NHS.

The image shows adult social care worker assisting a patient down stairs in their home

Investigating variation in pay in adult social care

Exploring how local conditions, such as deprivation, and local authority processes for buying care, affect pay variations in adult social care.

A male and female doctor discussing a patient's results

Gender pay gaps in medicine

Analysis to explain the causes of gender pay gaps throughout the medical profession, including by hours, grade, experience and additional payments.

The image shows a nurse holding a patients hand

Delegated healthcare in Greater Manchester

Understanding delegated healthcare – the blended roles of community nurses from the NHS and adult social care workers from private care providers.

This image shows a nurse assisting a person putting a plate of food down on the table where they are sat

Creating an adult social care workforce strategy for Cornwall

Helping Cornwall Council to create an adult social care workforce strategy for its independent sector workforce.

The image shows four nurses chatting and laughing with one another

Women’s health strategy in healthcare

Understanding women’s reproductive health in healthcare employment to support the Well Women Strategy of the Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust.


I teach performance management and research methods to UG and PG students.

I supervise PhD students in the areas of employment quality (particularly in small firms and adult social care) and gender and careers (particularly older workers and menopause in the workplace).


I supervise a number of PhD students and am open to working with others who share my research interests in creating high quality employment.

Research outputs

I am well-published in high quality journals in the areas outlined above.

  • Books (authored/edited/special issues)

    Atkinson, C., Torrington, D., Hall, L., Taylor, S. (2020) Human Resource Management.

    Torrington, D., Hall, L., Taylor, S., Atkinson, C. (2016) Human Resource Management. United Kingdom: Pearson, UK.

    Lucas, R.E., Curtis, S. (2014) Human resource management. CIPD.

    Atkinson, C., Torrington, D., Hall, L., Taylor, S. (2011) Human Resource Management. United Kingdom: Pearson, UK.

    Atkinson, C., Hall, L. (2009) Happiness and High Performance Work Systems in the NHS. Bradford, United Kingdom: Bradford University School of Management.

    Torrington, D., Hall, L., Taylor, S. (2009) Fundamentals of human resource management: managing people at work. Prentice Hall.

  • Chapters in books

    Atkinson, C., Woodhams, C., Parnerkar, I. 'Intersectional inequalities in Medicine.' Diversity and equality. Edward Elgar,

    Atkinson, C., Page, C., Duberley, J. 'Menopause in the Workplace.' Menopause transitions and the workplace: theorising transitions, responsibilities and interventions. Bristol University Press,

    Atkinson, C., Lupton, B. 'HR support to enhance small firm performance, i.' Reframing HRM in SMEs. Palgrave,

    Atkinson, C., Duberley, J., Carmichael, F. 'Menopause transition and workplace well-being.' The Work-life Interface across the Lifecourse. Emerald,

    Woodhams, C., Atkinson, C., Parnerkar, I. (2024) 'Medical careers in the NHS: A case of segregation and disadvantage.' Research Handbook on Inequalities and Work. pp. 385-404.

    Atkinson, C., Lupton, B., Dahwa, C. (2022) 'HRM in small firms: Owner-managers as line managers.' Research Handbook on Line Managers. pp. 184-200.

    Atkinson, C., Lupton, B., Dahwa, C. (2022) 'HRM in small firms: line managers as owner.' Handbook on Line Managers. Edward Elgar,

    Atkinson, C., Woodhams, C., Wilde, S. (2020) 'Gender Pay Gaps.' Handbook of HR Case Studies.

    Atkinson, C. (2020) 'Flexible Working for Older Workers,.' Flexible Work: Designing Our Healthier Future Lives. Taylor and Francis,

    Atkinson, C., Townsend, K. (2020) 'Whose Doctorate is it Anyway? How students and supervisors can work well together.' How to Keep your Doctorate on Track. Edward Elgar,

    Atkinson, C. (2019) 'Generating and measuring impact:insights from research on the quality of working lives.' Handbook of Research Methods on the Quality of Working Lives. pp. 19-32.

    Atkinson, C., Hall, L. (2007) 'Work Organisation and Flexibility.' In Lucas, R., Lupton, B., Mathieson, H. (ed.) HRM in an International Context. London: CIPD, pp. 63-85.

    Atkinson, C., Shaw, S. (2007) 'Managing Performance.' In Lucas, R., Lupton, B., Mathieson, H. (ed.) HRM in an International Context. London: CIPD, pp. 173-193.

  • Reports

    Atkinson, C., Carter, J. Menopause in the Workplace. (published on WMP’s secure intranet, available on request).

    Atkinson, C., Crozier, S., Lewis, E. Factors that affect the recruitment and retention of domiciliary care workers. Shortlisted for ‘Research Project of the Year’ by the Educate North Awards and Conference, March 2016.

    Atkinson, C., Baloyo, M.J., Willocks, K., Black, P. (2024) Creating an adult social care strategy for Cornwall. Manchester Metropolitan University.

    Wilkinson, K., Atkinson, C. (2023) Northern Care Alliance Well Women Strategy: Research into practice on women’s health in the workplace.

    Rouse, J., Willocks, K., Atkinson, C., Lupton, B. (2023) How to develop line managers people management skills, Good Employment Learning lab Evaluation report.

    Dacre, J., Woodhams, C., Atkinson, C., Laliotis, I., Williams, M., Blanden, J., Wild, S., Brown, D. (2020) Independent review into gender pay gaps in medicine in England. Department of Health and Social Care.

    Atkinson, C., Crozier, S., Goodwin, P., Smith, D., Bresnen, M. (2019) Allied Health Professions Workforce Profile Report (published on HEE NW’s secure intranet, available on request).

    Atkinson, C., Crozier, S., Sarwar, A. (2019) Greater Manchester Independent Prosperity Review: Adult Social Care. A technical report for the research on productivity.

    Lupton, B., Atkinson, C., Crowley, E. (2019) Productivity and Place: The Role of LEPS in Raising the Demand for, and use of, Skills at Work. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

    Atkinson, C., Carter, J. (2018) Menopause in the Workplace: West Yorkshire Police.

    Atkinson, C., Carter, J.K. (2017) Menopause in the Workplace: Greater Manchester Police.

    Atkinson, C., Lupton, B., Kynighou, A., Antcliff, V., Carter, J. (2017) An Evaluation of HR Business Support Pilots: People Skills Building Ambition and HR Capability in Small UK Firms. CIPD.

    Atkinson, C., Lupton, B., Kynighou, A., Antcliff, V., Carter, J. (2017) Case Studies: People Skills Deep-Dive SME Vignettes.

    Atkinson, C., Lucas, R., Godden, J. (2009) Employment practices and performance: rewards and incentives and relationship to recruitment, retention and quality of service in adult social care in England.

  • Internet publications

    Atkinson, C., Xiang, H., Meng, Y. Guanxi and High Performance Work Systems in China: Evidence from a State-owned Enterprise (pp. 2685 -2704).

    Atkinson, C., Crozier, S. (2019) Fragmented Time and Domiciliary Care Quality, Employee Relations.

  • Journal articles

    Crozier, S., Atkinson, C. (2024) '‘You’re only a care worker’. Exploring the status of adult social care work through the intersection of HRM innovation and job quality.' International Journal of Human Resource Management,

    Sutton, A., Atkinson, C. (2023) 'Performance at the Cost of Well-being? Testing the multi-level effects of HR practices on organisational performance via employee experiences and well-being.' Evidence-based HRM, 11(4) pp. 675-694.

    Atkinson, C., Xian, H., Meng-Lewis, Y. (2022) 'How work-life conflict affects employee outcomes of Chinese only-children academics: the moderating roles of gender and family structure.' Personnel Review, 51(2) pp. 731-749.

    Atkinson, C., Lupton, B., Kynighou, A., Antcliff, V. (2021) 'Small firms, owner managers and (strategic?) human resource management.' Human Resource Management Journal, 32(2) pp. 449-469.

    Antcliff, V., Lupton, B., Atkinson, C. (2021) 'Why do small businesses seek support for managing people? Implications for theory and policy from an analysis of UK small business survey data.' International Small Business Journal, 39(6) pp. 532-553.

    Atkinson, C., Brewis, J., Beck, V., Davies, A., Duberley, J. (2021) 'Menopause and the workplace: new directions in HRM research and HR practice.' Human Resource Management Journal, 31(1) pp. 49-64.

    Atkinson, C., Carmichael, F., Duberley, J. (2020) 'The Menopause Taboo at Work: Examining Women’s Embodied Experiences of Menopause in the UK Police Service.' Work, Employment and Society, 35(4) pp. 657-676.

    Ford, J.M., Atkinson, C., Harding, N.H., Collinson, D. (2020) 'You just had to get on with it’: exploring the persistence of gender inequality through women’s career histories.' Work, Employment and Society, 35(1) pp. 78-96.

    Atkinson, C., Crozier, S. (2020) 'Fragmented time and domiciliary care quality.' Employee Relations, 42(1) pp. 35-51.

    Atkinson, C., Pareit, E. (2019) 'Psychological Contracts of International Business Travellers.' Personnel Review, 48(7)

    Atkinson, C., Crozier, S., Lucas, R. (2018) 'Workforce Policy and Care Quality in English Long-term Elder Care.' Public Performance and Management Review, 41(4) pp. 859-884.

    Xian, H., Atkinson, C., Meng, Y. (2017) 'Guanxi and High Performance Work Systems in China: Evidence from a State-owned Enterprise.' International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(19) pp. 2685-2704.

    Atkinson, C., Sandiford, P. (2016) 'An exploration of older worker flexible working arrangements in smaller firms.' Human Resource Management Journal, 26(1) pp. 12-28.

    Shipton, H., Sanders, K., Atkinson, C., Frenkel, S. (2016) 'Sense-giving in health care: the relationship between the HR roles of line managers and employee commitment.' Human Resource Management Journal, 26(1) pp. 29-45.

    Atkinson, C., Ford, J., Harding, N., Jones, F. (2015) 'The expectations and aspirations of a late-career professional woman.' Work, Employment and Society, 29(6) pp. 1019-1028.

    Atkinson, C., Mallett, O., Wapshott, R. (2014) '‘You try to be a fair employer’: regulation and employment relationships in medium-sized firms.' International Small Business Journal, 34(1) pp. 16-33.

    Atkinson, C., Lucas, R. (2013) 'Policy and gender in adult social care work.' Public Administration, 91(1) pp. 159-173.

    Atkinson, C., Lucas, R. (2013) 'Worker responses to HR practice in adult social care in England.' Human Resource Management Journal, 23(3) pp. 296-312.

    Atkinson, C., Lucas, R. (2013) 'Policy and gender in adult social care work.' Public Administration,

    Lucas, R., Atkinson, C. (2011) 'Guest editorial.' Employee Relations, 33(2) pp. 214-216.

    Atkinson, C., Hall, L. (2011) 'Flexible working and happiness in the NHS.' Employee Relations, 33(2) pp. 88-105.

    Atkinson, C., Hall, L. (2009) 'The role of gender in varying forms of flexible working.' Gender, Work & Organization, 16(6) pp. 650-666.

    Atkinson, C. (2008) 'An exploration of small firm psychological contracts.' Work, Employment & Society, 22(3) pp. 447-465.

    Atkinson, C. (2007) 'Building high performance employment relationships in small firms.' Employee relations, 29(5) pp. 506-519.

    Atkinson, C. (2007) 'Trust and the psychological contract.' Employee Relations, 29(3) pp. 227-246.

    Atkinson, C., Cuthbert, P. (2006) 'Does one size fit all?: A study of the psychological contract in the UK working population.' International journal of manpower, 27(7) pp. 647-665.

    Hall, L., Atkinson, C. (2006) 'Improving working lives: flexible working and the role of employee control.' Employee Relations, 28(4) pp. 374-386.

    Hall, L., Atkinson, C. (2005) 'Informal or formal: how should you organise flexible working?.' People management, 11(14)

    Atkinson, C., Curtis, S. (2004) 'The impact of employment regulation on the employment relationship in SMEs.' Journal of small business and enterprise development, 11(4) pp. 486-494.

    Atkinson, C., Curtis, S. (2004) 'Not Just a Transaction: Students' Part Time Work and the Psychological Contract.' International Journal of Applied Human Resource Management, 5(2) pp. 116-143.

    Atkinson, C. (2004) 'Why Methods Matter: Researching the Psychological Contract.' Human Resources and Employment Review, 2(2) pp. 111-116.

    Taylor, S., Shaw, S.R., Atkinson, C. (2003) 'Human resource management: managing people in smaller organisations.'

    Atkinson, C. (2003) 'Professional Standards Research: The Psychological Contract.' People Management, 9(15) pp. 43-43.

    Atkinson, C. (2002) 'Career management and the changing psychological contract.' Career Development International, 7(1) pp. 14-23.

    Atkinson, C. (2002) 'Changing the Psychological Contract: Can a Relational Contract Be Sustained Through Organisational Transition?.' Employment Relations Review, 20pp. 26-31.

  • Non-peer reviewed articles / reviews

    Lupton, B., Atkinson, C., Kynighou, A., Antcliff, V., Carter, J. How best to support small businesses with their HR challenges.

  • Conference papers

    Wilkinson, K., Atkinson, C., Schnitzler, K., Crozier, S. (2022) 'Early insights from a ‘women’s health survey’ in the UK healthcare context: Employee experience and line manager challenges.' In Gender, Work and Organization. South Africa, 22/6/2023 -

    Atkinson, C., Woodhams, C. (2022) 'Gender Pay Gaps and perceptions of unfairness,.' In British Academy of Management. University of Manchester, 31/8/2022 - 1/9/2024.

    Atkinson, C., Rivers, L. (2022) 'Values-based recruitment in adult social care,.' In British Academy of Management HRM SIG Conference, , Italy, 13-15 June. University of Prato, Ialy, 13/6/2022 - 15/6/2023.

    Atkinson, C., Duberley, J., Carmichael, F. (2020) 'Gendered Ageing: Examining Women’s Embodied Experiences of Menopause in the UK Police Service.' In Academy of Management. Vancouver, 9/8/2020 - 14/8/2020.

    Duberley, J., Carmichael, F., Atkinson, C. (2019) 'The menopause taboo and work: the impact of menopause on the working lives of women in the police force, ,.' In 31st Annual EAEPE Conference. Warsaw, Poland, 12/9/2019 - 15/9/2019.

    Atkinson, C., Lupton, B., Kynighou, A. (2019) 'How strategic is HRM in small firms? British Academy of Management Conference.' In British Academy of Management Conference. University of Aston, 3/9/2019 - 5/9/2019.

    Atkinson, C., Xian, H., Meng, Y. (2019) 'High Performance Work Systems in China: Evidence from a State-owned Enterprise.' In British Academy of Management Conference. Belfast, 11/9/2014 - 12/9/2019.

    Atkinson, C., Lupton, B., Kynighou, A. (2019) 'Forms of business support for SMEs British Academy of Management.' In HRM SIG Workshop. Birmingham City University, 4/6/2019 -

    Lupton, B., Atkinson, C. (2018) 'The Roles of Local Enterprise Partnerships in Regional Skills Development.' In CIPD Applied Research Conference. Nottingham, 6/12/2018 -

    Atkinson, C., Lupton, B. (2018) 'Addressing the skills utilisation challenge: The knowledge, role, and capability of Local Enterprise Partnerships.' In CIPD Applied Research Conference. Nottingham Trent University, 5/12/2018 - 6/12/2018.

    Atkinson, C., Lupton, B., Kynighou, A., Antcliff, V., Carter, J. (2017) 'People Management Support in Small Firms.' In British Academy of Management. Warwick University, 4/9/2017 - 8/9/2017.

    Atkinson, C., Mouratidou, M., Lupton, B. (2017) 'Exploring the Kaleidoscope Career Model in Austerity.' In Academy of Management Conference. Atlanta, Georgia, 4/8/2017 - 8/8/2017.

    Atkinson, C., Xian, H. (2017) 'Family Structure, Gender and Work-Family Interface: A comparison between one child employees and employees with siblings in China.' In International Labour Process Conference. University of Sheffield, 4/4/2017 - 6/4/2017.

    Atkinson, C., Xian, H., Meng, Y. (2016) 'Career Aspiration, Job Satisfaction and Work-life Balance: A comparison between one-child employees and employees with siblings in China.' In ANZAM Conference. School of Management, QUT Business School, Brisbane, Australia, 6/12/2016 - 9/12/2016.

    Atkinson, C. (2016) 'No one sets out to provide bad care, but you're dragged to it, dragged into the gutter.' In CIPD Conference. London, 1/12/2016 - 1/12/2016.

    Atkinson, C., Crozier, S., Lewis, E. (2016) 'Fragmented time and care quality in Welsh Domiciliary Care, Work, Employment and Society Conference.' In Employment and Society Conference / CIPD Applied Research Conference. University of Leeds / University of Westminster,

    Atkinson, C., Duberley, J., Carmichael, F. (2016) 'The menopause taboo and work: the impact of menopause on the working lives of women in the police force.' In 31st Annual EAEPE Conference / Work2019 Conference / International Association for Feminist Economics / LAEMOS Conference / Employment and Society Conference. Warsaw, Poland / Helsinki, Finland / Glasgow / IAE Business School, Buenos Aires / Belfast, 12/9/2019 - 15/9/2019.

    Mouratidou, M., Atkinson, C., Lupton, B., Antoniadou, M. (2016) 'The career needs of the Crisis.' In University Forum for Human Resource Development. Manchester Metropolitan University, 8/6/2016 - 10/6/2016.

    Mouratidou, M., Atkinson, C., Lupton, B., Antoniadou, M. (2015) 'Exploring careers in austerity through the lens of the KCM: the case of the Hellenic Public Sector.' In British Academy of Management Conference. University of Portsmouth, 8/9/2015 - 10/9/2015.

    Atkinson, C., Sutton, A. (2015) 'HRM and Wellbeing in WERS 2011.' In British Academy of Management Conference. University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK, 8/9/2015 - 10/9/2015.

    Ford, J., Harding, N., Atkinson, C. (2015) 'Power and Difference in Organizations: Turning to Ancient Greek Philosophy, Drama and Mythology in Search of New Meanings.' In 31st European Group for Organisational Studies Colloquium. European Group for Organisational Studies, Athens, Greece, 2/7/2015 - 4/7/2015.

    Atkinson, C., Xian, H., Meng, Y. (2014) 'Guanxi and High Performance Work Systems in China: Evidence from a State-owned Enterprise.' In European Academy of Management Conference. Valencia, Spain, 4/6/2014 - 7/6/2014.

    Sutton, A., Atkinson, C. (2014) 'HR Practices, Well-Being and Performance: An Analysis of WERS 2011.' In British Academy of Management HRM Special Interest Group (SIG)/ESRC Seminar Series. British Academy of Management, Manchester, UK, 8/5/2014 - 9/5/2014.

    Atkinson, C., Wapshott, R., Mallett, O. (2013) 'You Try To Be a Fair Employer: Employment Legislation and Employment Relationships in SMEs.' In Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship. University of Cardiff, UK, 11/11/2013 - 12/11/2013.

    Atkinson, C., Crozier, S., Lucas, R. (2013) 'HR and Performance in English Adult Social Care.' In British Academy of Management. University of Liverpool, UK, 10/9/2013 - 12/9/2013.

    Atkinson, C., Shipton, H., Sanders, K., Frenkl, S. (2013) 'The Other Side of the Mirror: HR Signalling.' In Improving People Performance in Healthcare. Dublin City University, Dublin, Eire, 6/9/2013 - 6/9/2013.

    Atkinson, C., Crozier, S.E., Lucas, R. (2013) 'HR Practice and Performance in Adult Social Care in England.' In CIPD Centres Conference. Staffordshire, UK, 1/1/2013 - 1/1/2013.

    Atkinson, C., Wapshott, R. (2012) 'Responses to Employment Legislation in Smaller Firms.' In British Academy of Management Conference. University of Cardiff, Cardiff, UK, 14/9/2012 - 14/9/2012.

    Atkinson, C., Crozier, S.E., Lucas, R. (2012) 'A Preliminary Investigation of the HR Practice-Performance Link in Adult Social Care.' In BUIRA Conference. Bradford University, UK, 1/1/2012 - 1/1/2012.

    Atkinson, C., Lucas, R. (2011) 'Not Everyone Can Do It: An Exploration of the Adult Social Care Worker Occupation in England.' In British Academy of Management Conference. University of Aston, Birmingham, UK, 13/9/2011 - 13/9/2011.

    Atkinson, C., Lucas, R. (2011) 'A Critical Realist Analysis of Policy and Gender in Adult Social Care Work.' In CIPD Centres Conference. University of Keele, Keele, UK, 23/6/2011 - 23/6/2011.

    Atkinson, C., Lucas, R. (2011) 'Care Worker Responses to HR Practices.' In Performance and Reward Conference. Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK, 5/4/2011 - 5/4/2011.

    Atkinson, C., Lucas, R. (2009) 'The Nature of Reward on Front-Line Adult Social Care Work in England.' In 2nd European Reward and Compensation Conference. University of Brussels, Brussels, 15/11/2009 - 15/11/2009.

    Atkinson, C., Lucas, R. (2009) 'Surprisingly Highly Rewarding: The Experience of Front Line Care Workers in the Adult Social Care Sector in England?.' In British Universities Industrial Relations Association Conference. University of Cardiff, Cardiff, UK, 4/7/2009 - 4/7/2009.

    Atkinson, C., Hall, L. (2009) 'Happiness and HPWS in the NHS.' In Performance and Reward Conference. Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK, 4/4/2009 - 4/4/2009.

    Atkinson, C., Sandiford, P. (2009) 'Flexible Working and Older Workers in SMEs.' In Age Diversity and Age Management Conference. University of Middlesex, London, UK, 15/2/2009 - 15/2/2009.

    Atkinson, C., Hall, L. (2007) 'Flexible Working Practices for Older Workers in SMEs in the North West of England.' In IIRA Conference. University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, 11/9/2007 - 11/9/2007.

    Atkinson, C., Guest, A. (2007) 'Line Manager Implementation of Performance Management Systems.' In Performance and Reward Conference. Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK, 4/4/2007 - 4/4/2007.

    Atkinson, C. (2006) 'Building a High Performance Employment Relationship in Small Firms.' In CIPD Professional Standards Conference. University of Keele, Keele, UK, 24/6/2006 - 24/6/2006.

    Atkinson, C. (2006) 'The Demise of Smack 'Em and Sack 'Em?: Employment Legislation in the Small Firm.' In British Universities Industrial Relations Association Conference. University of Galway, Galway, Eire, 24/6/2006 - 24/6/2006.

    Atkinson, C., Hall, L. (2005) 'Improving Working Lives: Flexible Working and the Role of Employee Control.' In CIPD Professional Standards Conference. University of Keele, Keele, UK, 25/6/2005 - 25/6/2005.

    Atkinson, C., Hall, L. (2005) 'Improving Working Lives: The Role of Gender in Flexible Working.' In Gender, Work and Organisation Conference. University of Keele, Keele, UK, 25/6/2005 - 25/6/2005.

    Hall, L., Atkinson, C. (2005) 'The impact of flexible working on performance.' 6/4/2005 - 6/4/2005.

    Atkinson, C. (2004) 'Employment Regulation: The Impact of Regulation on the Employment Relationship in Small Firms.' In Employment and Society Conference. University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, 12/9/2004 - 12/9/2004.

    Atkinson, C. (2003) 'Exploring the State of the Psychological Contract: The Impact of Research Strategies on Outcomes.' In Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development Professional Standards Conference. University of Keele, Keele, UK, 14/7/2003 - 14/7/2003.

    Atkinson, C., Taylor, S. (2003) 'Personnel Management in Smaller Companies: The Implementation of Policy Structures Within a Negotiated Order.' In 21st Annual Labour Process Conference. University of West of England, Bristol, UK, 14/6/2003 - 14/6/2003.

    Atkinson, C., Curtis, S. (2001) 'The Impact of the Employment Relations Act 1999 on Formality in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises.' In Employment and Society Conference. University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, 12/9/2001 - 12/9/2001.

    Atkinson, C. (2001) 'Can the Relational Psychological Contract be Sustained Through Organisational Transition?.' In Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development Professional Standards Conference. University of Keele, Keele, UK, 4/7/2001 - 4/7/2001.

    Atkinson, C., Curtis, S. (2001) 'Juggling Work and Study: The Effects of Students Taking Part-Time Paid Employment During Term-Time.' In 19th Annual International Labour Process Conference. School of Management, Royal Holloway, University of London, London, UK, 14/3/2001 - 14/3/2001.

    Atkinson, C., Curtis, S. (2001) 'Financial Services and the 'New Psychological Contract'.' In International Research Conference on Service Management. University of Angers, France, 14/3/2001 - 14/3/2001.

    Atkinson, C. (2000) 'Career Management Strategies for a Major UK PLC.' In British Academy of Management Conference. University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, 15/9/2000 - 15/9/2000.

  • Other

    Atkinson, C. (2005) An investigation into the psychological contract in small firms.