My profile


Dr. Peng Wang is a Lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University. Before that, he worked in the UK, France, and China on a variety of projects. He worked as part of teams to deliver projects funded by EPSRC, UKRI, NSF, NSFC, and EU Horizon 2020. His research focuses on deep learning and Gaussian process in image and time-series data processing, with a specific interest in quantifying the uncertainty of different models; Autonomous driving methods based on LiDAR, computer vision, and GPS, etc., with the purpose of developing trustworthy solutions. Most recently, he has been interested in human-robot collaboration, which is one of the hot-spots and a good combination of his expertise.

Interests and expertise


  1. Human-robot Interaction;
  2. Autonomous Driving in Uncertain Environments;
  3. Indoor Mobile Robots Navigation;
  4. LiDAR/IMU/GPS/Computer Vision based SLAM, Localisation, etc. 


  1. Salable and Trustworthy Machine Learning Models (Gaussian Process, Deep Learning) ;
  2. Large Scale Traffic Data Forecasting and Urban Air Quality Monitoring.


  1. Digital Twin for Safe Collaborative Manufacturing;
  2. IoT Solutions for Steel Manufacturing.


  1.   Constructing accurate 3D human with deep learning in digital twin environments for safe human-robot collaboration, PI, and Ongoing
  • If you are interested in being a student RA, please contact me: via
  • Skills expected: Unity, ROS, Machine learning
  1.  Water/air quality monitoring feasibility study, PI, and ongoing
  • If you are interested in being a student RA, please contact me: via
  • Skills expected: Machine learning


MSc - Artificial Intelligence Principles - Semester 1

MSc - Robotic Science and Systems -  Semester 2

BSc - Graduate Skills - Semester 1

BSc - Team Project -  Semester 2

Artificial Intelligence

From driverless cars to voice recognition, Artificial Intelligence (AI), is progressing rapidly and has become part of our everyday lives. With the research and development of new technologies, AI is …


I accept project students from Undergraduate to Postgraduate across a variety of topics:

1. Robotics (Navigation, localization, object detection, etc.)

2. Human-robot collaboration (Computer vision, natural language processing, etc.)

3. Machine learning (Time series data prediction, image processing)

4. Deep learning (Time series data prediction, image processing)

You can also propose your own topics.

Research outputs

Journal Articles

2021   Wang,P., Mihaylova, L., Chakraborty, R., Munir, S., Mayfield, M., Alam, K., Khokhar, M.F., Zheng, Z., Jiang, C. and Fang, H. “A Gaussian Process Method with Uncertainty Quantification for Air Quality Monitoring.” Atmosphere, 12(10), 1344–1362.

2021   Wang,P., Mihaylova, L., Bonnifait, P., Xu, P. and Jiang, J. “Feature-refined Box Particle Filtering for Autonomous Vehicle Localisation with OpenStreetMap.” EngineeringApplicationsofArtificialIntelligence105, 104445–104458.

2021   Wang,P., Mihaylova, L., Munir, S., Chakraborty, R., Wang, J., Mayfield, M., Alam, K., Khokhar, M.F. and Coca, D. “A Computationally Efficient Symmetric Diagonally Dominant Matrix Projection-based Gaussian Process Approach.” SignalProcessing183, 108034–108047.

2021   Altuwayjiri, A.H., Bloss, W.J., Harrison, R.M., Mihaylova, L., Molina, L.T., Aravena, A.M.O., Pfrang, C., Schauer, J., Slater, J., Srivastava, D., Styring, P., Wallinton, T., Wang, P.and Watson, J. “General Discussion: Trends in Emissions Concentrations. ” FaradayDiscussions226, 100–111.

2021    Bloss, W., Brimblecombe, P., Chen, Y., Coe, H., Gani, S., Gen, M., Grimmond, S., Harrison, R., McFiggans, G., Mihaylova, L., Pfrang, C., Shi, Z., Slater, J., Srivastava, D., Styring, P., Velasco, E., Wang, P.and Yu, J. “General Discussion: Urban Air Quality; Meteorological Influences and Air Quality Trends.” FaradayDiscussions226, 191-206.

2020   Jiang, J., Wang, J., Wang,P., Bao, P. and Chen, Z. “Lipmatch: Lidar Point Cloud Plane Based Loop-closure.” IEEERoboticsandAutomationLetters5(4), 6861-6868.

2020   Wang, J., Wang,P., Dai, D., Xu, M. and Chen, Z. “Regression Forest Based Rgb-d Visual Relocalization Using Coarse-to-fine Strategy.” IEEERoboticsandAutomationLetters5(3), 4431-4438.

2019   Zhang, Q., Wang,P.and Chen, Z. “An Improved Particle Filter for Mobile Robot Localization Based on Particle Swarm Optimization.” ExpertSystemswithApplications135, 181-193.

2019   Kim, Y., Wang, P.and Mihaylova, L. “Scalable Learning with a Structural Recurrent Neural Network for Short-term Traffic Prediction.” IEEESensorsJournal19(23), 11359-11366.

2019   Jiang, J., Wang, J., Wang,P.and Chen, Z. “POU-SLAM: Scan-to-model Matching Based on 3d Voxels.” AppliedSciences9(19), 4147–4161.

2019   Zhang, Q., Wang,P.and Chen, Z. “Mobile Robot Pose Estimation By Qualitative Scan Matching with 2d Range Scans.” JournalofIntelligentFuzzySystems36(4), 3235-3247.

2018   Rehman, S.U., Chen, Z., Raza, M., Wang,P.and Zhang, Q. “Person Re-identification Post-rank Optimization Via Hypergraph-based Learning.” Neurocomputing287, 143-153.

2018   Wang, J., Wang, P.and Chen, Z. “A Novel Qualitative Motion Model Based Probabilistic Indoor Global Localization Method.” InformationSciences429, 284-295.

2018   Raza, M., Chen, Z., Rehman, S., Wang,P.and Wang, J. “Framework for Estimating Distance and Dimension Attributes Of Pedestrians in Real-time Environments Using Monocular Camera.” Neurocomputing275, 533-545.

2018   Raza, M., Chen, Z., Rehman, S., Wang,P.and Bao, P. “Appearance Based Pedestrians’ Head Pose and Body Orientation Estimation Using Deep Learning.” Neurocomputing272, 647-659.

2017   Qu, W., Chen, Z., Wang,P.and Sun, J. “A Grey Qualitative Based Approach for Environmental Information Analysis.” JournalofGreySystem29(2), 1–7.

2017   Zhang, Q., Wang,P.and Chen, Z. “Velocity Space Based Concurrent Obstacle Avoidance and Trajectory Tracking for Mobile Robots.” ControlandDecision32(2), 358-362.

2016   Dong, G., Chen, Z., Wei, J., Zhang, C. and Wang,P.“An Online Model-based Method for State Of Energy Estimation Of Lithium-ion Batteries Using Dual Filters.” JournalofPowerSources301, 277-286.

2015   Wang,P., Zhang, Q. and Chen, Z. “Feature Extension and Matching for Mobile Robot Global Localization.” JournalofSystemsEngineeringandElectronics26(4), 840-846.

2015   Wang,P., Zhang, Q. and Chen, Z. “A Grey Probability Measure Set Based Mobile Robot Position Estimation Algorithm.” InternationalJournalofControl,AutomationandSystems13(4), 978-985.

2015   Wang,P., Li, S., Lv, Y. and Chen, Z. “Grey Qualitative Modeling and Control Method for Subjective Uncertain Systems.” InternationalJournalofAutomationandComputing12(1), 70-76.

2015   Sun, J., Chen, Z., Wang,P., Zhang, Q. and Bao, P. “Multi-region Coverage Method Based on Cost Map and Minimal Tree for Mobile Robot.” Robot37(4), 435-442.

2013   Li, S., Wang,P.and Chen, Z. “Artificial Potential Field Without Traps Based on Gray Qualitative Theory.” ControlandDecision28(6), 879-883.

2012   Li, S., Wang, P.and Chen, Z. “An Environment Model for Mobile Robot: Grey Qualitative Map.” Robot 34(4), 476-484.

Conference Proceedings

2021   Wang, S., Wang,P., Mihaylova, L. and Hill, M. “Real-time Activation Pattern Monitoring and Uncertainty Characterisation in Image Classification.” Proceedingsofthe2021IEEE24thInternationalConferenceonInformationFusion(FUSION). November 2021. 1–7.

2021   Lin, Y., Wang, P., Muroiwa, R., Pike, S. and Mihaylova, L. “Image Fusion for Remote Sizing of Hot High Quality Steel Sections.” Proceedingsofthe2021UKWorkshoponComputational Intelligence.September 2021, 357-368.

2021   Zhu, Y., Wang, P.and Mihaylova, L. “A Convolutional Neural Network Combined with a Gaussian Process for Speed Prediction in Traffic Networks.” Proceedingsofthe2021IEEE InternationalConferenceonMultisensorFusionandIntegrationforIntelligentSystems(MFI). September 2021. 1–7.

2020   Wang, J., Dai, D., Wang,P., Zhao, H., Xu, M. and Chen, Z. “Geometrical Features based Visual Relocalization for Indoor Service Robot.” Proceedingsofthe2020InternationalConferenceonCommunication,ImageandSignalProcessing(CCISP). November 2020, 118–122.

2020   Wang,P., Bouaynaya, N.C., Mihaylova, L., Wang, J., Zhang, Q. and He, R. “Bayesian Neural Networks Uncertainty Quantification with Cubature Rules.” Proceedingsofthe2020InternationalJointConferenceonNeuralNetworks(IJCNN). July 2020. 1–7.

2020   Wang,P., Lin, Y., Muroiwa, R., Pike, S. and Mihaylova, L. “A Weighted Variance Approach for Uncertainty Quantification in High Quality Steel Rolling.” Proceedingsofthe2020IEEEInternationalConferenceonInformationFusion(FUSION). July 2020, 1–7.

2019    Offor, K.J., Wang, P. and Mihaylova, L. “Multi-Model Bayesian Kriging for Urban Traffic State Prediction.” Proceedings of the 2019 Sensor Data Fusion: Trends, Solutions, Applications (SDF). October 2019. 1–6.

2019   Wang, P., Lin, Y., Muroiwa, R., Pike, S. and Mihaylova, L. “Computer Vision Methods for Automating High Temperature Steel Section Sizing in Thermal Images.” Proceedingsofthe 2019SensorDataFusion: Trends,Solutions,Applications(SDF). October 2019. 1–6.

2019    Kim, Y., Wang, P.and Mihaylova, L. “Structural Recurrent Neural Network for Traffic Speed Prediction.” Proceedingsofthe2019IEEEInternationalConferenceonAcoustics,Speechand SignalProcessing(ICASSP). May 2019. 5207–5211.

2018   Wang, P., Xu, P., Bonnifait, P. and Jiang, J. “Box Particle Filtering for SLAM with Bounded Errors.” Proceedingsofthe2018InternationalConferenceonControl,Automation,Roboticsand Vision(ICARCV)). November 2018, 1032–1038.

2018   Kim, Y., Wang, P., Zhu, Y. and Mihaylova, L. “A Capsule Network for Traffic Speed Prediction in Complex Road Networks.” Proceedingsofthe2018SensorDataFusion:Trends,Solutions,Applications(SDF). October 2018. 1–6.

2018    Wang,P., Kim, Y., Vaci, L., Yang, H. and Mihaylova, L. “Short-term Traffic Prediction with Vicinity Gaussian Process in The Presence Of Missing Data.” Proceedings of the 2018 Sensor Data Fusion:Trends, Solutions, Applications (SDF). October 2018. 1–6.

2017   Zhang, Q., Wang, P., Bao, P. and Chen, Z. “Mobile Robot Global Localization Using Particle Swarm Optimization with a 2D Range Scan.” Proceedingsofthe2017InternationalConferenceonRoboticsandArtificialIntelligence(ICRAI). December 2017. 105–109.

2017   Ge, Z., Wang,P., Wang, J. and Chen, Z. “A 2.5 D Grids Based Moving Detection Methodology for Autonomous Vehicle.” Proceedingsofthe2017InternationalConferenceonRoboticsandAutomationEngineering(ICRAE). December 201, 403-407.

2017   Wang, C., Li, R., Wang,P.and Chen, Z. “Partition Cost-sensitive CART Based on Customer Value for Telecom Customer Churn Prediction.” Proceedingsofthe2017ChineseControlConference(CCC). July 2017. 5680–5684.

2016    Li, R., Wang,P. and Chen, Z. “A Feature Extraction Method Based on Stacked Auto-encoder for Telecom Churn Prediction.” Proceedings of the 2016 Theory, methodology, tools andapplications for modeling and simulation of complex systems. January 2016. 568–576.

2016   Wang,P., Chen, Z., Zhang, Q. and Sun, J. “A Loop Closure Improvement Method Of Gmapping for Low Cost and Resolution Laser Scanner.” IFAC-PapersOnLine.49(12), 168–173.

2013   Wang,P., Zhang, Q. and Chen, Z. “Gray-dynamic EKF for Mobile Robot SLAM in Indoor Environment.” Proceedingsofthe2013IEEEConferenceonRobotics,AutomationandMechatronics(RAM). November 2013. 43-48.

  • Journal articles

    Zeb, B., Alam, K., Huang, Z., Öztürk, F., Wang, P., Mihaylova, L., Khokhar, M.F., Munir, S. (2024) 'In-depth characterization of particulate matter in a highly polluted urban environment at the foothills of Himalaya–Karakorum Region.' Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 31(24) pp. 35705-35726.

    Wang, S., Zhang, J., Wang, P., Law, J., Calinescu, R., Mihaylova, L. (2024) 'A deep learning-enhanced Digital Twin framework for improving safety and reliability in human–robot collaborative manufacturing.' Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 85

    Lin, Y., Wang, P., Wang, Z., Ali, S., Mihaylova, L. (2023) 'Correction: Towards automated remote sizing and hot steel manufacturing with image registration and fusion (Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, (2023), 10.1007/s10845-023-02251-9).' Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing,

    Lin, Y., Wang, P., Wang, Z., Ali, S., Mihaylova, L. (2023) 'Towards automated remote sizing and hot steel manufacturing with image registration and fusion.' Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing,

    Ahmad, M., Hussain, K., Nasir, J., Huang, Z., Alam, K., Liaquat, S., Wang, P., Hussain, W., Mihaylova, L., Ali, A., Farhan, S.B. (2022) 'Air Quality Assessment along China-Pakistan Economic Corridor at the Confluence of Himalaya-Karakoram-Hindukush.' Atmosphere, 13(12)

    Wang, P., Mihaylova, L., Chakraborty, R., Munir, S., Mayfield, M., Alam, K., Khokhar, M.F., Zheng, Z., Jiang, C., Fang, H. (2021) 'A gaussian process method with uncertainty quantification for air quality monitoring.' Atmosphere, 12(10)

    Wang, P., Mihaylova, L., Bonnifait, P., Xu, P., Jiang, J. (2021) 'Feature-refined box particle filtering for autonomous vehicle localisation with OpenStreetMap.' Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 105

    Wang, P., Mihaylova, L., Munir, S., Chakraborty, R., Wang, J., Mayfield, M., Alam, K., Khokhar, M.F., Coca, D. (2021) 'A computationally efficient symmetric diagonally dominant matrix projection-based Gaussian process approach.' Signal Processing, 183

    Jiang, J., Wang, J., Wang, P., Bao, P., Chen, Z. (2020) 'LiPMatch: LiDAR Point Cloud Plane Based Loop-Closure.' IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 5(4) pp. 6861-6868.

    Wang, J., Wang, P., Dai, D., Xu, M., Chen, Z. (2020) 'Regression Forest Based RGB-D Visual Relocalization Using Coarse-to-Fine Strategy.' IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 5(3) pp. 4431-4438.

    Kim, Y., Wang, P., Mihaylova, L. (2019) 'Scalable Learning with a Structural Recurrent Neural Network for Short-Term Traffic Prediction.' IEEE Sensors Journal, 19(23) pp. 11359-11366.

    Zhang, Q.B., Wang, P., Chen, Z.H. (2019) 'An improved particle filter for mobile robot localization based on particle swarm optimization.' Expert Systems with Applications, 135pp. 181-193.

    Jiang, J., Wang, J., Wang, P., Chen, Z. (2019) 'POU-SLAM: Scan-to-model matching based on 3D voxels.' Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 9(19)

    Jiang, J., Wang, J., Wang, P., Chen, Z. (2019) 'POU-SLAM: Scan-to-Model Matching Based on 3D Voxels.'

    Zhang, Q., Wang, P., Chen, Z. (2019) 'Mobile robot pose estimation by qualitative scan matching with 2d range scans.' Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 36(4) pp. 3235-3247.

    Rehman, S.U., Chen, Z., Raza, M., Wang, P., Zhang, Q. (2018) 'Person re-identification post-rank optimization via hypergraph-based learning.' Neurocomputing, 287pp. 143-153.

    Wang, J., Wang, P., Chen, Z. (2018) 'A novel qualitative motion model based probabilistic indoor global localization method.' Information Sciences, 429pp. 284-295.

    Raza, M., Chen, Z., Ur Rehman, S., Wang, P., Wang, J.K. (2018) 'Framework for estimating distance and dimension attributes of pedestrians in real-time environments using monocular camera.' Neurocomputing, 275pp. 533-545.

    Raza, M., Chen, Z., Rehman, S.U., Wang, P., Bao, P. (2018) 'Appearance based pedestrians’ head pose and body orientation estimation using deep learning.' Neurocomputing, 272pp. 647-659.

    Xu, Z., Wang, P., Chen, Z. (2017) 'A two-stage feature selection method based on Fisher’s ratio and prediction risk for telecom customer churn prediction.' Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, 47(8) pp. 686-694.

    Zhang, Q.B., Wang, P., Chen, Z.H. (2017) 'Velocity space based concurrent obstacle avoidance and trajectory tracking for mobile robots.' Kongzhi yu Juece/Control and Decision, 32(2) pp. 358-362.

    Qu, W., Chen, Z., Wang, P., Sun, J. (2017) 'A grey qualitative based approach for environmental information analysis.' Journal of Grey System, 29(2) pp. 1-13.

    Dong, G., Chen, Z., Wei, J., Zhang, C., Wang, P. (2016) 'An online model-based method for state of energy estimation of lithium-ion batteries using dual filters.' Journal of Power Sources, 301pp. 277-286.

    Wang, P., Zhang, Q.B., Chen, Z.H. (2015) 'A grey probability measure set based mobile robot position estimation algorithm.' International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 13(4) pp. 978-985.

    Sun, J., Chen, Z., Wang, P., Zhang, Q., Bao, P. (2015) 'Multi-region coverage method based on cost map and minimal tree for mobile robot.' Jiqiren/Robot, 37(4) pp. 435-442.

    Wang, P., Li, S.J., Lv, Y., Chen, Z.H. (2015) 'Grey qualitative modeling and control method for subjective uncertain systems.' International Journal of Automation and Computing, 12(1) pp. 70-76.

    Sun, J., Wang, P., Chen, Z. (2015) 'Adaptive Hough transform based on sample distributions.' Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, 45(1) pp. 48-55.

    Li, S.J., Wang, P., Chen, Z.H. (2013) 'Artificial potential field without traps based on grey qualitative theory.' Kongzhi yu Juece/Control and Decision, 28(6) pp. 879-883.

    Li, S., Wang, P., Chen, Z. (2012) 'An environment model for mobile robot: Grey qualitative map.' Jiqiren/Robot, 34(4) pp. 476-484.

  • Conference papers

    Carr, C., Wang, P., Wang, S. (2024) 'A Human-friendly Verbal Communication Platform for Multi-Robot Systems: Design and Principles.'

    Wang, S., Wang, P., Mihaylova, L., Hill, M. (2021) 'Real-time Activation Pattern Monitoring and Uncertainty Characterisation in Image Classification.'

    Zhu, Y., Wang, P., Mihaylova, L. (2021) 'A Convolutional Neural Network Combined with a Gaussian Process for Speed Prediction in Traffic Networks.'

    Wang, J., Dai, D., Wang, P., Zhao, H., Xu, M., Chen, Z. (2020) 'Geometrical Features based Visual Relocalization for Indoor Service Robot.' pp. 118-122.

    Wang, P., Lin, Y., Muroiwa, R., Pike, S., Mihaylova, L. (2020) 'A weighted variance approach for uncertainty quantification in high quality steel rolling.'

    Wang, P., Bouaynaya, N.C., Mihaylova, L., Wang, J., Zhang, Q., He, R. (2020) 'Bayesian Neural Networks Uncertainty Quantification with Cubature Rules.'

    Wang, P., Lin, Y., Muroiwa, R., Pike, S., Mihaylova, L. (2019) 'Computer Vision Methods for Automating High Temperature Steel Section Sizing in Thermal Images.'

    Offor, K.J., Wang, P., Mihaylova, L. (2019) 'Multi-Model Bayesian Kriging for Urban Traffic State Prediction.'

    Kim, Y., Wang, P., Mihaylova, L. (2019) 'Structural Recurrent Neural Network for Traffic Speed Prediction.' 2019-May. pp. 5207-5211.

    Wang, P., Xu, P., Bonnifait, P., Jiang, J. (2018) 'Box Particle Filtering for SLAM with Bounded Errors.' pp. 1032-1038.

    Wang, P., Kim, Y., Vaci, L., Yang, H., Mihaylova, L. (2018) 'Short-Term Traffic Prediction with Vicinity Gaussian Process in the Presence of Missing Data.'

    Kim, Y., Wang, P., Zhu, Y., Mihaylova, L. (2018) 'A Capsule Network for Traffic Speed Prediction in Complex Road Networks.'

    Zhang, Q., Wang, P., Bao, P., Chen, Z. (2017) 'Mobile robot global localization using particle swarm optimization with a 2D range scan.' pp. 105-109.

    Wang, C., Li, R., Wang, P., Chen, Z. (2017) 'Partition cost-sensitive CART based on customer value for Telecom customer churn prediction.' pp. 5680-5684.

    Ge, Z., Wang, P., Wang, J., Chen, Z. (2017) 'A 2.5D grids based moving detection methodology for autonomous vehicle.' 2017-December. pp. 403-407.

    Wang, P., Chen, Z., Zhang, Q., Sun, J. (2016) 'A loop closure improvement method of Gmapping for low cost and resolution laser scanner.' 49. pp. 168-173.

    Li, R., Wang, P., Chen, Z. (2016) 'A feature extraction method based on stacked auto-encoder for telecom churn prediction.' 643. pp. 568-576.

    Wang, P., Zhang, Q., Chen, Z. (2013) 'Gray-dynamic EKF for mobile robot SLAM in indoor environment.' pp. 43-48.

Career history

2021 -

Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK.

Lecturer, Department of Computing and mathematics.


The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.

Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of  Automatic Control and Systems Engineering.


The University of Technology of Compiègne, Compiègne, France.

Postdoctoral Researcher, Heuristics and Diagnosis of Complex Systems (Heudiasyc).


United Laboratory between the University of Science and Technology of China and E-THINK, Hefei, China

Deputy Director, University of Science and Technology of China.