My profile


I am a senior lecturer within the Department of Social Care and Social Work, teaching across the department within both Integrated Health and Social Care and Social Work degree pathways. 

I am a social scientist and qualitative researcher and have worked in a research capacity for more than twenty years within and outside of academia. My main research interests lie in the development of creative, participatory and innovative methods to explore lived experiences of ageing and lived experiences of dementia. 

I am the co-lead of the Social Aspects of Ageing Research cluster.

I am a member of the British Society of Gerontology. 

I am an advisory group member on Arts and Humanities Funded project: The CARE Aesthetics: Research Exploration (CARE) project, University of Manchester

I am an advisory group member on the Support to Success programme, The Growth Company. 

What I do

Interests and expertise

My main interests and expertise are in Gerontology and Dementia Studies. 

My work is concerned with inequalities in experiences of ageing and my work takes an intersectional approach. 

I am also interested in embodied and sensory experiences; gender; relationships to place; atmospheres and atmospherics; care settings; care work; work - both formal and informal and relationships to work; everyday life. 

I am a qualitative researcher using methodologies including collaborative participatory approaches, ethnography, sensory and visual approaches to data collection, narrative collection and analysis. I have also developed approaches to embodied and sensory narrative analysis.

I am interested in creative and innovative methodologies and working alongside creative practitioners. 


2019-2025: Various Funders (total £83,000): Uncertain Futures: Exploring Inequalities for Women over 50 in relation to Paid and Unpaid Work. 

This is an interdisciplinary co-produced art-research project working with community leaders and activists, Manchester Art Gallery and colleagues at the University of Manchester.

2024-2025 MMU RKE Accelerator Funding £7,000: A Moment’s-based approach to Dementia Care using creative methodologies (with colleagues at University of Manchester and University of Bristol).

I led the ESRC Transformative Methodologies Project: Multi-Sensory Appearance Biographies. (£8,000)

Previous work has included working as a researcher on the following projects:

  • ESRC/NIHR Neighbourhoods and Dementia study within work package 4: Neighbourhoods: Our People, Our Places study 
  • ESRC Hairdressing, image and bodywork in care services to older people
  • NIHR SDO The transition from cognitive impairment to dementia: older people’s experiences

My PhD, from the University of Manchester (2019) focused on the lived experiences of men with dementia in care environments and focused on the embodied and sensory experiences of everyday life. It explored these experiences in relation to place and gender, using an atmospheric lens.


I teach undergraduate and post graduate degrees.

I teach across the department of Social Work and Social Care:

BA Integrated Health and Social Care (IHSC)

BA Social Work (SW) and BA Social Work Apprentices

MA Social Work (SW)

I lead on a number of units:


Critical Perspectives on Adults

Research Methodologies for Applied Health and Social Science


I supervise MA SW Research Dissertations.


PhD supervision:


ESRC White Rose DTP: Hannah Smee: Exploring perceived barriers to accessing menopause support in teaching and the resultant impact on mental wellbeing; an exploratory sequential mixed-method design.

RCNM: Emma Clarke: The Embodied Voice Artist As Composer. A Practice-based PhD. 


October 2021: Alison Tingle: Cultural citizenship for individual and community well-being: Exploring the impact of cultural activities on older people’s sense of place (UK, Manchester Met VC Studentship and Doctoral Training Alliance Student)

Research outputs


Campbell, S., Clark, A., Keady, J., Manji, K., Odzacovik, E., Rummerty, K., Ward, R., (2023). “‘I can see what’s going on without being nosey…’ : What matters to people living with dementia about home as revealed through visual home tours”. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. Wiley Press.

Campbell, S., Dewhurst, E., Edson, R., Lacy, S., Chaudry, A., Greenhalgh, M., Ghafoor, R., Madzunzu, T., (2023). Gerontology, Art and Activism: Can the intersection of art, social research and community power lead to lasting change?. Special Issue: Interdisciplinary Pathways – Humanities, Art and Gerontology.Oxford University Press.

Dewhurst, E. and Campbell, S., (2023). Covid-heroes left behind: The ‘invisible’ women left struggling to make ends meet. The Conversation. 2 Feb. 2023.

Campbell, S., Dowlen, R., & Fleetwood-Smith, R. (2023). Embracing Complexity Within Creative Approaches to Dementia Research: Ethics, Reflexivity, and Research Practices. International Journal of Qualitative Methods22

Campbell, S. Clark, A. (2023). Making graphic magazines with people living with dementia: the case for participatory dissemination in Urbaniak, A., and Wanka, A. (eds) Routledge International Handbook of Participatory Approaches in Ageing Research. Routledge,

Ahmed, A., Chesterton, L., and Campbell, S. (2022). Age. In Ahmed A., Chesterton L. Duffy, D. (Eds.), Social inequalities. SAGE Publishing: London, UK. [In press]

Clark, A., and Campbell, S., (in press) Can you remember? Leaving and returning to the field in longitudinal research with people living with dementia in Smith, R., and Delamont, S., (in press) Leaving the field? Methodological Insights from Ethnographic Exits. Manchester University Press

Ward R, Rummery K, Odzakovic E, Manji K, Kullberg A, Keady J, Campbell, S.(2022). Taking time: the temporal politics of dementia, care and support in the neighbourhood. Ageing and Society. Cambridge University Press.

Clark, A., Campbell, S., Keady, J., Kullberg, A., Manji, K., Odzakovic, E., Rummery, K., Ward, R., Understanding the meaning of neighbourhoods for people living with dementia: the value of a relational lens (2021) in Ward, R., Clark,A., Phillpson, L., (2021) Dementia and Place Dementia and Place: Practices, Experiences and Connections. Bristol: Policy Press.

Odzakovic, E., Kulberg,A., Hellström, I., Clark,A., Campbell, S.,  Manji, K., Rummery, K., Keady,J., Ward R., (2021). Making and maintaining neighbourhood connections when living alone with dementia. in Ward, R., Clark,A., Phillpson, L., (2021) Dementia and Place Dementia and Place: Practices, Experiences and Connections. Bristol: Policy Press.

Ward, R., Keady, J., Kullberg, A., Manji, K., Odzakovic, E., Rummery, K., Clark, A., Campbell, S., Enabling the neighbourhood: a case for rethinking dementia-friendly communities. Making and maintaining neighbourhood connections when living alone with dementia. in Ward, R., Clark,A., Phillpson, L., (2021) Dementia and Place Dementia and Place: Practices, Experiences and Connections. Bristol: Policy Press.

Ward, R., Rummery, K., Odzakovid, E., Manji, K., Kullberg, A., Keady, J., Clark, A., and Campbell, S. (2021) “Beyond the shrinking world: dementia, localisation and neighbourhood”, Ageing and Society. Cambridge University Press, pp. 1–22. doi: 10.1017/S0144686X21000350. SNIP 1.15; SJR 0.76; Impact Factor 1.39.

Hagan, R. J. and Campbell, S. (2021) ‘Doing their damnedest to seek change: How group identity helps people with dementia confront public stigma and maintain purpose’, Dementia. doi: 10.1177/1471301221997307.  SNIP 1.04; SJR 0.83; Impact Factor 1.77

Keady, J,D. Campbell, S., Clark, A., Dowlen, R., Elvish, R., Jones, L., Kindell, J., Swarbrick, C., Williams, S. (2020). Re-thinking and re-positioning ‘being in the moment’ within a continuum of moments: introducing a new conceptual framework for dementia studies. Ageing and Society. pp.1-22. SNIP 1.15; SJR 0.76; Impact Factor 1.39

Clark, A., Campbell, S., Keady, J., Kullberg, A., Manji, K., Rummery, K. and Ward, R., 2020. Neighbourhoods as relational places for people living with dementia. Social Science & Medicine, 252, p.112927. SNIP 1.74 SJR 1.91 Impact Factor 2.80

Campbell, S., Clark, A., Keady, J., Kullberg, A., Manji, K., Rummery, K., & Ward, R. (2019). Participatory social network map making with family carers of people living with dementia. Methodological Innovations.

Ward, R., Clark, A., Campbell, S., Graham, B., Kullberg, A., Manji, K., Rummery, K. and Keady, J., 2018. The lived neighbourhood: understanding how people with dementia engage with their local environment. International psychogeriatrics30(6), pp.867-880.

Campbell,S., and Ward, R., (2018). Video and observation data as a method to document practice and performances of gender in the dementia care-based hair salon in (eds) Keady, J., Hydén, L-C., Johnson, A., Swarbrick, C., (in press). Social Research Methods in Dementia Studies: Inclusion and Innovation. Routledge.

Campbell, S., Ponsillo, N., Budd, P., and Keady, J., 2017. “Music in Mind” and Manchester Camerata: an exploratory qualitative evaluation of engagement in one care home in Northwest England. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults18(1), pp.69-80.

Campbell, S. (2017). Leni Marshall , Age Becomes US: Bodies and Gender in Time, State University of New York Press, Albany, New York, 2015, 202 pp., hbk US $75.00, ISBN 13: 978-1-4384-5697-3. Ageing and Society, 37(1), 213-214. doi:10.1017/S0144686X16001161

Ward,R. Campbell,S. Keady, J. (2016). Assembling the salon: Learning from alternative forms of body work in dementia care. Sociology of Health and Illness.

Campbell, S., Manthorpe, J., Samsi, K., Abley, C., Robinson, L., Watts, S., Bond, J. and Keady, J., (2016). Living with uncertainty: Mapping the transition from pre-diagnosis to a diagnosis of dementia. Journal of Aging Studies, 37, pp.40-47.

Campbell,S. Buse, C.E. Twigg,J. Keady,J. Ward,R. (2015). Appearance Matters: It’s integral to our sense of self. Journal of Dementia Care. Vol 23.2. March/April.

Ward, R.,Campbell, S. & Keady, J (2014). ‘Once I had money in my pocket, I was every colour under the sun’: Using ‘appearance biographies’ to explore the meanings of appearance for people with dementia. J Aging Stud, 30(+), 64-72.

Ward, R., and Campbell,S.. (2013). An ethics journey. In: Carey, M., and Green, L. Practical Social Work Ethics: Complex Dilemmas in Applied Social Care . Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate Publishing.

Ward,R & Campbell,S. (2013).  Mixing methods to explore appearance in dementia care. Dementia. Sage. First published on-line 23 February 2013.

Samsi, K., Abley, C., Campbell, S., Keady, J., Manthorpe, J., Robinson, L., Watts, S. and Bond, J., (2014). Negotiating a Labyrinth: experiences of assessment and diagnostic journey in cognitive impairment and dementia. International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 29(1), pp.58-67.

Abley, C., Manthorpe, J., Bond, J., Keady, J., Samsi, K., Campbell, S., Watts, S. and Robinson, L., (2013). Patients’ and carers’ views on communication and information provision when undergoing assessments in memory services. Journal of health services research & policy, 18(3), pp.167-173.

Campbell, S., (2012). A close shave: masculinity and bodywork in dementia care. Graduate Journal of Social Science, 9(3), pp.87-95.

Campbell,S. Ward,R.Haughain,B.; Parker,M. (2012). Introducing the Hair and Care Project: Sharing good practice on appearance-related support for people with dementia. Journal of Dementia Care. Nov/Dec 2012.

Keady, J., Campbell, S., Barnes, H., Ward, R., Li, X., Swarbrick, C., Burrow, S. and Elvish, R. (2012). Neighbourhoods and dementia in the health and social care context: a realist review of the literature and implications for UK policy development. Reviews in Clinical Gerontology. 22, 150-163

Ward,R. Howarth,M. Wilkinson,H Campbell,S. & Keady,J. (2012). Supporting the friendships of people with dementia. Dementia. The international journal of social research and practice, 11(3), 287-303.

Samsi,K. Abley, C. Campbell,S. Bond,J. Keady,J. Watts,S, Robinson,L. Manthorpe,G. (in press) (2011). Placing the person at the centre in the diagnosis of dementia. Journal of Dementia Care, 19(3),

Robinson,L. Gemski,A. Abley,C. Bond,J. Keady,J. Campbell,S. Samsi,K. Manthorpe,J. (2011). The transition to dementia - individual and family experiences of receiving a diagnosis. A review. International Psychogeriatrics, pp 1-18.

Ward, R. Campbell,S. Kehoe, P. Raja,A. Hardman,P. Inchbold,D. (2011). Remember the body: promoting physical health in dementia care. Journal of Dementia Care. March/April 2011 Vol 19 No. 2. P26-29.

Boyce, M, Munn-Giddings, C. Smith, L, Campbell,S. (2010). Innovatory features and challenges facing mental health user-led organisations. Mental Health Review Journal. 15(2), 34-42.

Munn-Giddings,C. Boyce, M. Smith, L, & Campbell, S. (2009), The innovative role of user-led organisations.  A life in the Day. Vol 13 (3), August 2009. Pavillion Publishing, Brighton.